View Full Version : Post your 'cringe-worthy' photo here

17-07-2012, 8:09pm
Just for a bit of fun. We all have them. You know the photos, you was just learning how to boost saturation in Photoshop, or perhaps you were put onto how to do skin smoothing on your portraits and you went to town. At the time you thought it was stunning, but now you look back through your archives and think 'what the hell was I thinking"?

So this thread is for you to post that photo, and get feedback on it (not to serious though). So c'mon, show us your best 'cringe worthy' efforts. Don't be shy.

I will start it off with a seascape that I took way back in 2006 and as I had just taken up Photoshop, I was in heaven learning how to do all sorts of things with the menu. Well this is the result of an over-enthusiastic use of saturation. It must have been during my blue period...hahaha. Enjoy!.. and show me yours!


Mark L
17-07-2012, 9:23pm
I haven't got to many 'cringe-worthy' photos left. It took me a while, but I found out how to delete.
Anyway, they're not all gone. I was excited with my first DSLR and I like birds.


Dylan & Marianne
17-07-2012, 9:33pm
Back when I thought that putting everythign through photomatix was the cool thing to do, I came up with such monstrosities such as this :P


17-07-2012, 9:45pm
Loving them so far. Thanks Mark and Dylan for getting on board. I thought it could be good for our newer members to see that everyone of us started somewhere and we have all done the extreme processing along the way.

Duane Pipe
18-07-2012, 7:56am
Mine is about the composition and not the processing. I actually thought I was taking good shots at the time:eek:
Now wheres that delete key Mark:lol2:

18-07-2012, 8:46am
Ok, I'll play.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3608/3552753767_3f38297455_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/photosbygreg/3552753767/)
Brisbane Floods 2009 - Oxley Golf Course (http://www.flickr.com/photos/photosbygreg/3552753767/) by rattus1979 (http://www.flickr.com/people/photosbygreg/), on Flickr

I think I may have overcooked this HDR a little bit.

18-07-2012, 10:49am
Poorly taken, opportunity lost.


18-07-2012, 11:20am
Oh I have soooo many to choose from :D

Over-saturation + trying to stitch wide angle shots = extraordinarily hideous :eek:


Note to self....If you have taken sunrise shots that morning on full manual........CHECK YOUR $%@$# SETTINGS before chasing emus down the road at midday :Doh:


18-07-2012, 11:25am
I thought, at the time, that star filters looked really cool.


18-07-2012, 11:52am
These are definatley cringe worthy taken around 2005/2006 with my fuji S9500, Early attempt at a sunrise and Seascape :D

CC away all you want :lol2:





Duane Pipe
18-07-2012, 12:00pm
Absolute Crap photos guys:th3: Its good to get that out after all the positive feed back we receive and give:lol2:

18-07-2012, 12:02pm
:D No ones going to argue with you Dave on your CC :lol::th3:

Ms Monny
18-07-2012, 12:54pm
ha ha ha! This is fantastic!! Great to see that even the best of us started out with shockers!! Oh, the joys of learning PS! :eek:

I am actually going through my old photos (trying to get some sort of organisation happening).....mine are not years old though....we are only talking a year or two! :D

- - - Updated - - -

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7260/7594627274_41ddced5ed_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/missmonny/7594627274/)
Photos 071 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/missmonny/7594627274/) by Miss Monny (http://www.flickr.com/people/missmonny/), on Flickr

Where's the head?? :lol:

As I am still doing some shockers with PS, I thought I would share a family pic instead....minus a head!

18-07-2012, 5:12pm
here is my contribution, had no ideo about pp then, still don't have much now


18-07-2012, 5:47pm
I am VERY familiar with the delete key - perhaps TOO familiar (I've not only deleted nearly all my worst shots, I've even deleted the RAW files of shots that with my now improved PP skills, could potentially have been made keepable), so as a result I'm not sure what I have left to post up here, but I can guarantee I can find something to add ... is there a limit to the number? ... I could probably just about flood this thread even after the heavy use of the delete key.

