View Full Version : 17-70 help

22-06-2012, 7:13pm
Looking for any help/advise on how to open and clean the sigma 17-70 I have mold on the inner front glass and would like to try a clean without the hassle and cost of sending it away.

22-06-2012, 7:30pm
I don't know how much you paid for your lens but I would seriously not be entertaining the idea if pulling appart a lens myself with the aim of cleaning it. I believe that some camera places will be able to do that kind of work while you wait but you need to organise with them to drop it off etc. Could give you a great excuse to go browsing for more kit. I would start by getting in contact with the AP sponsors I'm sure they do this regularly.

Kind Regards

22-06-2012, 7:36pm
Thanks livio
I have been in touch with the importers as they are my nearest fixers, $ 250 for a full clean. I did manage the 50-500 that was an easy clean.As for new kit that may be an option.