View Full Version : ABC tv show :PHOTO FINISH: discussion thread

14-06-2012, 6:34pm
With the premier of the ABC's Photo Finish show tonight, and member interest in this show. I decided to create this thread for all discussion related to the show. This keeps the site tidier, than having several different threads going with members comments and opinions.

For those who have not heard.


Starts tonight on ABC at 8.00pm AEST

So please add any discussion or comments to this thread, rather than creating new ones. Any other thread may be merged into this one.

14-06-2012, 6:55pm
Thanks for the reminder, Rick. I meant to set the Tivo the other day but plum forgot.

old dog
14-06-2012, 7:44pm
yep, set the recorder as there are two women in the house and fat chance of me getting what I want...........oops, dark clouds gather above my head........:lol2:

14-06-2012, 8:31pm
Very interesting. Pity they did not show more instructional stuff, so that beginners etc at home, get more of an idea of lighting. I think all three chose the wrong final photo to present. They all had stronger images that we saw during the shoots.

14-06-2012, 8:38pm
I agree with you Rick and I dont agree with the judges decision. My pic was the photo of Vince. I thought the winner was too busy.

14-06-2012, 8:50pm
I agree with you Rick and I dont agree with the judges decision. My pic was the photo of Vince. I thought the winner was too busy.

I thought the photo of Vince was well taken, but it didn't reflect his known personality, in that he often plays a thug. I thought the winner had a great angle and it did reflect her subjects personality and persona. But I really liked the shot she got when she asked her to look up at the camera, using the mirror.

14-06-2012, 8:53pm
I thought there were stronger images taken by the eventual winner.

14-06-2012, 8:53pm
I was hoping Gary Heery would tell us the lens he uses most of the time. I did like the photo of Vince - it portrayed the softer side of him (which we probably wouldn't normally consider given the characters he plays with).

Now I'm off to google to see if I can find the lens Gary prefers to shoot with.

Ms Monny
14-06-2012, 9:03pm
I too thought the image of Christa looking up was the better image...engaging the eyes through the lens. I love the shot though. Love the set up and how she went about photographing Christa. Considering they didnt have aclue what to do in the studio, they did really well.

Overall. I love the concept of the show and look forward to seeing more.

Dylan & Marianne
14-06-2012, 9:19pm
I'm looking forward to when they tackle landscapes!!

14-06-2012, 9:20pm
Ditto to the eventual winner having better shots of her subject and as mentioned particularly the shot of her looking up. I wasn't a fan of the big white flourescent light in the winning image though but it was a great angle. I liked the image of Vince but again I thought there were better shots taken by the contestant and wasn't keen on the Dick Smith image as it didn't really reflect his character at all.

If anything, the show might give our AP members a better idea about critiquing images. :)

Old Skool
14-06-2012, 9:28pm
If you missed it you can view it here

14-06-2012, 9:37pm
I'm looking forward to when they tackle landscapes!!

Next week, they end up at the top of Mt Wellington, here in Hobart

14-06-2012, 10:46pm
As has been said, all contestants had stronger images than those they chose to display. I thought the winning image made the subject look like a transvestite.

As far as the show itself, I thought there was very little actual content. When it finished I thought it should have been a 5 minute filler rather than a half hour program.

Gary the Pro was OK, but could have been more engaging. The other judge, Anne the curator, was totally devoid of personality and presence. The host was ok, but stiff.

Overall pretty amateur television. I do plan on watching it though as I think it will mature and loosen up.


15-06-2012, 1:40am
Interesting concept - Definitely could identify with the three contestants - having not dabbled in studio work myself, I'd be just as intimidated....but I reckon I'd enter just to play with a 'Blad !
I thought the host wasn't overly convincing though - not bad ...but a bit er.."beige" for want of a better description.
As Rick said - be nice to have more instructional info.
Also I'd have liked to see the pro do his own take on the three subjects - how would he shoot them.

15-06-2012, 8:18am
I agree with Speedway, the photo of Vince was stronger and I was expecting the judges to pick it. I feel that the show was a little devoid of content. Maybe rather than having a judged winner, just some critique from the judges and the ABC could engage the audience by having us pick the winner and displaying the result next week.
Amateurs muddling their way through unfamiliar equipment must have been hard though.

15-06-2012, 9:01am
I'm wondering what the point was in throwing those three into the deep end in a professional studio environment and equipment they have no experience with and saying sink or swim. No mention if there was any assistance given on it's use during or prior to the studio time frame. No explanations or assistance given to the viewer, only the watching of 3 people in a panic struggling to come to terms with an alien environment.

