View Full Version : One for Darren (KIWI)

27-06-2012, 11:12am
A bloke walks into a bar in NEW ZEALAND and orders a shandy.
All the Kiwis sitting around the bar look up,
expecting to see another Australian visitor.

The barman says, "You ain't from around here, are ya?"

The guy says, "No, I'm from Canada ."

The bartender says, "What do you do in Canada ?"

The guy says, "I'm a taxidermist."

The bartender says, "A tixidermist? What the hick is a tixidermist?
Do you drive a tixi?"

"No, a taxidermist doesn't drive a taxi.
I mount animals."

The bartender grins and yells,

"He's okay boys. He's one of us."

Duane Pipe
27-06-2012, 11:47am
Ok I wont look then:lol2: oops I had a peek and its a joke, Its for Kiwi so im not going to read it:p

Mark L
27-06-2012, 8:39pm

27-06-2012, 9:09pm


Duane Pipe
27-06-2012, 9:25pm
Good one Roo:lol:

Mark L
27-06-2012, 9:30pm

Now looking at Arthur's user title. :D