View Full Version : ASIGN Observatory II is back on track!

14-07-2012, 9:43pm
Wasn't really sure where to post this...all in the pursuit of astrophotography....


Wowee, the plan is coming together! A while back I sent my design concept and dimensions to a building engineer. A couple of weeks ago I received the engineer drawings for the structural support. The drawings look fantastic, hi-tech and very professional. And get this, the awesome guy did it for free! Last week I started buying steel and cutting, drilling, welding and assembling.

The very next day, I got a message from a company called Diversified Computing and Consulting. They have very generously donated $500 to get the observatory started and have pledged $500 every month for the next six months! Wow! I am blown away and was really lost for words. Such generosity is rare and I am sure that future patrons of this resource will be very grateful. I know I am!

I also got a $100 donation from a troop-commander of mine from my army days, two astronomy mates, a church friend, plus a pledge at tax time from my insurance broker! There’s a long way to go, but all this certainly helps! At any rate, it gets it all moving and that’s often the hardest part.

This week I have bought the bearers and cut them to size, cut the support studs and cut and drilled all the joining brackets. The welder is coming tomorrow to weld all the brackets on then I can start bolting it and erecting it!! WOOOHHOOO!!

To keep up with progress, Here's a link to the project. (http://asignobservatoryii.webs.com/observatoryconstruction.htm)


14-07-2012, 9:55pm
All the best with it Baz!


14-07-2012, 10:33pm
All the best with it Baz!


Ta mate!

Paul G
14-07-2012, 11:07pm
Nice one Baz. Great to see it progressing!

15-07-2012, 1:42pm
Thanks Paul!

17-07-2012, 9:01pm
sounds awesome, you should try http://www.kickstarter.com/ for some funding. good luck.

17-07-2012, 9:33pm
sounds awesome, you should try http://www.kickstarter.com/ for some funding. good luck.

I 've been told about this before. I checked it out a while ago and unfortunately I don't qualify. I'm not in the USA and it's not an art project.

Thanks though.


Duane Pipe
18-07-2012, 6:35am
I would love to help out with the welding Barry but I don't think you would pay for my traveling expenses:cool:
Its looking good:th3:

18-07-2012, 7:21am
Good to hear, Baz. I'm sure you'll have a heaps of APers trouping thru when it's (assuming it'll be public??) open.

18-07-2012, 3:31pm
I would love to help out with the welding Barry but I don't think you would pay for my traveling expenses:cool:
Its looking good:th3:

Welding's all done mate, you can breathe easy! ;)

Good to hear, Baz. I'm sure you'll have a heaps of APers trouping thru when it's (assuming it'll be public??) open.

Not exactly open to the general public - that opens up all kinds of liabilities etc. It will be more, "by invitation" sort of thing. Contact me, arrange a viewing and we'll do it that way. A bit more private and controllable, "just friends" sort of thing. :th3:


19-07-2012, 8:30pm
Slowly getting little bits done at a time now. I only get about an hour of daylight after work at the moment, so it's frantic activity the moment I get out of the car.

Progress so far. (http://asignobservatoryii.webs.com/observatoryconstruction.htm)

20-07-2012, 5:44am
Looking good.

22-07-2012, 10:38pm
WOOHOO! The Bearers are up! It took a few hours today and into the night, but the hardest part (heaviest) is done!

Progress report here. (http://asignobservatoryii.webs.com/observatoryconstruction.htm)


23-07-2012, 12:57pm
Baz, arguably "first light" for this (stage of the) observatory.
Ongoing (I found these synonyms for the usual congratulations)
"complimentations on achievement, best wishes, compliments, felicitations, 'hear-hear', good going, good wishes, good work, greetings, hail"


23-07-2012, 5:13pm
Onya Am. Thanks mate! :th3:


28-07-2012, 11:49pm
It doesn't look like much, but I got a heap done today on the observatory. Tomorrow all the studs go up. I thought I would jump in the photo and stand still for 30 seconds tonight to give a sense of scale. (I'm 6'2)


29-07-2012, 9:42pm
This weekend was a marathon of time available for building. By doing some extra cash work after hours and with help from some awesome people and generous givers, I managed to get together enough funding to buy the wall-framing.

Click here for construction update. (http://asignobservatoryii.com/observatoryconstruction.htm)

Below: Studs in place - with some minor plumbing (vertical alignment) to be done on each before they are screwed to the flexi-track top and bottom.



30-07-2012, 12:34am
Gotta admit that if I won Lotto I'd be camped on that lawn and helping where I could.
Can't wait till you finish and we get to see some image from it.

02-08-2012, 5:38pm
Gotta admit that if I won Lotto I'd be camped on that lawn and helping where I could.
Can't wait till you finish and we get to see some image from it.

Here's hoping you win lotto Peter!

I just had a reporter and photographer from the Canberra Times come and do an interview with me on the new observatory. The story and photos will run in this coming Monday's paper.

Cheers and blessings,


06-08-2012, 11:47am
Article in the Canberra Times this morning. Page three.


06-08-2012, 4:42pm

06-08-2012, 7:55pm
A most noble goal, in all, Baz.

06-08-2012, 9:51pm
A most noble goal, in all, Baz.

Thanks mate. Visit the dome when it is done and you will understand why I want to share it! :th3:


07-08-2012, 7:23am
Hi Baz,

Good to see I'm not the only idiot who put their observatory in the front yard!

Mine looks a bit like a garden shed though, yours might attract a bit more attention.

Looks like it's going to be a cracker though.


07-08-2012, 5:12pm
Hi Baz,

Good to see I'm not the only idiot who put their observatory in the front yard!

Mine looks a bit like a garden shed though, yours might attract a bit more attention.

Looks like it's going to be a cracker though.


Hopefully it will attract a lot of attention. That's the idea. A bit hard to promote my cause if I hide it away and disguise it as a garden shed....

20-08-2012, 9:58pm
Floor support ring on and floor joists assembled!

The Southern Cross watches over the construction of ASIGN Observatory II.

22-08-2012, 7:03pm
Here's this afternoon's progress. External walls on! Latest update http://www.asignobservatoryii.com/observatoryconstruction.htm



25-08-2012, 7:07pm

25-08-2012, 9:55pm
Here's a video of the dome rolling. (http://youtu.be/O8GvTF8NABw)

26-08-2012, 7:23pm
One small task at a time. Today my goal today was to build a door frame and door to fit it, out of steel.



la lumiere
31-08-2012, 7:47pm
Great to see the progress you are making. Well done!
I hear ACT is pretty cold... hope you'll have some insulation...... or a hot toddy! :)

02-09-2012, 8:28pm
Thanks mate. I've got the cold covered!

Marking out the flooring for the top floor ready for cutting into a whopping big circle!

Swept and tidied, a bit of an idea of the space that will be available in the office downstairs.

Full story here. (http://www.asignobservatoryii.com/observatoryconstruction.htm)

07-09-2012, 12:04am
Got a heap more bows on the revolving dome and cross-bars on the slot.


07-09-2012, 3:37pm
Just to let you know (in case the button doesn't) I'm following along with interest.

14-09-2012, 5:50pm
Just to let you know (in case the button doesn't) I'm following along with interest.

Hopefully I can keep you interested! ;)

Finally got the last of the heavy bows on the roof. I've been at it for roughly two hours every afternoon after work until I run out of light. I've even come home at lunch times to get 30 minutes of labour in at times. Time is so precious.

The next step is to roll-form some lighter intermediate bows. Flat sheet to cover the dome will bend nicely one way, but not two ways, so trying to bend it over the large area between these heavy bows is likely to warp and distort them too much. Putting in some intermediate bows will mean thinner strips of sheet, reducing the need to bend them two ways.