I don't understand the purpose of this.

I also didn't like the format of a contest and manufactured dramatics to name the weekly winner, the like of which is normally associated with the biggest loser, reality type shows. Too tabloid for my liking with a concentration on drama at the expense of substance and not what i expected from the ABC.

15-06-2012, 9:32am
I agree with you Rick and I dont agree with the judges decision. My pic was the photo of Vince. I thought the winner was too busy.
Keith.Who ever agrees with the judge?

15-06-2012, 9:33am
I suspect (haven't checked) that it wasn't an ABC production, but a bought in 'idea' from a small production company, possibly a one man band, shot with digicams, and edited on a Mac using Final Cut Pro. Definitely a small player production.

Talking with another enthusiastic amateur photographer here at work, they too thought there was very little in the way of photography in the show, more like just another reality show with winners and losers.


15-06-2012, 9:35am
I know Nicole through a pentax forum Im a member of...blew me away when I saw her on the show.....she shoots a Pentax Kx I believe..her image showed Vinces softer side and if the comp allowed a small narrative from the contestants Im sure she would have got across the line ..after explaining the significance of the carousel

15-06-2012, 9:59am
Having been away for a couple of weeks, I hadn't realised that last night's was the first episode. If that was the case, there seemed to be very little explanation of what was happening, and the host drove me mad. Some more info. about the set up - cameras etc. would have been good - The whole thing looked like a cheap quick copy of the series that ran some time ago on the ABC where Rolf Harris had 3 artists each paint a portrait of a well known character and then the subject chose his/her favourite - but that was a much more elaborate and undoubtedly expensive series.
"Also I'd have liked to see the pro do his own take on the three subjects - how would he shoot them." Brilliant idea Matt.

15-06-2012, 10:58am
Master Chef for photographers. :(

I would have preferred to have watched a more informative/instructional program where I learn something, rather than a pressure competition where often not the best decisions are made, or results produced.

15-06-2012, 11:27am
Agree with you Brownie, I am not a portrait photographer; but I think the winner was far too busy, just a photo of a reflection, not a real portrait.
The photo of Dick Smith, well could have been anybody,

I thought Vince was the best; but could have had some more light on his face and less on the carousel.

Just my opinion.


15-06-2012, 1:41pm
at 17:40

Gary said: "If your mind caught up with equipments, you will lost contact with Dick!"

Sounds like the threatening words coming out from my wife when I have mentioned my intention of purchasing new equipments. :lol2:

15-06-2012, 3:57pm
Agree with those above the shot of Christa from above looking at the camera was the clear winner (for me).

I think what the show did illustrate was having a good technical understanding of your equipment helps you spend more time on developing your ideas than freaking out with the equipment. I was somewhat surprised they appeared not to have had much in the way of tutorial on the lights. Even though none of them appeared to have used 'blad's in the past, enough knowledge can be easily transferred from 35 to medium format without the amount of angst demonstrated last night. Imagine having to be tauught how to use your cmaera by the subject! That would go down well at a wedding.
I expect the show will fall into it's own groove as it proceeds, like all do.

15-06-2012, 5:49pm
I found the show interesting but not overly engaging......I would have thought a better format would be along similar lines to master chef where the relevant expert does a short "master class" or instructional demonstration so the contestants at least walk away with some knowledge to better attempt the challenge, they are there to learn after all.
I think throwing them in at the deep end then letting us watch them stress out about a lack of familiarity with gear was a bit counter productive.
Will watch it a few more times before I completely write it off though.

15-06-2012, 5:59pm
I agree with Matt, it would have been great to have the pro do a shoot with each subject and also an explanation of the various studio lights. This would work quite well as an hour long show with some instructional content.

15-06-2012, 8:19pm
I thought it was very unfair on the contestants to throw them gear they were unfamiliar with and expect them to adapt to that as well as the pressure of a shoot with a celebrity in a limited time. It would have been better had they had an option on gear to use, even their own!

Less attempts at making it difficult for them and more on allowing their creative side would have made for a more authentic show in my opinion.

I also think it would have been good to see the pro spend a couple of minutes with each subject, that would add to the informative side of the show.

I'll watch it again, but not sure it will last with the current format as I think it'll get old quick.

