View Full Version : Nikkor 35-70mm/2.8 - Any Opinions?

18-07-2012, 9:34pm
Been watching an old Nikkor 35-70mm/2.8 on evilbay out of interest - no bids on $350.

Looked about a bit online - general consensus is that this a very good lens (some even reckon it is not far behind the 24-70mm for sharpness ??)
Seems to be not widely popular mainly because the zoom range doesn't suit many shooters

Any opinions from those who have used this one?

I @ M
19-07-2012, 4:30am
Designed primarily as a photo journalist lens and suited to wide open shots.
It is very sharp at 2.8 at both ends of the zoom.
It has pronounced field curvature.
It has moderate but easily corrected distortion characteristics.
It has very cold colour rendition but white balance setting pre shoot or warming post shoot can cure it easily.
It is a slightly odd focal range on DX bodies and wide to short tele on FX bodies. I think it is more useful on FX and of course being an AF-D lens it requires bodies that that have the in built focus motor. It is more designed for use with auto focus than manual focus, it has a rather pathetic lens hood that is prone to falling off as it can be mounted both clockwise and anti clockwise with a very indistinct detent position.
The front element rotates during focus so graduated or circular polariser filter use is problematical.
Apparently the focus gearing is a weak point and the push pull zoom is prone to sticking if not maintained.

The close up facility at 35mm works well and an example can be seen in this thread (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?104738-I-got-sick-of-the-housework).

This image required a value of 24 to correct distortion in Capture NX2, no great example of images but purely taken to check distortion while waiting to pick someone up from the bus.

D800 35mm F/8

This one with no distortion correction.
D800 35mm F/2.8

As a summary it is a handy lens to have that punches at a weight level way above the prices they are selling for.

19-07-2012, 6:50am
looks very sharp judging from the images Andrew has put up

19-07-2012, 8:31am
Thanks Andrew, very comprehensive and much appreciated.
Looks like a nice lens, especially if I can pick up a good one one for a bargain.
My eventual upgrade path will be FX, and my current lenses were bought with that in mind, but I think even now on DX it would fill a gap in good lenses that I have between 14mm and 80mm that is currently filled by a kit quality lens

The closeup facility looks like it works very well (although now after reading the other thread I have a picture in my head of Mongo's furry smalls that I may not be able to get out easily:eek:).

Film Street
25-07-2012, 7:05pm
$350 is okay but be patient and you'll likely get one for half that price.

26-07-2012, 12:23am
That would be a super-bargain and worth waiting for.
With a rather anorexic budget at present, patience is my middle name:D

Miss Jane
30-07-2012, 2:38am
My Brother gave me one of these to use on my D700. i found it takes dark photos and i needed to over expose by one or 2 stops. I also noticed it seems to take cold, flat photos.
I also have the 24-85 2.8-4 and I like it much better.

30-07-2012, 7:06pm
I have a version of this lens, it is 10 years old and after not using it for some time found it had a fungus growth. Properly cleaned but now not as sharp as it once was. Suggest you are careful with who you buy from in case you end up with a copy like mine, perfect on the outside but so god on the inside