View Full Version : Stop The Super Trawler...

Duane Pipe
27-06-2012, 3:01pm
Calling All My AP Friends.

As a recreational fisherman I don't want this in our waters!!
Can you imagine the amount of Dolphins, Seals and other critter that are going to be dragged on board this monstrosity Just look at the size of that net.:eek: How many of these will survive, even if the unwanted catch is released Will it survive the trauma.
The Southern Bluefin Tuna are already under threat and taking their and other marine animals food supply with only make things worse. The Trawler has an 18,000 tonne annual quota...

Could you please find the time to sign this partition to help put a stop to it.
Don't forget to un-check the box before you sign

Thanks for looking.. Cheers Dave:)

ABC news




27-06-2012, 6:27pm
I'm certainly not against conservation of our oceans, and I certainly don't like the thought of multi-kilometre long nets grabbing at everything and anything, but the facts are that compared to most other countries, we take relatively little fish from our waters.
Australia takes around 30kgs of fish per square km out of our waters where the global average is around 755 kg.
Because of our very tight laws regarding fishing here, we are forced to import around 70% of our seafood intake, mainly from countries that really don't care how much fish they take.
Our main suppliers for seafood are Thailand, China and Vietnam and all of these countries extract over 5,000kg per square kilometre.

Personally, I think we should be taking more from our own, clean waters where the fishing is controlled, rather than perhaps dubious seafood from these other countries that are just raping their own resources, and also illegally taking from Australian waters too.

27-06-2012, 7:14pm
Well, look at it another way: how will this affect those of jilted romance?

Ah, even the adages will be at risk!!!

Mark L
27-06-2012, 7:34pm
Benny, what you say may be true, but surely we can get the fish ourselves, in a less damaging way than this overseas owned operation will do.

27-06-2012, 7:50pm

27-06-2012, 8:00pm
Just some facts for you Benny this trawler will be fishing for bait fish that will not be used for human consumption, more for fish oil extraction and to make up fish meal pellet production for fish farms.
Most of the fish sold in Australia that is sold at fish markets ect comes from Australian waters, the large amount of imported product you talk of is more what the skanky fish and chip shops and take always sell.
This trawler will be removing a large proportion of the basic food chain from Australian waters that will adversely effect every other fish species, it has already decimated south African waters and now needs to find fresh ground.......we don't need it in our waters.

Art Vandelay
28-06-2012, 8:24am
The lunacy of our current Gov't (and several recent ones) astounds me.

One week they're bowing to pressure from the US controlled environmental PEW group and CLOSING more areas to fishing, then the next minute opening the doors to foreign super trawlers like this in other areas.......

Duane Pipe
28-06-2012, 9:08am
I understand what Benny is on about I think a lot of supermarket fish are inferior imported products, I cant afford to buy AU prawns so I opt for the Thailand Vannemei prawns..

Here's an extract froma fishing forum, not to sure on the truth of it, But it certainly has turned me off them...

Prawn Farmimg - guys I dont know if any of you have ever been tempted (or family or friends) to buy something called Vannemei Prawns from Woolworths or Coles.....................if you have you need to know that these prawns are fully imported from Asia and are farmed under chicken farms (chickens sitting on wire mesh) so the prawns feed and grow on chicken sh&t and anything else that falls through. These prawns are now being renamed as Tropical Whites as amrketing exercise to dupe the unwary buyer.

I have also been told that some prawn farms - even in Australia have been know to feed the prawns on fertilser (bags of chicken sh&t). This was the guts of a letter in the Sunshine Coast Daily from the local Seafood Austhority yesterday.

Apart from the obvious health issues and the imported part - I would be touching it for quids.

28-06-2012, 10:34am
The lunacy of our current Gov't (and several recent ones) astounds me.

One week they're bowing to pressure from the US controlled environmental PEW group and CLOSING more areas to fishing, then the next minute opening the doors to foreign super trawlers like this in other areas.......

Such is RIFE. We must be living it to the FOOLL!

28-06-2012, 6:35pm

Mark L
28-06-2012, 7:51pm
The lunacy of our current Gov't (and several recent ones) astounds me.

One week they're bowing to pressure from the US controlled environmental PEW group and CLOSING more areas to fishing, then the next minute opening the doors to foreign super trawlers like this in other areas.......

Can't have a go at Gov't for something they ain't done yet.
Quote from Dave's first link "......though authorities are still to recieve an application for the ship to fish in Australian waters."
Hence the pre-emptive petition trying to influence the Gov't not to approve what some would consider lunacy.

Art Vandelay
28-06-2012, 8:53pm
Can't have a go at Gov't for something they ain't done yet.
Quote from Dave's first link "......though authorities are still to recieve an application for the ship to fish in Australian waters."
Hence the pre-emptive petition trying to influence the Gov't not to approve what some would consider lunacy.

Of course it hasn't happened yet, and with enough of a backlash it wont.

The lunacy is in the backroom deals that have been playing out for sometime as if it was a forgone conclusion the public would accept it. Quotas have been increased. The ship has been reoutfitting to suit the new fishery. An operation that size doesn't just decide on a whim, hey lets go to tasmania next week.

Gillard has been defending the operation saying they will have strict quotas & regulations etc. but recently having 2 bob each way by saying it has had formal approval yet.. maybe public opinion is working already. They better start listening to the public on something, they're further up the road to oblivion if they don't.

Anyway, looks like greenpeace have slowed it's departure for Australia


29-06-2012, 1:54am
Thanks for linking the petition - I've been reading about this monster in the Hobart Mercury online but hadn't seen a link before. I've signed as I consider we are overfishing the area this leviathan of trawlers plans to operate.

29-06-2012, 4:18am

Duane Pipe
29-06-2012, 7:05am
Thanks for signing guys.
I dont want to start a political debate But I am all for the greens on this.
On one hand they open up marine parks around our coast costing jobs and stopping us anglers which has to affect local tourism, then on the other hand they introduce this:confused013

29-06-2012, 10:43am
Why don't the greens use there influence with Julia, and not allow this trawler to obtain a licence to fish,problem solved.


29-06-2012, 3:12pm
Signed. Hopefully it never happens. These giant trawlers have already depleted many areas; the same shouldn't happen here.

Duane Pipe
29-06-2012, 3:52pm
Apparently the lib states have outlawed it:confused013

29-06-2012, 8:42pm
I am most certainly NOT in favour of these huge ships hoovering up everything that lives in the sea!
Fishing needs to be fairly selective in what it catches so as to leave the more endangered species alone, as best they can.

This huge ship has not come all this way on the hope that the government will allow it to rape our clean oceans (or rape our oceans clean).
They would have had permission to fish BEFORE they left port.

Just another one of Juliar's stories I'm afraid.

02-07-2012, 3:42pm
Unfortunately, the whole thing is a catch 22. People don't want to pay the pricing for local goods farmed/fished/made in an environmentally friendly way and yet they complain about it not being farmed/fished/made in an environmentally friendly way or if it is, they buy internationally to get rock bottom pricing forcing people out of business. How many times do we see people complaining about slave wages in china and yet they want to buy t-shirts at $6 which is just not feasible locally.