View Full Version : Pro Tog, Cheap Camera, No Probs!

24-07-2012, 9:57am
I just love this video done by Digital Rev where they give a pro photographer a really cheap camera with no manual controls, a flash, and a challenge...


Youtube link: http://youtu.be/zh6zr3wKRV0

Just Taken
25-07-2012, 8:41pm
i love this series they have goin with this im subscribed to digitalrev

so impressed with the out come of the photo's ... just goes to show its not the equipment but the photographer

25-07-2012, 8:54pm
Yeah .. I thought it was funny too.

I don't regularly go out of my way to watch DR's videos but when they pop up here and there they can be fun to watch.

I felt the other way about the images, and really only one of the images actually stood out to me as worth keeping. I think it was the first image shown in the preview at the end.
Otherwise I felt more nonplussed about them.
Probably my prejudice about them having been captured by a P&S .. and knowing that they were so.
Dunno, but I wasn't overly impressed by any of them other than that first image.