View Full Version : Can anyone recommend a good Camera/Photography Magazine?

09-07-2012, 10:18pm
Hi all,

Can anyone out there could recommend a good Photography / Camera Magazine to subscribe too. I am a keen amateur looking to, most importantly, learn but also keep up to speed with the new gadgets / lenses / gear and techniques in the world of photography.

I know of ‘Australian Photography’ and ‘Camera’……I am sure there are heaps of others.

Cheers, Jason.

09-07-2012, 10:53pm
id also like to know :D

09-07-2012, 11:04pm
ooooohhhhh here is my piece of string....... |___________________________________________________| hmmm how long is that? :rolleyes:

It is a very difficult call because we all like different things. Let me give you an example. I like Better Photoshop Techniques. I was about to subscribe but then they changed the way they did things. I hated it and did not buy a copy for a year (it is a quarterly mag). I looked at it on the shelf but it did not grab me enough to buy it. Funny because I had bought every copy prior to that for the last 2 years. I bought the last copy because it interested me again. I wait in anticipation to see what the next edition will be - will I buy it or will it turn me off?

Hell, I don't know!! What I do know is if I had recommended it to you just before I stopped buying it I would be totally embarassed. I would have recommended something I no longer believed in.

Maybe something like dpreview may be of benefit, maybe, perhaps, maybe.....;)

10-07-2012, 5:21am
If all you want to do is be a gearhead then dpreview is the place. Lot of discussion about gear. Whether those discussions are accurate or reflect actually using the gear is sometimes debatable as well.

OH and this site is here for learning how to use your camera and take better photos. It just needs you to join in and start posting some of your photos to get the feedback, assistance and advice.

Ms Monny
10-07-2012, 7:56am
I am a magazine fanatic!! Hubby hates it!! :D

I love Australian Photography, Capture, B&W (but not many of them, just the Special ones .... like the last was B&W + Color Special), GUP - which is Guide to Unique Photography. The last issue was the Mexico Issue and it is chock full of amazing images with a lot of it being Street.

I am the same about Better Photoshop Techniques...I will look at it on the stand and see if it applies to my stage of photography.

I just love looking and ready about photography!!

23-07-2012, 9:14pm
Thanks all for the advice, appreciated.

OH....I hear your Rick....I look at the photos posted by others and am just not quite there / confident enough yet....but working towards it.

Cheers, Jas

23-07-2012, 9:21pm
If you join the AIPP as a subscriber you get Better Digital and Better Photography magazines

06-08-2012, 10:29pm
Digital does sound like a good way to go.........but I do like the feel of print :)
Thansk all for the advice.

Cheers, Jas

JM Tran
06-08-2012, 10:33pm
Im a big fan of Rangefinder magazine from the US, great mixture of high end professional and amateur work - at a very high calibre of photo quality.

Australian Photography magazine Im not so much a fan of, I dont take them that seriously - compared to other photo mags I read anyway.

But my favourite - Nat Geo:)

Film Street
11-08-2012, 8:23pm
National Geographic and Monster Children.

12-08-2012, 6:21pm
For those with an iPad, Michael Freeman has a great magazine on the app store, 'PhotographersI', full of tutorials, interviews and great Freeman advise. well worth the look.