View Full Version : web browser...

05-07-2012, 10:30pm
hi folks, dont know if any of you EI lovers have stumbled across this, but i have what has to be the worlds fastest browser.

www.fastestwebbrowser.com (http://www.fastestwebbrowser.com)

its based on IE but without all the bloaty stuff. if anyone knows anything about this browser or wants to take it apart to see its workings and get back to me that would be tops as i know nothing about it... this site supports it tho. it launches in a nanosecond!!!:eek:

i dont know how safe it is tho so if anyone with programming skills can give it a look over that'd be great!

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ok, just found out its based in IE7... :/

06-07-2012, 5:34am
hmmmmmmm....... :umm: ....

Not exactly impressive.

I'm using it for this post, and not feeling particularly impressed by it's suppo'zed .... fastestness!

Sure, it's fast to load up and be sitting there staring at a blank screen. But of course that's not what a browser is all about.

I coudl fogive it's rough edges and inelegant looking windowing, and absolutely barebones features, but page loading times are woeful in comparison to FF(13.0.1 fo rme ATM).

If I wanted a browser that loads up in a microsecond, then yep this is surely the one.
But for loading any page in AP, the 5 sec delay in doing something, which then leads to a further delay of a blank white page, which then finally renders into the page you actualy wanted to see .... well I'm sticking with FF for now(and into the future).

posted via FWB .. but back to FF in a mo!

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Yay! back in FF.

Well this fastest browser is definitely faster than FF for some things, but not loading content rich web pages, I think.

I just used it to load up my router's admin login, and FWB is faster by a few country miles at least.

Where FF has a very slight delay in loading any of the various pages and features, FWB is instantaneous by comparison.
There's the inevitable slight delay when effecting a change, but this is not the fault of the browser obviously but the refresh rate of the router itself, for example when clearing out the logs there is the same delay in any browser, but for loading a particular feature page, FWB is so much faster in doing so than is FF(that I know of so far).

It's just a pity it slower(for me) in loading any page on AP.

I could see this one working well for a portable mobile device such as an Android or Windows phone.

And just had a quick peek to see what's going on in the processes department too.
It seems as tho it's actually a lightweight version of IE, whereas I was confused a bit thinking it's calling on the IE8 process already in Windows, but stripping it down considerably or something.
But while it's running, there is no indication other than it's a separate piece of software, albeit extremely lightweight(800kbs!!) compared to other browsers.

So I opened IE9, FF, and this FWB and loaded three tabs in each one Google, one Google Maps, and one tab with AP loaded(signed into via FF only).
using Task Manager:
FWB shows 90Mb of memory reserved.
FF shows 98Mb of memory used up, although as I type this, it does jump up to 101Mb.. and I suspect that when I'm done posting it'll drop back down again.
IE9 shows 4 processes names IExplore totalling about 100Mb(32, 10, 16 and 46 Mb respectively).


Actually, in saying all of this, I have been having a bit of a problem lately since the update to FF 13.0.1, where I keep losing 'focus' when I use the keyboard or mouse.

That is, I'm merrily typing along(and y'all know how much I hate doing so!! :p), and for no reason, it stops typing, and I have to click on the page to start again to keep going.
Same with the mousey too.. I may be scrolling along, and then zip!.. nada! zilch and nothing.. it just stops scrolling.
A mouse click anywhere on the page always gets it going again, but it's really starting to become annoying.

FF is the only program that is doing this too tho, so it can't be a system wide input device issue.
MS wireless kb and mouse are the hardware specs and have been perfectly fine up until FF13.0.1

anyone else on FF 13.0.1 getting this, or am I hallucinating heavily, with all the meds I've been taking? :animal3:


oops.... off topic, but back on it again.

FWB looks to be useful for certain web browser related things, but not general browsing I reckon.

06-07-2012, 7:57am
your not losing it arthur
i am getting the same with the typing and scrolling
cheers macca

06-07-2012, 10:16am
yup thats why i have stopped using it. like i said tho its based on ie7 so its out dated anyhow.... it is portable tho and you can launch it from a usb. I guess in that i may have some aplications but i'll stick to opera 12.

thnx guys.

06-07-2012, 11:19am
I am also getting the same problem with FF13. :angry0:

Mark L
06-07-2012, 8:02pm
I am also getting the same problem with FF13. :angry0:

Same here, though it's onl ....... bugga, it just did it again.