View Full Version : Yippppeeee... It's about time!

Duane Pipe
14-06-2012, 5:50pm
After 2 years of unemployment I have finely Nailed a JOB:efelant: I am stoked and what a boost it is:th3: I am back on the pay role guys:th3: and this has come at the opportune moment:th3:
My doctor tried to help me claim for a full disability support pension but Centrelink knocked us back three times:( They put me on New Start with a part pension, I need to work 15 hours pw to meet their agreement.

It is working for a company that owns 3 Cafes. I am going to be maintaining their gardens:th3: I have to maintain the business premises as well as their residence which is 3 town blocks. I hope My body can take it.
Thanks in advance and don't be offended if I am slow to reply:th3:

14-06-2012, 5:54pm
Great Work! Life is starting to really look up for you. Well done!

Ms Monny
14-06-2012, 5:56pm
Fantastic news! :gl:

This is exactly what you needed, especially after your announcement the other day. Nothing like a good dose of self esteem to boost your morale!

Woo Hoo!! :efelant:

14-06-2012, 6:11pm
Thats bloody fantastic, you wont know your self soon. It wont be long and youll be a NEW man. Good on ya mate.

14-06-2012, 6:24pm
Well done and great to hear this news, this is a huge step forward, now come the better times :efelant:

Duane Pipe
14-06-2012, 6:33pm
Yeah its a Huge confidence boost guys:th3: The hours are 15 pw and are flexible to suit me or the weather.

old dog
14-06-2012, 6:36pm
good on you Duane. Knock em dead.

14-06-2012, 6:39pm
Flexible to suit you, how good have you got it. Wish I could start my job at a time that suits me. Does this mean we can expect to see some flowery shots.

14-06-2012, 6:43pm
Kicking goals Dave.

I'll be after gardening as well as photographic advice from now on. 3 town blocks eh! Your gonna need to pack a landscape, birding and macro lens along with your lunch each day.

Great news, good luck

14-06-2012, 7:11pm
Great attitude Dave!

Keeping yourself busy is the best therapy.

Best of luck!

14-06-2012, 7:46pm
Great news Dave :th3: I hope it all works out well.

14-06-2012, 7:48pm

Mary Anne
14-06-2012, 8:00pm
Thats Fantastic news Dave I am so pleased for you.. Take care now..:th3::th3:

Mark L
14-06-2012, 8:36pm
....... I hope My body can take it.

So if 15 hours paid work takes 25 hours to do (to start with), who cares?:confused013
Still gives you time for some volunteer work also. Speaking of which, the gardens we're slowly establishing are starting to need some maintaining. 'spose you're a bit to far away to ask if .....:)

aussie girl
14-06-2012, 9:21pm
This is just the best post you have put up Dave. Not only have you addressed you personal problem, now you have a fantastic opportunity to change your whole life around for the better. Keep busy, enjoy the job, try and ease yourself into the new job and let your body get used to the manual work. If you overdo it and end up sore or hurt yourself, it will undermine the whole thing, so take it easy and make it work for you. You cant be expected to go straight into a job like this and be instantly fit. I am sure your employer will understand. Stay positive, stay focused and look at the overall big picture - a new life for the new you :)

14-06-2012, 9:29pm
Congrats on the new job things are starting to look up for you, I wish you luck with the new job

15-06-2012, 12:07am
Congratulations. Hope the job works out but don't forget to keep things in balance by factoring in the things you enjoy, like photography for example. There are always "have to do's" in life but don't forget the "want to do's".

15-06-2012, 12:16am
Good on you Dave. Glad to hear that things are looking up at last.