Full-story here (http://www.asignobservatoryii.com/observatoryconstruction.htm)


07-10-2012, 10:08pm
One of the hurdles I've had to overcome is that the old pier is not high enough to mount the telescope on, as the new floor level is now much higher.

To solve this, I have built another wooden box like the one underneath, to be filled with reinforcing mesh along with some conduit to run electrical cabling. It will then be filled with concrete.

Full story here (http://www.asignobservatoryii.com/observatoryconstruction.htm)

1. Constructing the form-work for the new pier.http://i.imgur.com/UX2j6.jpg

2. Form-work in position on top of old pier.

3. New pier extension topside.

4. While I was at it, I skinned the door with thick steel sheet.

09-10-2012, 11:48pm
Also following this thread with interest Baz! :th3:

Looking forward to seeing your hard work pay off!!

10-10-2012, 12:34am
Every time I look at this thread you astound me with your diligence and determination.
Wish I had a project that drove me like that.
Keep at it mate. Like everyone else I'm watching this with great interest.

10-10-2012, 11:10am
Thanks Tim and Peter. That's very encouraging.


10-10-2012, 8:59pm
The race was on today as the rolled steel arrived to build the dome's sliding doors and complete the intermediate dome ribs. I say, "race" because tomorrow afternoon I have a professional welder coming over to weld stuff together.

This afternoon I measured, cut and joined all the framing together for the sliding doors. I have used 20mm steel plate to join it all together with screws, that way the welder can just weld all the joints together, then I can remove the ugly plates and screws.

Below: Picture 1 - One side complete. Picture 2 - The two halves will split sideways to open the dome slot.



11-10-2012, 8:21pm
My welder friend gave his valuable time and skills tonight to weld up the door-frames as planned. They are extremely rigid and strong now. Great job mate.


14-10-2012, 10:02pm
I am finding it interesting to watch your project. Good to see someone with a passion complete their project.

15-10-2012, 9:26pm
Thanks mate. :th3:

Putting up all the intermediate dome ribs was so much quicker than the heavy ones. I got a couple done yesterday at lunchtime, a couple more in the afternoon, a couple more today at lunch time and the rest done this evening. I even had time to paint the door with primer.

Below: All bows up, ready to be welded in place and then the temporary joining brackets can be removed and the roofing can go on.

Full story here >>> http://www.asignobservatoryii.com/observatoryconstruction.htm



11-11-2012, 8:38pm
I've been trying to work out how to get the doors on top of the dome to slide sideways, without leaving protrusions outside the dome when it is closed. My uncle came up with a solve consisting of four bearing-slide-rails from industrial sized photocopier paper trays. I now have them and they look and feel like they will do the job nicely. I'll put pictures on the website when I have them figured out.

Today I got my welder friend Jacob to come over and weld all the ribs on the dome, so I can take off the cumbersome steel plates holding them on. Now I can start getting some sheeting on the roof and seal it all up.

I've bought some cement and hopefully this week I can mix enough concrete to fill the central pier extension. With that in place, the telescope can be mounted as soon as the roof is on and operations can begin! All the prettying up on the inside will follow, but at least I can start to use it.

My next-door-neighbor is a carpenter and has volunteered to help me build the stairs inside. Actually, he is the expert, so I think it is me who will be helping him!


11-11-2012, 11:09pm
Wow, it is really taking definition now - fantastic project!

14-11-2012, 9:26pm
Thanks Allie.

I don't know how many times I have leaned on the unattached pier up on the top floor and nearly toppled over, so today I filled it with concrete and mounted the mounting plates.

Solid now and good to lean on!

1. Reo about to go in, pouring in concrete, then embedding the mounting plates deep into the wet concrete via three long threaded rods.

2. Filled with concrete and mounting base plates seated.

16-11-2012, 9:59pm
The steel for the roofing arrived today. Thanks to a couple of good jobs with the chainsaw and a wonderful donation. Along with the roof sheeting, I also got the doors custom covered.

Thanks to the help of my next door neighbour and his friend, we got all the flooring in on the first floor today. Getting the first sheet in took a little work, but once we got a flow happening, the rest went in so quickly. Now I have something to stand on while I put the roof on.

As soon as we were done, it poured with rain, but I've had two test-pieces up there for months and they are not yet swelling or deteriorating from all the weather. Hopefully, I'll have the roofing on within the week and won't have to worry about that any more.

1. Colorbond sheeting cut to size and ready to clad the dome.

2. Dome doors covered with colorbond sheeting.

3. Flooring installed.

17-11-2012, 8:21pm
Humble beginnings. This was my original cardboard concept I built all those months ago to get it right in my head during the planning stages.

A bit of mucking about today, finishing off the flooring, putting joiners underneath etc. Finally started on the roofing and got the first piece worked out. The four around the centre slot are the most complex, but once those are worked out, the rest are easy.

17-11-2012, 9:44pm
Getting there... Slow and steady wins the race, as they say. Can't wait to see the end result.

Duane Pipe
18-11-2012, 10:20am
Sure is taking shape now Barry. I like the job you did on the card bored model:th3:

18-11-2012, 9:02pm
Cheers guys.

Today's work. Attaching the hardest sheets first. Each sheet has to be clamped, traced along the bows, removed, cut to shape, re-clamped then screwed on. Getting sheets to bend on two axis has proven difficult.

My back is stuffed!



30-11-2012, 12:01am
Let it not be said that I have not spent blood on this observatory! Nearly dropped the door from the top of the dome today, caught it mid-slide but managed to run my forearm down the edge of the sheet-metal. Saved the door, lost some blood.

1. Interesting seeing the muscle under that many layers of skin.


2. Stitching it up, a couple more to go. Good as new and back to work!


30-11-2012, 9:04am
A brilliant project, best of luck with it. :)
PS I hope you've had a tetanus shot, that looks painful.

30-11-2012, 10:21am
I have put mini orb and flat COLORBOND® on bathroom walls before and we have had to cap the edges to ensure this does not happen - very nasty wound but "Just a flesh wound!":D Sorry to read you "blooded" your observatory with real blood - hope it heals well - you would have felt worse if you had damaged the door as well as your arm so that is a minor victory. :)

30-11-2012, 1:36pm
A brilliant project, best of luck with it. :)
PS I hope you've had a tetanus shot, that looks painful.

All good, had a triple antigen a few months ago.

I have put mini orb and flat COLORBOND® on bathroom walls before and we have had to cap the edges to ensure this does not happen - very nasty wound but "Just a flesh wound!":D Sorry to read you "blooded" your observatory with real blood - hope it heals well - you would have felt worse if you had damaged the door as well as your arm so that is a minor victory. :)

Yep, happy I saved a $350 dollar door hitting the ground and being destroyed. Skin heals for free. :)


Duane Pipe
03-12-2012, 6:15pm
Why the oof shots of the wound Barry, Was it the focus or the giddiness :2biggn:

03-12-2012, 6:33pm
Why the oof shots of the wound Barry, Was it the focus or the giddiness :2biggn:

I'm putting it down to euphoria that I was allowed to use my phone camera in the surgery. ;)

11-12-2012, 1:44am
1. Nearly half-way with the roof sheeting.

2. View through the slot from the far wall at telescope height to give an idea of where the horizon is in relation to a horizontal scope.

3. 3. View through the slot from directly above the pier, where the telescope will be mounted. No need for the slot opening to be any lower as all you will see it trees and oncoming cars from up the road.

11-12-2012, 7:24am
Baz. That's really looking good. You must have good neighbours.

Just for interest, is that a Coal de Sac (nebula) you live in?

11-12-2012, 11:00am
Baz. That's really looking good. You must have good neighbours.

Just for interest, is that a Coal de Sac (nebula) you live in?

Badoom tish!