18-07-2012, 6:25pm
i gess ill have a go lol i think i was in my really dark stage lol

18-07-2012, 6:37pm
Loving it!

Some great shots there everyone. Brings us all a bit down to earth and shows that even the very best photographers can take some doosies at times.

Looking forward to seeing more.

Mark L
18-07-2012, 8:02pm
Note to self....If you have taken sunrise shots that morning on full manual........CHECK YOUR $%@$# SETTINGS before chasing emus down the road at midday :Doh:


Here's another taken less than two weeks ago.


Duane Pipe
18-07-2012, 8:08pm
I like the first two in your set Bill. I would have been wrapped with them too mate:th3:

18-07-2012, 9:24pm
I know I have some shockers, but interestingly, I think Ive lost a lot of black and white ability since then. Some of my old ones were fantastic.... My new ones.... not so sure.

18-07-2012, 9:46pm
This is my first bird pic,at the time I was happy with it, this owl landed in my backyard and stayed all day, taken on 35mm film with Pentax Km and 55 f1.8.


18-07-2012, 10:03pm
Thanks all for making me feel better. I always thought I was the only one with a lot of duds. Since I joined AP my album of duds seems to be increasing in size!! I must be learning. Will find a dud to post tomorrow.:D

18-07-2012, 11:07pm
Ok I will play along as well. Here is my first Bee Macro (trust me it is a bee)



19-07-2012, 6:09am
At least you got the top of his head in focus Wayne. Mark's dog a couple up could have done with your focusing skills ..:lol::lol2::D

19-07-2012, 8:39am
Was that a dog in Marks photo?:eek: I just checked, and so it is. I love his eyes, they really show his personality well:lol:

Oh well, I suppose the only is way up for us all- thank goodness we have AP- we need it.:D

19-07-2012, 9:01am
Some of these are purely Craptacular!
Great work guys.

Ms Monny
19-07-2012, 9:07am
Ah, Mark....that is hilarious! Love the eyes! :D


Here's another taken less than two weeks ago.


19-07-2012, 9:31am

Here's another taken less than two weeks ago.

" Look into my eyes. " :D :th3:

19-07-2012, 9:49am
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8289/7600297696_00b7d60bb6_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/52045140@N06/7600297696/)Here is one "competition" I am good at!!!

Duane Pipe
19-07-2012, 6:32pm
Horrible processing on that one fishy:lol:

19-07-2012, 6:47pm
Here is my dud, one example of many. I think I may have one leg shorter than the other. The horizon in many of my early shots were never straight. I’ve learned to cope with my problem by holding the camera crocked, seems to work the horizons are now straight most of the time. Composition in this photo also seems to be lacking unless you are doing a study of poles.


20-07-2012, 10:47am
At least you could have painted them blue, then you'd have an original copy of Blue Poles!

20-07-2012, 3:13pm
Ok maybe I am still too much of a beginner. What is exactly wrong with your picture? Please show me :o To me it is great!

- - - Updated - - -

Ooops the photo I'm referring to is Ionika's "poorly taken, opportunity lost"

20-07-2012, 3:45pm
Ok maybe I am still too much of a beginner. What is exactly wrong with your picture? Please show me :o To me it is great!

- - - Updated - - -

Ooops the photo I'm referring to is Ionika's "poorly taken, opportunity lost"
The image isn't sharp, as I didn't hold the camera steady, and hadn't taken a tripod.

20-07-2012, 6:08pm
I'll throw one in that I can grab quickly. This was an early one from a project I think I posted to AP in my early AP days.
Interestingly enough I too think I have a tendancey to still "overdo" it :lol:

http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4011/4468442067_51a2043421.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/33711466@N06/4468442067/)
Crap 203 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/33711466@N06/4468442067/) by Roy Wales (http://www.flickr.com/people/33711466@N06/), on Flickr

20-07-2012, 6:20pm
Some great stuff coming through now. I would love to go skiing down Brigitte's waterline (wouldn't need a boat).

Nice sky there Roy!