15-06-2012, 12:59am
:efelant: Congratulations - very good timing for you too! :wd:

15-06-2012, 4:33am
Well done Dave. See what happens when you want to change your life. From down in the dumps, to down in the garden. :D

15-06-2012, 5:55am
Great news Dave, Well done :th3::th3:

15-06-2012, 6:06am
Well done Dave. nothin like gettin your hands dirty. :th3:

15-06-2012, 10:49am

Duane Pipe
15-06-2012, 5:22pm
I cant thank you all enough for all the reply's and support. I never thought that online Friends could be so encouraging, What a great community AP is:th3: your help and advice has given me a more positive outlook and the new job Tops it off.:th3:

15-06-2012, 5:50pm
well done duane
on my reply to the booze problem i stated its time to smell the roses
and here you are gardening
cheers macca

15-06-2012, 5:51pm
I'm super pleased mate

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

15-06-2012, 7:32pm
Sounds Great Dave ....mongo is pleased for you

15-06-2012, 8:44pm
Excellent mate, that's great news :)

Sent from my HTC Incredible S using Tapatalk 2

Duane Pipe
16-06-2012, 10:35am
Thanks Guys. It sure is good news:th3:

16-06-2012, 10:41am
Pace yourself at first Dave.......do you know about the Spoon theory? ( otherwise know as " you dont look sick "..........I swear by it....http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory-written-by-christine-miserandino/

16-06-2012, 11:34am
Sorry to hijack your thread Dave but I wanted to thank ricstew for posting that link as it has given me a little understanding about some people I know.

16-06-2012, 3:34pm
Pace yourself at first Dave.......do you know about the Spoon theory? ( otherwise know as " you dont look sick "..........I swear by it....http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory-written-by-christine-miserandino/
Thanks for that link, Jan. I've been struggling with how to explain my situation to someone and that has given me a HUGE clue on the subject. :th3:

@Dave - this is the stuff of success in your moving forward, mate. Read, mark and inwardly digest. :th3:

Duane Pipe
16-06-2012, 3:56pm
Pace yourself at first Dave.......do you know about the Spoon theory? ( otherwise know as " you dont look sick "..........I swear by it....http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory-written-by-christine-miserandino/

With the flexible hours I will be able to do exactly that:th3: The company knows of my disability and are willing to work around it.
That link is a great way of explaining day to day life with an illness. Thanks Jan:)

- - - Updated - - -

Sorry to hijack your thread Dave but I wanted to thank ricstew for posting that link as it has given me a little understanding about some people I know.

No problem Allie, I dont see it as hijacking at all and I am glad that you found it useful :th3:

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks for that link, Jan. I've been struggling with how to explain my situation to someone and that has given me a HUGE clue on the subject. :th3:

@Dave - this is the stuff of success in your moving forward, mate. Read, mark and inwardly digest. :th3:

It sure is Wazza:th3: I am taking all on board and appreciating every reply.
Men's health! I think we keep a lot of our problems hidden from family and friends, I know I do which is not a good thing, I find it easier to talk here than at home.:eek:

16-06-2012, 8:35pm
Congratulations Dave - wishing you all the best :)

16-06-2012, 8:43pm
Men's health! I think we keep a lot of our problems hidden from family and friends, I know I do which is not a good thing, I find it easier to talk here than at home.:eek:
I KNOW that to be the case, Dave. It's the semi-anonymous nature of the Internet forum that seems to offer some release from our natural inhibitions over our health issues. How many times have you answered the question "How are ya' mate?" with, "Yeah, I'm fine, mate!" You just know that most people don't want to hear anything else anyway so it becomes almost automatic. We should be able to go to Manual mode with our friends and family but that's easier said than done. Unloading to virtual strangers (pun intended) is always easier because the consequences are less severe. :confused013

Duane Pipe
18-06-2012, 4:01pm
Congratulations Dave - wishing you all the best :)

Thanks Jodie so far I am drinking about 1/3 less:th3: I haven't drank any more than 8 cans in a night and have had less than 4 on three occasions.

- - - Updated - - -

I KNOW that to be the case, Dave. It's the semi-anonymous nature of the Internet forum that seems to offer some release from our natural inhibitions over our health issues. How many times have you answered the question "How are ya' mate?" with, "Yeah, I'm fine, mate!" You just know that most people don't want to hear anything else anyway so it becomes almost automatic. We should be able to go to Manual mode with our friends and family but that's easier said than done. Unloading to virtual strangers (pun intended) is always easier because the consequences are less severe. :confused013

I know what you mean waz. I put on a happy face and say that things are fine....:)