11-12-2012, 11:59am
Looks cool!!

13-12-2012, 11:41am
Ten sheets to go!!! WOOT! Getting all excited!!


13-12-2012, 11:50am
:wd: It looks so wide on the inside compared to the view from the outside.
(I know I've heard that before.)

13-12-2012, 12:44pm
Really coming along now. Won't be long till you star gazing.

17-12-2012, 9:16pm
1. Four sheets to go!!

2. Doors closed. Weather skirt still to be fabricated and assembled between top of wall and bottom of dome.

3. Nearly fully enclosed.

4. Doors open showing floor space.

18-12-2012, 10:34am
It looks too good. And it's true!

20-12-2012, 9:35pm



20-12-2012, 10:39pm
Looks very scientific.

Well done Baz. :2appla:

20-12-2012, 10:58pm
:2cheer::wd: Congratulations Baz - it looks fantastic!

26-12-2012, 9:42pm
Thanks Kevin and Allie.

1. Telescope installed - fire extinguisher fitted as priority!

2. Preliminary calibrating on the moon.

3. "FIRST LIGHT" through the ASIGN Observatory II telescope! A very quick shot with only the DSLR on the scope, but enough to check the optics.

4. Crop and different processing of the above.

27-12-2012, 7:57am
"Thanks for this interesting post."

27-12-2012, 2:01pm
Fantastic Baz - I never knew the moon looked similar to a canteloupe :2smile: The interior of the observatory looks very neat too!

28-12-2012, 11:00pm
Thanks guys!

Enjoy the video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbhfGd4o8dI&feature=youtu.be) of this fully armed and operational battle-station!

Duane Pipe
29-12-2012, 10:50am
Love the Black snake vid:2biggn:

29-12-2012, 11:44am
All the cameras and cables installed now. Mount aligned to the planet's axis and ready for imaging. Now to wait for that pesky moon to go away and have a clear night!!

1. The mighty photon hunter!

2. Looking out to the heavens.

3. Peering into deep space.

4. Watchful warrior.

30-12-2012, 11:09pm
I'm eagerly awaiting the next lot of images.
Brilliant work so far as usual.

04-01-2013, 3:16pm
I'm eagerly awaiting the next lot of images.
Brilliant work so far as usual.

Thanks Peter.

09-01-2013, 9:28pm
YAY!! Finally imaging again! Clear night, no moon, no clouds and DARK DARK DARK SKY!!! :D Going for Messier 42 - The great Orion Nebula tonight!

I've been out of the deep space imaging game for a couple of years now, so this will be interesting trying to re-learn everything and apply the last two years of regular photography processing skills.


10-01-2013, 2:27pm
Here's one more from last night. Now to stack and process the actual DSO frames!


10-01-2013, 2:30pm
I think a "well-done" is due rather than click on the button.

10-01-2013, 2:35pm
One could say that you were on POT :2biggn: Thanks for showing us though this great adventure. From the boxing of the concrete, through to the end product. :wd: :th3:

10-01-2013, 2:50pm
I think a "well-done" is due rather than click on the button.

Too kind! :2biggn:


- - - Updated - - -

One could say that you were on POT :2biggn: Thanks for showing us though this great adventure. From the boxing of the concrete, through to the end product. :wd: :th3:

Thank mate!

Far from finished yet! Much still to do!


10-01-2013, 5:32pm
Mongo missed this thread originally. However , he has now seen it all in one go. Mongo is über impressed. Great photo story, great work and no doubt - great images to come judging from your past efforts and the set up you have now established for that purpose.

Big congrats from Mongo and lets see the goods in due course.

10-01-2013, 5:33pm
Looking excellent!

23-01-2013, 3:07pm
ASIGN Observatory II from around 11 metres off the ground.


23-01-2013, 10:01pm
The flashing arrived today!! Fabricated perfectly to my measurements and diagrams.

Installing the weather-proof skirt around the dome.

23-01-2013, 10:02pm

24-01-2013, 4:41am
Gives it a different perspective. Your other images made it look a lot smaller.

24-01-2013, 7:59pm
1. Flashing (weather skirt) installed. Peeling the protective plastic off all the sheets now.

2. First coat of light-absorbing matt-black paint on the inside.

02-02-2013, 10:56am
After last Saturday afternoon's severe sideways storm and rain flooding the observatory and everything in it, this week I got the silicone into all the joints and sealed it all up over the last couple of days. Today we had another big thunderstorm which was a great test.

I went inside during the downpour to look for leaks. I found one dripping through on the skirt, which I marked and will plug later when it dries. Also half a dozen other tiny drops which I also marked for sealing later. That should just about do it! The inside of the dome was 99.8% dry after the thunderstorm, so it's looking MUCH better!

02-02-2013, 10:58am
Glad to hear it, Baz.

05-02-2013, 6:21pm
This week our friend and family electrician spent some good hours in the observatory with me, planning the lighting, powerpoints and distribution board. The cabling has now all been run, ready to connect all the hardware.

As well, this week I got a lovely $50 donation from a Canberra local, which I was able to spend at Fletcher Insulation in Hume on a few bags to insulate from heat and sound. It is instantly cool in there now and OOOHHHHH SOOOO QUIET!!

Full construction page here. (http://www.asignobservatoryii.com/observatoryconstruction.htm)


14-03-2013, 5:35pm
Picked up the wood today for building the staircase from the bottom to the top floor of the observatory. Beautifully seasoned and STRAIGHT cypress.

Can't wait to start working it!


14-03-2013, 5:56pm
OK, somebody's gotter say something about these being some of the last steps...
Alternatively, a stairway to the heavens???

15-03-2013, 6:50pm
Nothing to say but following with plenty of interest! :th3:

19-03-2013, 7:13pm
Sorry it's been a while since my last update. Lots of building materials have arrived so it looks like I'm going to be a very busy boy for a few weeks now! Here's what's happening:

Inside fitout begins.

It's been a big week for the observatory this week. I was able to purchase the thin plywood interior wall panelling and even cut some to size and fitted two sheets.

I tested a corner of the cypress slabs I picked up last week by belt-sanding them with some 40 grit to get the saw-marks out of it, then rubbed some raw linseed oil into the test-patch to see the colour. The yellow-gold natural colour takes on a rich red-gold.

I applied by letter to my local government for a large log that one of their services had a stockpile of. To my delight, they approved and happily donated a log.

I found a magnificent pine log, well seasoned with the bark just falling off it. It is my intention to cut it four ways down the length, to cut a post out of the middle of it. The post will be kept aside while the rounded slices will sandwich around the centre pier downstairs, making the pier look like a big tree-trunk. This will then be sanded and rubbed with raw linseed oil, as will the stairs and handrails.

Link to construction page here. (http://www.asignobservatoryii.com/observatoryconstruction.htm)





- - - Updated - - -

Sorry it's been a while since my last update. Lots of building materials have arrived so it looks like I'm going to be a very busy boy for a few weeks now! Here's what's happening:

Inside fitout begins.

It's been a big week for the observatory this week. I was able to purchase the thin plywood interior wall panelling and even cut some to size and fitted two sheets.

I tested a corner of the cypress slabs I picked up last week by belt-sanding them with some 40 grit to get the saw-marks out of it, then rubbed some raw linseed oil into the test-patch to see the colour. The yellow-gold natural colour takes on a rich red-gold.

I applied by letter to my local government for a large log that one of their services had a stockpile of. To my delight, they approved and happily donated a log.

I found a magnificent pine log, well seasoned with the bark just falling off it. It is my intention to cut it four ways down the length, to cut a post out of the middle of it. The post will be kept aside while the rounded slices will sandwich around the centre pier downstairs, making the pier look like a big tree-trunk. This will then be sanded and rubbed with raw linseed oil, as will the stairs and handrails.

