View Full Version : TPG issues

09-07-2012, 2:57pm
Is anyone else using TPG and having trouble with international sites? I can load this forum fine but if an image is hosted on photobucket etc it will not load and the forum hangs trying to open it. Nothing in the US will work correctly and reading Whirlpool forums it seems that there are a lot of unhappy people in the same boat.

- - - Updated - - -

Now I can't even open threads here 90% of the time. I can click around the forum headings fine but opening threads is hit and miss.

09-07-2012, 3:14pm
It's Monday. Maybe the DNSChanger virus that was due to take effect today has hit some sites. (EDIT: or hit you)
See here http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?107311-Internet-Doomsday-a-ticking-timebomb-to-hit-Monday

09-07-2012, 3:47pm
I'm with TPG, no issues here, just he usual slow connection.

09-07-2012, 4:13pm
No DNS changer virus on my side. I noticed late last week that some images on the site wouldn't load or half loaded. I was away for the weekend and when we got home last night the internet was terribly slow. This has continued through today and I have logged a call with TPG. Reading whirlpool suggests there are lots of issues so just seeing if anyone else noticed it. For me to load each thread will take 5 or 6 attempts right now and only if I stop the thread, go back and load again. If I don't it just hangs completely. Seems worse with sites that download elements or are hosted OS.

09-07-2012, 5:23pm
I'm also with TPG and not having any problems, but I'm only on here, and a couple of 4wd forums and facebook, but if it's here you're having issues, it's not specifically TPG unless it's local to your TPG area.
I'm assuming you've done all the obvious such as turned off your modem/router for a minimum of 20 minutes (forces it to create a new connection rather than refresh the old one is my understanding, but may be wrong).

09-07-2012, 5:26pm
http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum/90 :D

I'll put you in the performance group... you will get a performance message at the bottom of each page...

Page generated in 0.613 seconds with 22 queries Memory: 13.75 Mb [Server Load Averages (1:5:15) 0.93 : 0.87 : 0.80]
Page generated should be < 1 second 99% of the time.

09-07-2012, 6:28pm
Thanks Kym. It seems to be improving this evening. The times will help me keep an eye on it.

09-07-2012, 8:17pm
We were with TPG for some time (changed now) and noticed very poor performance with them during school holidays, mind you we do connect through a rural exchange