Mark L
15-06-2012, 8:24pm
Think the contestants could have been asked to chose 6 or 8 of their photos, then the judges should pick the best from each and they become the final 3 to pick from (or something like that).
Photography wise, I didn't find it very interesting.

15-06-2012, 9:14pm
After 6 months on AP I reckon I know more than at least 2 of the contestants. I wanted to have a go! Lol

16-06-2012, 11:36am
I missed it but watched it here........http://www.abc.net.au/tv/photofinish/...........a bit lightweight.....and the video? jumps a round a fair bit in sections......but it looks like fun!

16-06-2012, 12:24pm
I have had a suggestion that each week, we have a poll on AP as to which photo we think should have won. Does this interest you?

16-06-2012, 12:33pm
I like the idea Rick. What happens if it wasn't one of the ones they chose, like this week

Dan Cripps
16-06-2012, 12:33pm
None of them took Gary Heery's advice to heart: KISS.

All of them fussed around with equipment and styling at the expense of working with the subject to create a meaningful portrait.

The winning shot probably said more about the subject than the others, so I can see why the judges gave it the nod, despite it probably not technically being the best image.

Those subjects should have been relatively easy. A natural communicator (Dick) and two professional performers. Couldn't really ask for better characters to work with.

16-06-2012, 9:18pm
I thought the show was great - cringe worthy in places too - but I think a show that gets more interest up in photography is fantastic !
I thought Vince should have won, but the crop of that shot as displayed during the show was better than the full frame.
I agree with everyone though the eye contact version of the winning entry was better but I still liked Vince's crop over that one.
Sorry but the guy shooting DS was way off.

This might be a great time to see how we can get on board !

Mark L
16-06-2012, 9:45pm
I have had a suggestion that each week, we have a poll on AP as to which photo we think should have won. Does this interest you?

There's been 35 post here so far, so why not.
For those like I, that have someone else in the house that has the T.V. reserved on Thursday evenings, the show is repeated on ABC1 on Friday morning, 11:00.

17-06-2012, 7:28am
...... not what i expected from the ABC.


It seemed to be a cross between Master Loser and Race Around the Survivor .. or something(not that I've ever spent more than 5 mins with any of those shows!!

The only thing(s) missing from this show were .... food, tears from the contestants, a grumpy old narcissistic celebrity judge, a few tantrums ...... etc, etc.

Thursday 8:00 PM for me/us is Catalyst time! Kids and I love it, and now it's gone .. replaced with Race Around the Surviving Master Loser.

I gave the show a barely watchable rating. That is, nothing else is on at that time and we sit and watch something .. anything!.. and chat about it.

17-06-2012, 7:48am
Haha you cracked me up Arthur.......I work with a lassy who wanted to give me blow by blow descriptions of A day in the life of Lara Bingle ( or whatever it was called ).....She thought it was wonderful TV.........

17-06-2012, 10:16am
Oh, dear. What a let down! I just LOVE portraiture as a genre and was expecting so much more in the circumstances. I would KILL to have an opportunity to shoot any one of those subjects with my D7000. The H2 would have been fun to try but would only get in the way of creating a great portrait if I hadn't had it for ages to get to know it better. Studio lighting was just an embarrassment of riches for people who had no idea what to do with it.

#1 - the winner's shot was at least something of a reflection of the subject (pun intended) but far too much context and not enough subject IMHO
#2 - the actor's shot was just crap. He was too focussed on himself and not enough on his subject to get anywhere near the real Dick Smith.
#3 - the SAHM's shot was technically the best result but still didn't make the connection. We'd heard why the carousel was important but if you can't convey that with the image alone then it won't work to portray something of the subject. Good portraits should stand alone; narrative aside.

Like most reality TV, the producers have deliberately aimed for a train wreck; they clearly wanted tears, drama and morbid fascination with the bloody corpses of their victims. Auntie ABC has taken the wrong leaf out of the Masterchef book and instead concocted an ugly and unappetising dessert for those with no taste IMHO. :confused013

Ms Monny
17-06-2012, 10:32am
I loved the Rolf Harris show with the three artists! I actually got a lot out of that show...more than this one. There is a show on the day time that involves 3 artists that go outn location and have to paint the landscape. It feels like it goes on forever, and the main artist goes around giving critique, and not nice ones sometimes! They could take a leaf out of that one!

After reading all views I can agree wholeheartedly. After the show I felt deflated, wanting more but knowing there isn't any. Yep, they could have gone about it a totally different way. Unfort if it continues like this, then it will be sent to the bin.