Link to construction page here. (http://www.asignobservatoryii.com/observatoryconstruction.htm)





19-03-2013, 10:08pm
For all the work you have so far put in and will add to in the near future you should be a very proud man. It is looking more and more stunning all the time.

20-03-2013, 4:28pm
Aww shucks... thanks Peter!

1. Big sanding job! Got one slab of cypress de-barked and sanded down at lunch time. Look at the comparison with the sanded and unsanded slabs!

Debarked and sanded on top and both sides. Ready to make stairs!
2. http://i.imgur.com/scL0iHS.jpg

23-03-2013, 9:53pm
1. Sanding down the cypress slabs

2. All six sanded ready to build stairs.

3. Eucalypt deadwood handrail.

4. Handrail on tread

5. Wall panels in. Trims, skirts and architraves to go.

EB Alex
26-03-2013, 3:02pm
Those cypress stairs will look beautiful when done!

30-03-2013, 4:52pm
1. Cut the hole through the inside and outside walls to fit the tubing for the air conditioner. Cut some steel mesh to size and fitted inside to keep the insects out. Sealed with silicone.

2. Built a small roof over the air-con outlet to stop rain from entering the tube.

3. Air-con fitted into the wall.

30-03-2013, 6:28pm
Hope that's a RC air conditioner Baz. :D

30-03-2013, 7:15pm
You believe in doing things properly don't you?

Just. Wow.

30-03-2013, 10:28pm
Hope that's a RC air conditioner Baz. :D

Nope, but I have a small electric fan-heater that will do the job nicely. The whole room is now insulated so it won't take much to control the temp in there.

You believe in doing things properly don't you?

Just. Wow.

Well, they don't call me bodgy Baz for nothing.... ;) Seriously, I do take a short-cut or two now and then, like that small roof over the vent, but I figure once I paint it the same colour and plant a garden of bushes all around it, no-one will see it. Not worth the effort making some things look too flash.


24-04-2013, 11:32am
Quick update.

I poured a concrete path to lead into the observatory off the main path.

I've been collecting bits of wood on the job at opportune trees we remove or prune. It's taking some time, but I've got some nice bits for handrails and banister. I still need three posts 2.6 metres x 100-150 mm in diameter for the stairs.

Getting there.




03-05-2013, 8:07pm
Finally I have a finished banner and some variants for the observatory's website to give it a fresh new look. My graphic artist has been tirelessly working with me to come up with a concept together then work his magic!

He's given me a fully-rendered banner, watermarks for the new photos out of the telescope and stuff for embroidery, mugs, t-shirts or whatever!

The new banner is on top of my page below. I'm very happy with it!

As I publish the other variants, I'll show them off.


04-05-2013, 6:09pm
I've run out of money (looks like for quite a while now) so all I can do is the jobs that cost nothing. Today I sanded down another log for the stair supports then started digging the garden bed. The quality of the dirt is rubbish so I'll have to get rid of it and replace it with some good soil. I also have to dig two trenches in it, one for the drainage pipe near the wall to lay in, plus another on the outside of the bed to run a row of rocks in for the edge.

1. Sanded down log for stair support
2. removed the lawn and weeds to expose the bare clay.
3. Digging in the trench near the slab's edge for the drainage pipe.
4. Starting to lay in the rock edge.

04-05-2013, 10:23pm
Hi, I've been following this story, it took me a while to piece everything together, but I finally got there. What a wonderful piece of hands on science you have re-created. So, I figure anything that mentions/needs drainage is probably important, but the rest looks like cosmetic appeal, and can probably wait.

What about some sort of contra deal with a high school? They sponsor completing the path, in exchange for advertising and some sessions for their students

Love the photos that I've seen, thanks for your amazing commitment, cheers Deb

11-05-2013, 5:32pm
Hi, I've been following this story, it took me a while to piece everything together, but I finally got there. What a wonderful piece of hands on science you have re-created. So, I figure anything that mentions/needs drainage is probably important, but the rest looks like cosmetic appeal, and can probably wait.

What about some sort of contra deal with a high school? They sponsor completing the path, in exchange for advertising and some sessions for their students

Love the photos that I've seen, thanks for your amazing commitment, cheers Deb

Thanks Deb. Yes, there is an order to priorities, but that changes depending on finances. I do what I can afford. If there's no money, then it costs me nothing to dig.

Bless ya!


- - - Updated - - -

Got busy today and dug the trenches all the way around for the drainage pipe and a row of border rocks.

Started on cutting the underlay to size for the obs and laid it in on the top floor, ready for carpet tomorrow.

1. Garden bed
2. My home-made compass for drawing big circles...
3. Underlay cut to size
4. Relax'n with an ale at the end of the day on the quiet underlay.

18-05-2013, 11:07pm
Got some carpet cut and put down on the floor. Now to get it layed properly and then steam-cleaned.


19-05-2013, 6:55am
i have just been through this thread and that would have to be one of the best home projects i have seen
and it has come up a treat

out n about
19-05-2013, 7:35am
Gidday Baz, an awesome project and we can't wait to see some of the resultant images.

20-05-2013, 12:21am
i have just been through this thread and that would have to be one of the best home projects i have seen
and it has come up a treat

Thanks heaps!

Gidday Baz, an awesome project and we can't wait to see some of the resultant images.



- - - Updated - - -

Finally!! Work has started on the stairs!

The builder's carpenter turned up today and together, we plotted out the stairs. There's a lot to watch out for with building standards, made even more challenging by the curve. Stair calculations are fairly simple though, once you get the hang of them. I just happen to be doing a tertiary course right now and just last week, we had an assessment on stair calculations. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!! ;)

With it all marked out, this week I'm going to crack on with cutting the support posts, fitting them and cutting the hole in the top floor larger to stop people from hitting their heads as they ascend the stair.


24-05-2013, 5:02pm
Today I got an early mark from tech school, so I came home to work on the observatory.

I had another log to inspect and grade to see if it was good enough to support the stair stringers. This one had several layers of rot, but it was a beautiful piece of wood. I used a rotary chisel to rake back all the layers until I was happy with what was left. It turned out pretty darned good actually. So far I haven't yet oiled them, so their true colour is yet to come out, but I have left the borer insect marks on the wood as I just love the look.

1. Stairs marked out.

2. Log to strip back.

3. Scribbly little suckers. These patterns are gonna stay!

4. Three posts in position.

30-05-2013, 12:58am
Laying in the drainage pipe.


30-05-2013, 4:55pm
Drainage in, shrubbery planted and garden mulched.


I @ M
30-05-2013, 4:59pm
Barry, I spent quite a long time reading your blog and this thread (very) early today and your endeavours strike me as one of, if not THE most single minded and determined efforts towards photography that I have seen in years. :th3:

- - - Updated - - -

Barry, I spent quite a long time reading your blog and this thread (very) early today and your endeavours strike me as one of, if not THE most single minded and determined efforts towards photography that I have seen in years. :th3:

05-06-2013, 6:55pm
Progress on the stairs. Four stringers cut to the correct angle and calculated for the rise, tread and number of steps. Posts rebated to firmly seat and bolt in each stringer.

Making a massive mess of the space, but it will look a million bucks when I'm done!


- - - Updated - - -

Barry, I spent quite a long time reading your blog and this thread (very) early today and your endeavours strike me as one of, if not THE most single minded and determined efforts towards photography that I have seen in years. :th3:

Aww, bless ya mate. I can't take all the credit though. I've had the big fella upstairs :2angel: driving me on and massive efforts from friends, family, co-workers, aquaintances, internet contacs and complete strangers to help me along the way.

10-06-2013, 5:00pm
Today was probably the most productive day I've had on the observatory in a long time. Not only did I get hours of precious time, but I also trialled a couple of new tools.

