View Full Version : Photo Finish : Episode Five : Fashion

12-07-2012, 8:29pm
The episode this week was focused on Fashion.

Who do you think presented the best final photograph

UPDATE: If you missed it, it's now available to watch on iView : http://www.abc.net.au/iview/#/view/23978

12-07-2012, 8:33pm
I thought that the one by Arpana could have been the winner except for cutting off the top of the glasses.

Art Vandelay
12-07-2012, 8:48pm
I picked it. The sexy liberated 70s was well portrayed.

12-07-2012, 8:50pm
I thought that the one by Arpana could have been the winner except for cutting off the top of the glasses.

I agree, the lack of space at the top really let this one down, otherwise I would have picked it as the winner. I agree with the judges choice this week.

12-07-2012, 9:44pm
I was quite surprised with images this time. None of them were particularly poor photos - unlike some weeks (last weeks multi-exposure for example).
Funny how uncomfortable I also found the legs-spread pose in the winning shot. I was glad when the host commented that it made him uncomfortable, because I was thinking it must have just been me being prudish.
Funnily enough though, I still found that shot to be both my favourite, and the one I felt should win.

12-07-2012, 9:47pm
Leaving aside the winning image of the three, and I did vote for the 70's look, I just thought Ellen had a much better idea of what she was after and worked the scene until she got it! Despite the judge's comments I thought Stefan was pretty much clueless; his composition and lighting ware terrible. Arpana seemed to know what she wanted but had no idea how to get there. All in all, I think justice prevailed and the right person won. Of course I'm jealous of the opportunity to do a fully-fledged fashion shoot with unlimited lighting, MUA, hair stylist and knockout models. In at least two cases it was "pearls before swine" though. :confused013

12-07-2012, 11:32pm
I have to say, I found myself feeling sorry for the poor MUAs, stylists, and models. It must be pretty hard as professionals in the industry, to have totally clueless people floundering around trying to "direct" you with so little real clue, let alone trying to choose what you should wear etc. Though I do agree with Waz, Ellen seemed to have the most idea of the lot of them, and Stefan definitely the least.
All credit to these professional models and support cast, that were called in to work for the "photographers", and how well they seemed to manage the situation. That would have taken a lot of patience. Especially when Stefan seemed to want them to hurry up, but he hadn't left them very much time to do their side of things. Wonder if they were as tactful and polite as they seemed, or if we just never got shown them telling him a few home truths.

12-07-2012, 11:40pm
Seems as though the individual who thinks they have an advantage always seems to come last (like the bloke in the Wedding episode - said he had experience with the Canon).

13-07-2012, 1:58am
I think the judges picked the right shot, she worked the angles and came up with a winner.

13-07-2012, 9:30am
I have to say, I found myself feeling sorry for the poor MUAs, stylists, and models. It must be pretty hard as professionals in the industry, to have totally clueless people floundering around trying to "direct" you with so little real clue, let alone trying to choose what you should wear etc. Though I do agree with Waz, Ellen seemed to have the most idea of the lot of them, and Stefan definitely the least.
All credit to these professional models and support cast, that were called in to work for the "photographers", and how well they seemed to manage the situation. That would have taken a lot of patience. Especially when Stefan seemed to want them to hurry up, but he hadn't left them very much time to do their side of things. Wonder if they were as tactful and polite as they seemed, or if we just never got shown them telling him a few home truths.

Im sure they got paid much more than the TFP that normally would get

13-07-2012, 12:26pm
Nearly missed this episode as I have as much interest in fashion photography as watching paint dry but so glad I changed my mind. It was a half decent episode. Though am still wondering if they will ever break the 2 female 1 male ratio. Maybe there are more women photographers in Aust who knows?
I thought Ellen's shot was absolutely brilliant!! As a 70's teenager myself I can personally vouch for the fact that is exactly how we sat, looked and pouted! And those SHOES!!!! Had long forgotten the pain of those heels :eek:. She captured that quintessential 70's feel superbly. I know the overt sexuality of the pose made male viewers uncomfortable but this was the era of radical sexual freedom after all and that is what Ellen captured so well. I am amazed that this young girl who never grew up in that era was able to carry out her assignment so professionally and was able to get the feel of the era so incredibly well. Considering she only shoots in film it just goes to show it is not the camera that makes the photographer but the skillful eye, though a good camera and lens do help lol.

Mark L
13-07-2012, 8:24pm
I know the overt sexuality of the pose made male viewers uncomfortable .........

Made some uncomfortable it seems. Still not sure why. :confused013
The pose, though mostly the angle it was take from, made it the obvious winner for me.

13-07-2012, 9:31pm
I agree 100% with what HelenClaire stated :th3:
Ellen definitely had the real standout photo.
I personally thought Stefans photo was uninspiring and just looked awkward and unrelated to the "fashion" brief. After he stated that fashion photography was of particular interest to him and something he'd like to specialise in, I was expecting something "special" from him.
Arpana's photo definitely captured the 60's fashion. I feel there were better photos that she'd taken that were shown to us the viewers, that might have made it a harder decision for the judges.
Having said that, I think it would be an interesting addition to the show by having the "professional/judge" actually go through each contestants photos and choose what they believed to be the photo that best captured what was set out in their brief and explain why.
Hats off to all the contestants each week for having the guts to get out of their comfort zone and have a go :wd: