View Full Version : You will get found out....eventually!

Ms Monny
10-07-2012, 8:39am
Was watching the show Media Watch last night (love that show) and they were talking about how pixelated faces can now be used to find out the actual persons image via Google Images. It may become a problem due to court restrictions (or whatever it is called) and they tested it via pixelated image of the show's host and popped that into Google Images (click on the camera icon) and, bingo, his image came up on the screen. It is done in SECONDS and is many times better than tineye (?). Obviously, an image of very very similar looks has to be already floating around in the web for it to work.

As a try out, I did one this morning with an image that didn't seem right....not expecting to find anything.

OMG :eek:

The person has used a wallpaper image downloaded from the net for his sky and then cut and pasted his own foreground. I couldn't believe that 1. it actually worked and 2. someone would try to pull the wool over our eyes making us believe it was his image of the sky. There was no reference to it being a freebie.

This Google Image tool will def help in Photography fraud.....but will be hell for the Courts!!

10-07-2012, 9:10am
I saw the show and tried out the google tool as well, Ms, and it appears to do what was claimed. Where did you spot the crook shot, btw?

Ms Monny
10-07-2012, 9:30am
I'm not going to say but hopefully the mods will see their post soon. I loved their image and checked out their website but found it strange not to see that image in their gallery....so I did a search on the image. Pity, because this person can take great pictures. I double and double checked before posting on the thread about it.

10-07-2012, 9:50am
I too saw the program, it appeared to me that the image has to have appeared somewhere on the net previously for it to work, to the problem for the media was that they could not just take an image and then after the event became a court case, just pixelate the face out and think that they had done enough to satisfy the legal requirements. I have not tried it.
Re the second bit of your post,that's a bit sad and a real problem isn't it. The plagiarism checker for photography.

10-07-2012, 9:57am
I am closing this thread till we discuss with Monika the AP member involved as action will be taken if necessary, until that time, I am limiting this discussion as we do not want to compromise or cause an issue publicly on the site, without a full investigation

10-07-2012, 4:19pm
Suppression orders are now a joke due to the internet.

Case in point... http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/state-mp-faces-aggravated-new-child-pornography-charges/story-e6frea83-1226412050535
We have an unnamed MP on aggravated child pron charges. Name suppressed here in SA so I won't name him.
But if you lookup his Wikipedia entry all the details are there.

I won't link that due to being an SA resident and not wanting to break the law.

He has been on the local news, with a pixellated face - meh !

It has to be one of the worst kept 'secrets' in Adelaide.