One was a flap disk to fit the angle grinder. It's a round disk covered in overlaying sections of very coarse abrasive. I used it to strip the bark off the wood I am using for the balusters.

The other is a rotary chisel. This is also a round blade for the angle grinder, but it has only three teeth in it. It takes of massive amounts of wood in a single pass and is also very dangerous.

Finally, instead of trying to manoeuvre the belt-sander all over the wood, I turned it upside down on the saw-horse and clamped it down. Now I can move the smaller and lighter pieces of wood over the belt sander with ease. The trick now is to watch the knuckles as I de-skinned two until I got a good technique.

I got the top of the stairs (top floor) cut to match the vertical line of the stringers, plus dressed the hole with some big pine. The stringers are all bolted in and I made a start on the hand-rails and balusters.



11-06-2013, 7:45pm
Finished the handrails and balusters and started making templates with cardboard for the treads. Each piece of wood will be traced onto cardboard, then placed in position and marked where to cut to shape. I'll then put the cardboard template back on the wood and trace it on for cutting. This is the very best way to do it because the wood is worth a fortune and I can't afford to make a cutting mistake.

1. Balusters finished.

2. Tracing the wood shape onto the cardboard ready to make a template.

- - - Updated - - -

Finished the handrails and balusters and started making templates with cardboard for the treads. Each piece of wood will be traced onto cardboard, then placed in position and marked where to cut to shape. I'll then put the cardboard template back on the wood and trace it on for cutting. This is the very best way to do it because the wood is worth a fortune and I can't afford to make a cutting mistake.

1. Balusters finished.

2. Tracing the wood shape onto the cardboard ready to make a template.

12-06-2013, 8:21am
That staircase is going to look sweet!!!

15-06-2013, 4:02pm

Finally I've made a start on the treads. The first one was the hardest, just working out how best to mark the template and deciding if I was going to go flush with the outer wall or take the tread right into the wall.

It worked out a lot more secure to go into the wall, fastening supporting timber inside the steel studs. Now I've got two treads in, custom cut to fit exactly. As I showed my wife and bragged about my superior craftsmanship, I jumped hard on both treads - SOLID AS A ROCK!

I'm well pleased. The second tread was a lot faster than the first, so now that I have a technique worked out, I should be able to get around three in every hour I get in there.



24-06-2013, 11:07am
Ready for oil!

Well.... nearly...

I have one tread at the top of the stairs left to cut and install. It's a bit tricky because it is surrounded on two sides by thick steel and some bolts, lips, edges etc - lots to custom-cut around to make it fit.

The insulation is back in the walls with every nook and cranny stuffed to keep the temperatures out/in and also a bit of soundproofing.

The bulk of the work is done but there are a couple of gaps that I want to fill and tidy up. Now the wall-panelling can be cut for the stairs and fitted on the walls.


Big hole!

As soon as the stairs are dressed, there's the issue of the long drop from the top floor. A bannister needs to be constructed with a gate at the top of the stairs.

Stay tuned for the updates as I get to the task.


26-06-2013, 1:46pm
Amazing!! Absolutely Amazing! I've only just started to follow the thread (I've been awol for a bit) and seeing the effort to bring a dream into reality is just incredible. I'm in awe of your work, Barry! :th3::th3::th3:

29-06-2013, 7:00pm
Amazing!! Absolutely Amazing! I've only just started to follow the thread (I've been awol for a bit) and seeing the effort to bring a dream into reality is just incredible. I'm in awe of your work, Barry! :th3::th3::th3:
God bless ya Andrew. I hope you continue to journey with me!


- - - Updated - - -

Amazing!! Absolutely Amazing! I've only just started to follow the thread (I've been awol for a bit) and seeing the effort to bring a dream into reality is just incredible. I'm in awe of your work, Barry! :th3::th3::th3:
God bless ya Andrew. I hope you continue to journey with me!


- - - Updated - - -

Spent today building the upstairs banister out of steel. The thing is rock-steady. Soon I will bolt in some thick board behind it, which gives me three functions.... it blocks some light from below, (even though later there will be drop-hatches over the hole anyway).... it stops my young toddler from crawling through gaps when he's chillin' up there with me..... and finally, it gives me something to put some charts and space photos/posters on. There will be a gate on the end (left of photo) to stop folks from accidentally falling down the stairs.


Downstairs, I cut one more dead tree down to provide the final post on the far left. I also cut the wall-panelling for the stairs. The wall above the stairs is filled, now to put in the panelling for the wall underneath them.


- - - Updated - - -

Spent today building the upstairs banister out of steel. The thing is rock-steady. Soon I will bolt in some thick board behind it, which gives me three functions.... it blocks some light from below, (even though later there will be drop-hatches over the hole anyway).... it stops my young toddler from crawling through gaps when he's chillin' up there with me..... and finally, it gives me something to put some charts and space photos/posters on. There will be a gate on the end (left of photo) to stop folks from accidentally falling down the stairs.


Downstairs, I cut one more dead tree down to provide the final post on the far left. I also cut the wall-panelling for the stairs. The wall above the stairs is filled, now to put in the panelling for the wall underneath them.


30-06-2013, 3:37pm
All it needs now is a Paramount MX and Tec180.

30-06-2013, 10:59pm
All it needs now is a Paramount MX and Tec180.

Agree with the Paramount MX, but would like a 14" RC sitting on top of it!

30-06-2013, 11:55pm
With it all marked out, this week I'm going to crack on with cutting the support posts, fitting them and cutting the hole in the top floor larger to stop people from hitting their heads as they ascend the stair.

Barry, you do realise that if you made that hole smaller rather than larger, then the people who visited you would "see stars" before they even got to the top floor and the telescope .... would have made the whole wonderful project a lot easier. :lol:

Just joking .... only just caught up with this fantastic project and I have to congratulate you on what you and your supporters have achieved, it is absolutely wonderful and awe-inspiring. :th3::th3::th3: :wd:

12-07-2013, 12:15am
Barry, you do realise that if you made that hole smaller rather than larger, then the people who visited you would "see stars" before they even got to the top floor and the telescope .... would have made the whole wonderful project a lot easier. :lol:

Just joking .... only just caught up with this fantastic project and I have to congratulate you on what you and your supporters have achieved, it is absolutely wonderful and awe-inspiring. :th3::th3::th3: :wd:

Thank you Allie! You witty thing you.... :lol:

- - - Updated - - -


I can almost taste completion! The banister is looking great now filled in, painted, gate on one end and a big thick natural timber handrail to dress it all off.

Upstairs the only big job left is to lay the carpet properly then instal the lighting. That will conclude the upstairs construction and fitout.

Full construction page here. (http://www.asignobservatoryii.com/observatoryconstruction.htm)




12-07-2013, 11:07pm
Well I see the RED Light but where's THE RED PHONE, I mean how will you get in touch with the President in an emergency.

OOPS we all ready in an emergency. and we don't have a President, OOPs and he who would be if he could be is in charge, We're in trouble.

16-07-2013, 7:02pm
Well I see the RED Light but where's THE RED PHONE, I mean how will you get in touch with the President in an emergency.

OOPS we all ready in an emergency. and we don't have a President, OOPs and he who would be if he could be is in charge, We're in trouble.

No pres dude. It's for the bat-phone.

16-07-2013, 10:41pm
Wow simply WOW this looks fantastic - great job!

17-07-2013, 8:37pm
Wow simply WOW this looks fantastic - great job!

Thanks Allie!

1. I sold some of my unused astrophotography accessories this week, so I was able to afford some plasterboard to start covering the ceiling. It will be good to seal all that fibreglass insulation in and fit the lights.

