View Full Version : Develop your film with Red Wine?

29-06-2012, 11:34am

Waste of good wine if you ask me....

30-06-2012, 7:25pm
Not for me.

30-06-2012, 9:16pm
Ah, the pursuits of the idle...
(yeah, well.)

Some let red wine go to such waste! I tend to let it go to my waist.

30-06-2012, 9:47pm
I drink a lot of red wine and I haven't developed much. :scrtch:

Mark L
01-07-2012, 10:46pm
I drink a lot of red wine and I haven't developed much. :scrtch:
I'd kinda agree with that, though the drinking develops the need to drink more red wine, which of course hinders my development, which ends up developing the need to drink ...............
Maybe I need to start using and developing film again!