20-07-2012, 6:33pm
Taken with my point and shoot in mid 2010, plus I thought I'd attempt a composite - back when my pp skills were rather shocking :D

21-07-2012, 6:47am
I can out-cringe that. There was someone in the foreground when I reached for the camera, I didn't let them leaving stop me though!! It gave me a chance to remember all the many other things going on at the time :eek:

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7261/7611482878_977bed639b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/78363275@N03/7611482878/)
105_0523-mckinnons (http://www.flickr.com/photos/78363275@N03/7611482878/) by fenderstrat1963 (http://www.flickr.com/people/78363275@N03/), on Flickr

I @ M
21-07-2012, 7:35am
Taken with my point and shoot in mid 2010, plus I thought I'd attempt a composite - back when my pp skills were rather shocking :D

Gee, I wouldn't have gone to all the bother of adding the palms to the scene. Having the frog sitting amongst the houses shows a bit of "harmony" to me.

That is what you did isn't it? :D

24-07-2012, 12:32am
Here's mine from my brother's 30th a few years ago..I think it was my first comp entry on here!

Was soooo in love with selective colouring back then...my brother has this on canvas hanging on his wall...I cringe every time I see it!


24-07-2012, 6:47am
Hey Fenderstrat1963 That looks like the cabins at Evans Head?

24-07-2012, 1:52pm
....I would love to go skiing down Brigitte's waterline....

If my wife heard me make a comment like that, I don't think she'd give me time to explain the context before I'd be in big trouble.

- - - Updated - - -

Best add a photo to keep my post on topic.

As if posing your kids in a Canola field isn't cringe worth enough for being so cliched, there's the extra cringe of having part of a plant across her face, and getting her to give the thumbs up sign.

24-07-2012, 3:20pm
Hey Fenderstrat1963 That looks like the cabins at Evans Head?

Hi bricat - no that's at Bigriggen on the Boonah Rathdowney road. We camp there semi-regularly (in tents, not the hut) :)

26-07-2012, 4:40pm
Best thread ever! Thanks for baring all . . .

26-07-2012, 6:39pm
As with some above, an early plunge into HDR. Since rescinded.

26-07-2012, 6:57pm
Best thread ever! Thanks for baring all . . .

Show us some of yours!!!

27-07-2012, 2:05pm
Show us some of yours!!!

I remember saying something similar to the neighbour girl when I was younger ....

27-07-2012, 3:42pm
I remember saying something similar to the neighbour girl when I was younger ....

:lol:@ Greg, Keep the thread on track :th3:

27-07-2012, 5:38pm
Ok, here is my most cringeworthy effort... I entered this in a comp soon after joining, thinking I had achieved some incredible feat of processing mastery!! To be suitably knocked down to size when not 2 days later they announced the competition of the "Most Cliched' photo :eek: Haha.... Love this thread!! :th3: And thank goodness I can say you all sucked at one time :)


Film Street
27-07-2012, 6:39pm
my one and only wedding I believe..

28-07-2012, 7:14am
Attempts at mono conversion of an image ( a lot to learn ) and cloning.



Mark L
28-07-2012, 9:38pm
:) well ionica and Film Street, at least zeroharm's has some color!!

28-07-2012, 9:42pm
:) well ionica and Film Street, at least zeroharm's has some color!!
I wish it didn't :o

28-07-2012, 10:56pm
Love it. And the most frustrating thing is thinking ' What the &*^&&* has happened to my camera' only to remember ... Oh yeh

29-07-2012, 7:38pm
The image isn't sharp, as I didn't hold the camera steady, and hadn't taken a tripod.

Unless my eyes are worse than I thought :eek: the only thing that seems out of focus are the tops of the trees which I like, as the blur gives a lovely movement. I really love this photo.

30-07-2012, 3:50pm
Unless my eyes are worse than I thought :eek: the only thing that seems out of focus are the tops of the trees which I like, as the blur gives a lovely movement. I really love this photo.

Thank you for that.It was a beautiful evening, and worth it just being there.