2. I have found some foam-rubber on a roll that seals nicely the gap between the dome-support ring, and the dome ring itself. I've glued it to the bottom ring only, so the top ring slides nicely along it without binding or too much resistance around the circumference of the dome. You can see it just above the unlaid carpet in the picutre below. The other issue is to seal the light-leak from where the dome panels meet the weather skirt, as well as cover the sharp edge of the sheet-metal.

3. I cut some of the foam rubber into short strips and glued them all in. It dresses off nicely and makes it safer and light-proof.

4. Just to give it a bit more of a finished look, I've adhered the caution-tape to it. Looks good and clearly distinguishes the edge of the dome.

5. I think I'll leave it at that for caution-tape or else it will take over. The carpet looks worse and worse as the dome and fittings improve, but the great news is that someone has offered me much nicer carpet!

6. The stairwell is coming lose to completion too. A few sharp edges to clean up and a gap to fill and dress, then some trim around the end of each tread and it's done.

Ms Monny
17-07-2013, 9:43pm
Amazing....absolutely amazing! I don't know why I didn't see your posts before about your Observatory, but I am glad I am now up to speed on your project.

I am so excited for you. Credit to you for making your dream a reality! :th3: :th3: :th3:

26-07-2013, 9:31pm
^^^God bless ya Monika!

Got a spare few dollars this week so I could afford the last two sheets of plasterboard for the ceiling downstairs.

This afternoon, it was a race for the light as the sun set after work. I lay all eight pieces down, built a new compass and drew the radius out to fit inside the round building.

As I ran out of light, I managed to score the paper then used a plasterboard hand-saw to cut one sheet to size.



27-07-2013, 12:13am
Well done, Baz. You can tell that last pic was struggling for light!!!

27-07-2013, 3:44pm
Well done, Baz. You can tell that last pic was struggling for light!!!

Yeah, I stretched it a bit... :flash:

I made a start today as I had a few hours of beautiful sunlight to work with this morning.

Rather than purchase or hire those expensive adjustable struts to hold up the plaster, I made up these two supports out of some scrap wood. They are just a fraction too long, which give me the ability to wedge them in under the plasterboard as I hold it up to the ceiling. Easy peasy.

I got half the ceiling up so I should be finished the rest by the end of this weekend.



28-07-2013, 12:33pm
Well done! Exactly how I held up a section of sagging chipboard ceiling in my kitchen once. (For about a year until I could be bot... - no, don't say it.) Mine had a diagonal bit of timber to support one side of the T-bar.
Am. (I really did fix it, though.)

28-07-2013, 10:52pm
Well done! Exactly how I held up a section of sagging chipboard ceiling in my kitchen once. (For about a year until I could be bot... - no, don't say it.) Mine had a diagonal bit of timber to support one side of the T-bar.
Am. (I really did fix it, though.)

Better late than never I always say....

29-07-2013, 12:58pm
All I can say is you must have a very forgiving wife and an easy baby.

30-07-2013, 8:17pm
All I can say is you must have a very forgiving wife and an easy baby.
A very understanding wife and no baby is easy. I did however, put him in the high chair yesterday in the observatory while I cut the template with a stanley knife...... He was fascinated with the rattle-gun screwdriver! :D

- - - Updated - - -

The ceiling is all up. Now it's a matter of joining tape, joint filler and some trim around the exposed edge in the stairwell.

I bought some thick board today for the trap-doors that will seal the heat in downstairs by blocking off the stairwell.

I picked up all the gear today thanks to a wonderful donation by a fellow in Victoria. I'll be getting to work tonight and over the next week to get the ceiling finished and ready for a coat of paint.

The last part of the ceiling was the trickiest, as there were many angle involved, lots of things to get around and rebate for, plus the sheet can't fit in the gap in one piece. I ended up making a template out of 3mm craftwood scraps. I then traced the template onto the plasterboard sheet and cut it out. I had to cut it into four pieces to get it in there though. It's all done though and ready for finishing.

1. Tracing the template
2. Plasterboard cut to shape
3. Fitted

31-07-2013, 11:35pm
awesome. has Siding Spring recovered from the fires?
expect a phone call :D

01-08-2013, 7:23pm
awesome. has Siding Spring recovered from the fires?
expect a phone call :D

Not sure mate. I haven't been following it. Too much on my hands with mine at the moment. :confused013

03-08-2013, 7:35pm
Oils ain't oils

All I wanted to do today was apply paintbrush to timber. Unfortunately for my impatience, preparation prolonged my agony for an excruciating hour and a half before I could even wet the brush.

There was the bottom floor to clear of construction tools and materials, then peel up the temporary carpet and underlay. I gave the handrails and treads a final sanding then a meticulous vacuum of all surfaces.

The mix of mineral turpentine and boiled linseed oil was a 50/50 ratio, penetrating the wood deeper and hopefully causing the oil to set harder.

A few minutes after oiling the top couple of treads and stringers, the mix began to release aromas from the Cypress and Eucalypt. Unlike painting with paint, (which is a pain in the butt) oiling wood is a real pleasure. The speed at which the transformation occurs is gratifying and the colour change is stunning - it's richness paralleled only by the smell, which is akin to walking into an antique furniture shop.

Full story here. (http://www.asignobservatoryii.com/observatoryconstruction.htm)





03-08-2013, 7:43pm
Looking very good!!

04-08-2013, 6:06pm

05-08-2013, 7:16pm
Looking very good!!


Thanks Kym and Ian.


10-08-2013, 6:47pm
Today I got into plastering the joints of the plasterboard, a job I've never attempted. To tell the truth, it was childishly simple, helped by the fact that all the boards are level and flush.


17-08-2013, 9:24pm
Finishing up.

If someone at church this weekend asks me, "How was your week? I would have to begin by saying, "WELL... WHERE DO I START - HOW MUCH TIME HAVE YOU GOT!?

I got some BIG NEWS last week that I can't yet let on about, but needless to say I have a very short time to get everything finished.

I've had a couple of friends over every day and every night working until late at night painting, plastering fixing wall-joiners and preparing for the carpet layers.

To add to our tight deadline, I have mysteriously injured my shoulder and am unable to lift anything heavy. It's been totally weird in that if I keep moving it feels ok, but if I stop and sit still I'm in agony.

anyway, one of my mates from work has been an absolute champion painting for me, even popping by at lunch time for half an hour on a work day to get things done.

We gave the inside of the dome a second coat of flat black paint, re-oiled the stairs and woodwork upstairs again and painted the plasterboard ceiling downstairs. At least I got to use my left arm a bit with the paint-brush and cut in the edges ahead of my friend with the roller.

My family electrician friend is away on holidays for a month, presenting me with the difficulty of finding another who can understand the wiring already routed and then finish the job - for the right price too!

The carpet layers arrived this morning, bringing with them WAAAAAY better carpet and underlay than the old stuff I had found second-hand.

These two guys were like magicians. They worked tirelessly throughout the day to lay, cut-in and join the carpets both upstairs on the observation deck and downstairs in the lounge area. Their skills were amazing to watch in action.

I couldn't believe how beautiful it turned out upstairs. The room is completely transformed. I was still reeling with pleasure when I saw the finished result downstairs! Wow.

With a final vacuum and a couple of Italian chairs tactically positioned, it looks good enough to live in.

Tomorrow I have a hardware tradie coming in to help me fix the two dome doors that roll sideways. The sliders I have used are not coping and have popped all their roller bearings all over the lawn below. Over the next few days I'll bring in the rest of the furniture and reinstall the telescopes and computer. The wiring leading from the house is not yet heavy duty enough to run heaters, kettle, toaster, fridge and everything else, so I will just get the lighting and power-points installed then upgrade the feed line later. I have to dig up the original 600mm deep trench and put in a thicker conduit plus add a data cable.

