View Full Version : How do you take great soccer photos?

09-07-2012, 2:48pm
What do I need to look out for? What equipment should I use? Where should I position myself?

Old Skool
09-07-2012, 7:11pm
Looking at your gear list I would use the 40D and maybe the 70-200 F2.8 Sigma. The 40D does 6 fps, so set it to burst mode, use AV, set to F2.8 if the lens is sharp wide open, otherwise stop down to F4. Then set ISO to allow for a shutter speed of at least 1/800, best over 1/1000. Set camera to centre point focus and AI Servo tracking. That should give you a start, if you follow the game you will learn to anticipate the action and know where to stand.

09-07-2012, 7:24pm
Day or night
Pros or kids
Full field or half field

Too hard, hire a pro ;-)

09-07-2012, 7:26pm
(check out the tips at the top of the sports page)

10-07-2012, 7:18am
I am an avid soccer player that had to retire due to illness.

The games are non-pro adults during the day on a full field (for now, if it works out I might try for a media license in about 20 years).

I tend to position myself on one of the two ends, halfway between corner and goal with 5DII and 100-400L.
But the game always seems to take place at the other end, no matter if I move or not :)

10-07-2012, 2:40pm
With a 70-200 you need to follow the play, don't get rooted to one spot. I typically though perch myself about 2/3 of the way from half way to the edge of the goal box

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