View Full Version : Hi every one......Newby Alert!!

08-07-2012, 4:01pm
Big G'day to everyone on the site.

My name is Leith and I am fairly new to photography. I do have a DSLR camera but can only really shoot on Auto.

I have a Nikon D90 and really want to start making the most out of it and also want to learn a bit about photo editing on my computer.

I am thinking of taking a course through the Photography Institute to build my skills so would really love to hear peoples thoughts on this course. As i only have a very basic knowledge of photography and a growing family I don't really want to waste time or money.

I really hope to gain a lot of knowledge off of this site and pick some brains of the more experienced members.

Thanks & Cheers


I @ M
08-07-2012, 4:41pm
Hi Leith, welcome to AP, pull up a chair and join in.
Posting some of your work as well as commenting on other peoples posts will ensure that other members will help you with any queries by offering sound advice ------ all for free. :)

08-07-2012, 4:48pm
Welcome to AP. Enjoy the site. If you pull up a chair here, you will most likely learn more than the PI course (you do realise it is not an accredited course?, ie, PI is not a registered training organisation).

See you on the forums

Mary Anne
08-07-2012, 4:54pm
Hello Leith and Welcome to AP.. Start off here your learning here > New To Photography Book And Forum (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:New_To_Photography_Book) and as mentioned above its free..

Duane Pipe
08-07-2012, 4:57pm
Welcome Leith, Join in and learn:th3:

08-07-2012, 5:13pm
Thanks for the heads up as i did not realize this was not an accredited course. Looks like i will have to try to hone my skills using the ausphotography site, will hopefully have some photos to post up for a bit of critique soon. just need to study up on some of the neat info you guys have on here first and practice a bit.

Thanks again, really appreciate the help already

08-07-2012, 8:14pm
:gday: & Welcome
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

08-07-2012, 9:35pm
Welcome Leithal, looking forward to seeing your work soon.

09-07-2012, 6:46am
Welcome to AP Leith, look forward to seeing some of your photos

Mark L
09-07-2012, 9:14pm
G'day and welcome Leith.
The New to Photography link that Mary Anne gave is definitely worth working though.
Don't be worried about asking how someone got the image they've posted.
Don't be worried about posting your image and asking what could have been done better. An easy place to start doing this is http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?177-New-to-Photography-CC-%28Beginners%29

09-07-2012, 9:50pm
Cheers Leith and nice to welcome you:)