FULL STORY HERE (http://www.asignobservatoryii.com/observatoryconstruction.htm)


- - - Updated - - -

Finishing up.

If someone at church this weekend asks me, "How was your week? I would have to begin by saying, "WELL... WHERE DO I START - HOW MUCH TIME HAVE YOU GOT!?

I got some BIG NEWS last week that I can't yet let on about, but needless to say I have a very short time to get everything finished.

I've had a couple of friends over every day and every night working until late at night painting, plastering fixing wall-joiners and preparing for the carpet layers.

To add to our tight deadline, I have mysteriously injured my shoulder and am unable to lift anything heavy. It's been totally weird in that if I keep moving it feels ok, but if I stop and sit still I'm in agony.

anyway, one of my mates from work has been an absolute champion painting for me, even popping by at lunch time for half an hour on a work day to get things done.

We gave the inside of the dome a second coat of flat black paint, re-oiled the stairs and woodwork upstairs again and painted the plasterboard ceiling downstairs. At least I got to use my left arm a bit with the paint-brush and cut in the edges ahead of my friend with the roller.

My family electrician friend is away on holidays for a month, presenting me with the difficulty of finding another who can understand the wiring already routed and then finish the job - for the right price too!

The carpet layers arrived this morning, bringing with them WAAAAAY better carpet and underlay than the old stuff I had found second-hand.

These two guys were like magicians. They worked tirelessly throughout the day to lay, cut-in and join the carpets both upstairs on the observation deck and downstairs in the lounge area. Their skills were amazing to watch in action.

I couldn't believe how beautiful it turned out upstairs. The room is completely transformed. I was still reeling with pleasure when I saw the finished result downstairs! Wow.

With a final vacuum and a couple of Italian chairs tactically positioned, it looks good enough to live in.

Tomorrow I have a hardware tradie coming in to help me fix the two dome doors that roll sideways. The sliders I have used are not coping and have popped all their roller bearings all over the lawn below. Over the next few days I'll bring in the rest of the furniture and reinstall the telescopes and computer. The wiring leading from the house is not yet heavy duty enough to run heaters, kettle, toaster, fridge and everything else, so I will just get the lighting and power-points installed then upgrade the feed line later. I have to dig up the original 600mm deep trench and put in a thicker conduit plus add a data cable.

FULL STORY HERE (http://www.asignobservatoryii.com/observatoryconstruction.htm)


18-08-2013, 8:57pm
Well done Baz and your friends.
This is a credit to you and your mates.

21-08-2013, 8:30pm
^^^ Thanks John.

Now that the carpets are done, the electricians have visited and are about to start work in the next few days. In the meantime I have a little grace time to put in some trimmings.

1. I found some high density foam that is easy to carve with a blade and is sand-able. Not sure how it's going to look but I'm hoping once I paint it white to match the ceiling, it should look ok and certainly better than the ugly square hole around the top of the post.

2 & 3. Mitred dressed-all-round timber (DAR) for edging.

4. I had a few problems surrounding the threshold. The bolts protrude through the carpet are a trip hazard and also a fray point for the carpet. The carpet is smooth-edged to the threshold, but it is also higher, meaning that it will eventually work its way out. The threshold is also flat so water can migrate across it from under the door. I've solved all these issues with a fitted wooden plate that covers the edge, the bolts making them level with the surface and providing an edge to stop the water coming in.

29-08-2013, 5:24pm
No, this is not the, "BIG news" (that is coming very soon) but I got ASIGN Observatory II on the radio last month.

Click here to listen to the radio interview. (http://www.abc.net.au/local/photos/2013/07/16/3804216.htm)

Audio file is down the page a little on the right.


02-09-2013, 9:09pm
Through trials and tribulations, false starts and disappointments, many things seemed to conspire to come against getting the electricity done, especially on my non-exsistant budget.

I had to remind myself of the amount of times things have come against the different stages of this project and the subsequent amount of times when God's timing has been absolutely perfect to kick it off again. Nothing has happened before I was ready for it.

Finally, a qualified and experienced electrician donated a full Saturday to connect all the cabling that had already been run by another sparky. He translated all the cables, connected all the fittings and even donated a couple of his own to get the job finished. All this for a couple of cups of good coffee, a BBQ lunch cooked by my lovely wife and some home made hot-buttered banana cake baked by mum.

He switched the mains back on and PRESTO!!!! It all worked perfectly first go!



Not only that, but as the electricity was finalised last night, in perfect timing again, I got a phone call today from a friend asking if I needed a very large flat screen television.

He arrived this afternoon with the shiny black beauty which I plugged into a DVD player and away it went.

Apparently this thing was destined for the skip bin! It works perfectly and looks fantastic!

Now to just get the sucker mounted to the wall!

For a bit of balance in the room, I got the idea to make some wooden furniture in the form of a coffee table in front of the TV and also one in between the chairs for a lamp and remotes etc.

We cut down a very large dead eucalypt last week and one of the guys was good enough to cut me a couple of slabs off the base of the trunk as I have an injury at the moment that prevents me from overdoing it for a while. It was so big it lay in the tray of my ute for a few days before one of the boys dropped around to unload it for me. The top slab must weigh over 200 kilograms.


At lunch-time today I planed, sanded and de-barked them.


After some pensive moments and a short-black coffee that are often required after a sawdust shower, I hit them with a coat of boiled linseed oil.


My next door neighbour helped me roll them off the driveway, across the lawn and into the observatory.


Full story and photos HERE. (http://www.asignobservatoryii.com/observatoryconstruction.htm)

03-09-2013, 6:31am
Now that is one solid coffee table, all looking good. great work

03-09-2013, 7:17pm
Thanks mate!

TV is mounted now.


15-09-2013, 9:34pm
OK boys and girls,

it's time to let you in on the big news! Yes, for the last few weeks ASIGN Observatory II has been gearing up to get ready for the TV crew from Australia's very own Better Homes and Gardens!

Miracle after miracle has been pouring in from friends, family, work mates and even total strangers from the internet giving their time, some generous donations and unfailing support. Not only that, but the timing of all of these things has been absolutley perfect as if by divine design - right down to the TV being donated the day after the electricity was all connected.

The crew arrived this afternoon and straight away, my nerves about meeting celebrities were put at ease as these very professional individuals were so down to earth. Russell and the film and sound guys were brilliant to work with and my eyes were opened at some of their film tricks and equipment. More on that when you see the show.

Johanna Griggs was as friendly, happy and graceful as you could imagine. I felt very at-ease with her questions in the on-camera interviews. The make-up lady was as much a part of the team, engaging as the rest while she powdered my shiny nose under the lights.

My darling wife worked like a trooper, baking biscuits for the team. They absolutely loved them.

Being a man left to his own devices without the quidance of his good wife, I goofed big as is my manly custom and right! There was a platter of bread on the bench which I took outside with the cakes. How was I supposed to know that there was a plate of cheese and salami in the fridge to go with it? You know... being a man and all.....

Anyways, watch out for the show on the 11th of October at 7pm on channel Seven. I'll post up links once they have it on their website after the show.

Thanks again to all who have made this possible. You know who you are.

Cheers and blessings!!!


16-09-2013, 1:14am
That's so exciting, I can't wait to see the show. All your hard work being recognized in a wider forum. Better start practicing your autograph. Congratulations.

16-09-2013, 12:07pm
That's so exciting, I can't wait to see the show. All your hard work being recognized in a wider forum. Better start practicing your autograph. Congratulations.

Thanks so much!


Mary Anne
16-09-2013, 12:32pm
I have made a note of the date Baz and Thanks for that..

17-09-2013, 6:33pm
I hope you enjoy it Mary Anne.

30-09-2013, 10:33pm
There should be a teaser at the end of Better Homes and Gardens this coming Friday.

You're gonna love it!


01-10-2013, 5:54am
I'll keep an eye out

11-10-2013, 9:27am
Just got confirmation from the producers today. It's on tonight!

Mary Anne
11-10-2013, 8:37pm
Good one Baz its a great Man Cave :2encou:

11-10-2013, 9:30pm
Good one Baz its a great Man Cave :2encou:

Thanks Mary Anne. Women are welcome too, but yes, essentially is is a man cave. I wonder how that even happened....:confused013

11-10-2013, 9:40pm
The wife watches it religiously; I didn't know it was on until I saw the segment tonight. I said to her "Hey, I know that guy!"

Lucky you meeting Jo in real life! ;)

Great finish!

12-10-2013, 6:04am
a bit of reward for a big effort
cheers macca

06-11-2013, 10:32am
Thanks guys. I'm now well into the swing of using it regularly for astrophotography and have already had two groups through.

Up on the observation deck at ASIGN Observatory II, processing the data collected through the telescope over the past few nights.


Downstairs, putting the finishing touches on the astrophotograph from the previous night.


06-11-2013, 1:09pm
Very cool, I'm loving the shots you've been posting! What a great hobby.

10-11-2013, 9:30pm
Very cool, I'm loving the shots you've been posting! What a great hobby.

Thank you John.

23-12-2013, 6:01pm
WOOT! With the sale of all the photography gear, the EQ8 has now been bought and installed! The new RC12 Carbon fibre truss telescope arrives late Jan to mid Feb.




24-12-2013, 7:50am
Nice Barry.

Could I ask can you see Andromeda from Canberra? Or here where I am slightly North of you? Is it visible by the naked eye if you can?

24-12-2013, 10:38am
Not Barry here, Warus. Have a l ook at the location of Andromeda in this Wiki link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andromeda_Galaxy) and you'll
see that its location is a fair bit north at +41° 16′ 9″. Canberra is located at 35°18′27″S, so all up they're over 76° apart, and so unf:(rtunately n:(t.

26-12-2013, 12:56pm
Wow that is awesome

05-02-2014, 10:44pm
After many months of research and selling nearly everything that is near and dear to me, I finally drove to Sydney today to pick up a shiny new GSO RC12 inch Truss telescope. Let the steep learning curve begin!

First cut


Careful... don't tear the wrapping paper!

Back-heavy this one.


First light at the Moon.

Pointing at Jupiter.

Southern Cross and Pointers out the window...doesn't get much better than this!

05-02-2014, 10:59pm
Very impressive Barry you'll be in your element now certainly beets the 7 or 8'' I've got sitting in the garage that I've got to sell at some stage. Will be waiting to see some images posted. Happy tracking.

06-02-2014, 12:58pm
What a journey Barry, I have been following your progress on another forum.

Congratulations on the new acquisition I can’t wait to see the images!

08-02-2014, 1:42pm
Thanks gang! I'll keep you posted.


13-02-2014, 10:39pm
Get this - I sold all my pro photography gear to buy all this, then I had to get a pro photographer in to take these photos for my website and Facebook group.... go figure...




15-02-2014, 5:00pm
ASIGN Observatory II on the front page of The Canberra Times today.


01-05-2014, 6:48pm
Ok here you go. :thumbup:

After 30 hours of cutting, drilling, bolting and painting, ASIGN Observatory II is now sporting a very stylish pergola and banister over the front entrance.

And a bonus little screen grab of Johanna Griggs from the Better Homes and Gardens team with me on the observation deck.



18-05-2014, 10:27am
1. It's been couple of nights of rapid progression at ASIGN Observatory II. First night I got collimation of the mirrors sorted out.


2, 3 &4. Last night I had a fellow astronomer visit and help me through configuring of all the software that runs the telescope and cameras. Here's a few shots of the setup.




5 and finally, here's the first image (60 second single exposure) out of the new telescope through the deep space imager. It should be noted that there was nearly a full moon up and the mist filled the sky with poo. I can't wait to get a clear moonless night on some distant galaxies!


18-05-2014, 2:10pm
Very impressive. About warp 9.

18-05-2014, 7:37pm
Looking forward to seeing some great photos mate.

- - - Updated - - -

Looking forward to seeing some great photos mate.

19-05-2014, 5:44pm
Looks amazing - wish I had the know-how to do that stuff, and the finance lol

20-05-2014, 7:32pm
More testing of the new optics. I still have lots of room for tweaking the focus, but I am still fighting a sky full of moonlight and moisture/smoke. Too many people in our bush capital still using wood fires for heating.

The first picture is a single subexposure of M82 Southern Pinwheel Galaxy of ten minutes, guided using an SBIG ST-i guide camera and the Orion Starshoot (V1) as the main imager.

The second image is a single five minute subexposure of the Carina nebula.

Normally I would take twenty or thirty identical exposures, stack them together with dark, flat, offset/bias frames before exporting them to photoshop for final processing, so I'm pretty excited to see this level of detail, brightness and colour at the bottom of the pile.

Focus and collimation both need work, but that will come in time.



21-05-2014, 7:06am
Just read your link and this thread. Really enjoyed it. Good on you for acting on a dream. If it was me, I would still be at initial talking phase and probably never make it happen.

23-05-2014, 7:03pm
Space! The Final Frontier.
These are the images of the AsignObservatory enterprise.
It's ongoing mission: ...to boldly go...
...where no Baz has been before...

And to take us along.

Nick Cliff
31-05-2014, 8:31pm
The observatory looks a little bit like the Tardis ,enjoy your time travel, regards Nick.

01-06-2014, 9:58pm
Baz, you blow my mind.
To have watched this from your earlier posts to now has me admiring your dedication and perseverance.
I had the good fortune the other day to attend a presentation by Roger Croom and we briefly discussed you and your project.
Full points to you for what you've done.

02-06-2014, 1:23pm
Just read your link and this thread. Really enjoyed it. Good on you for acting on a dream. If it was me, I would still be at initial talking phase and probably never make it happen.

Space! The Final Frontier.
These are the images of the AsignObservatory enterprise.
It's ongoing mission: ...to boldly go...
...where no Baz has been before...

And to take us along.

The observatory looks a little bit like the Tardis ,enjoy your time travel, regards Nick.

Baz, you blow my mind.
To have watched this from your earlier posts to now has me admiring your dedication and perseverance.
I had the good fortune the other day to attend a presentation by Roger Croom and we briefly discussed you and your project.
Full points to you for what you've done.

Thanks heaps gang! My little way of repaying all the help, suggestions, encouragement and advice from all the fora is to make the process available as a build-blog so others can take ideas and inspiration from it to get their own projects done.

God bless the lot of ya!


22-06-2014, 4:30pm
Wow. I've followed with interest and it's great to see such phenomenal results.

23-06-2014, 8:31pm
Wow. I've followed with interest and it's great to see such phenomenal results.

Glad you enjoyed Carl!


08-07-2014, 7:12pm
The television show called MANSPACE aired my observatory last night. They did a great job, apart for the part where they called me John.... LOL!

It features first up, about a minute and a half into the show. http://www.jump-in.com.au/show/manspace/episodes/season-1/episode-7/episode-7/#autoplay

08-07-2014, 7:19pm
How slack of them, Peter:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

08-07-2014, 7:27pm
Just had a look then.. Good work John hahaha

10-07-2014, 9:04am
Saw MANSPACE ... good piece !

12-07-2014, 12:46pm
For those of my overseas friends that can't view the Manspace TV segment on their website, it is now on the home page (http://asignobservatoryii.com/) of the ASIGN Observatory II website.

I wonder how I can edit the video and dub over the bit that calls me John....