Bear Dale
17-06-2012, 12:47pm
I have had a suggestion that each week, we have a poll on AP as to which photo we think should have won. Does this interest you?

This really interests me Rick. I think its really cool that the ABC is running a photography program and I think that the members of AP can have a lot of fun with this and at the same time we can learn by adding our critiques to the judges on the show critiques and by reading other members critiques of the contestants photos each week.......it's a pretty unique opportunity.

I honestly feel really excited about this ABC show, ok it's not perfect, but what is? I reckon it's just fantastic to see a show like this on TV, it's a subject that we are all passionate about. I watched the show with my wife who is starting to get more interested in photography and some friends who are not into photography and they enjoyed it as much as I did and it was interesting hearing their feedback whilst watching the show.

My vote (and my wife and friends I watched the show with) was the portrait of Vince.

I would have liked Vince to have not had the prop and just maybe holding his hand pointed out.

The shot of Christa, there was a better one taken when Christa was looking up in the mirror at the photography. I thought that one was more engaging and I would have entered that one.

The shot of Dick, well that was just lost IM0....it didn't show an Aussie icon, to me just an aging bloke standing. It was such a lost opportunity for that photographer.

Anyway, if you could somehow organise a poll each week. I think it would be pretty cool and add another dimension of enjoyment of the show for AP members.

17-06-2012, 1:02pm
Maybe I'm being a little slow but when looking at the show's website (http://www.abc.net.au/tv/photofinish/photographers/)it looks like there will be different photogs every week.
I'm not sure which I would prefer, seeing different people every week or seeing 3 photogs develop and be challenged by different genres every week.

Ms Monny
17-06-2012, 1:41pm
Lantern, no you are not slow - there will be different photographers each week. I even saw in the ads that they will use an phone camera.....now that will be interesting! Can't wait to see the discussion on that one. ;)

17-06-2012, 9:09pm
Is the show worth it?

I'm going to watch it on iView tomorrow.

Mark L
17-06-2012, 9:20pm
Welcome to AP, and hope you get involved iluv2shoot. :th3:

Is the show worth it?

I'm going to watch it on iView tomorrow.

After you watch it, you can tell us if you think it's worth it.:confused013

17-06-2012, 10:11pm
I loved the show. Actually wish it was for an hour so we could see more of what happens. I would like to see more time spent on the contestants deciding which shot to choose. I am curious to see what they took, warts and all and the processes they went through to make a decision. I vaguely remember some mention by the judges that the photos displayed were not post processed. Am I right? If so they are pretty good amateurs. My vote was with the photo of Vince. It was so warm and showed a gentle side not often seen. Does anyone know who is the mentor is for this weeks show on landscapes? Wondering if it is Ken Duncan :umm:

21-06-2012, 8:22pm
Geez I don't envy the the contestants today, that looks cold wet and miserable.

- - - Updated - - -

My vote is the spiky bush in the snow shot

21-06-2012, 8:44pm
Well, you voted right Ezookiel. ( I also agree - it would have been my choice.)

I can't help feeling that the show is incomplete in some way - sort of like I missed the introductory episodes, or I just channel-surfed into the middle. (There have been only two episodes, each 30 min long, right?)


21-06-2012, 9:03pm
I agree, it does seem to be missing something. Kind of like someone made a "Reader's Digest Condensed" version, and cut too much out or something. Not sure I can put my finger on what it's missing, but I didn't see last week's show, so only have tonight's to go by. I'll go look at last week's on iView some time soon so I can compare.

21-06-2012, 9:11pm
Should read this before you enter any competition they may promote

14. By submitting your entry to the promoter, you grant the promoter and its licensees and assignees a non-exclusive licence to exercise all rights in your entry, including without limitation, the right to reproduce and communicate your entry to the public in whole or in part, in perpetuity and throughout the world in any media.

21-06-2012, 9:21pm
What a stunning environment......talk about all 4 seasons in one day !!

My fav pic was Margy's (?sp) taken on the top of the mountain, with the jagged rocks and alien vegetation in front of the fog.
I liked the "rainforest" photo, it was really tranquil, but it just didn't scream out at me.
The macro type photo of the plants enveloped in ice was really beautiful too, but just isn't what I visualise when I think of a "landscape" scene, but thats just my humble uneducated opinion.

I'm just amazed how well these contestants (photographers) cope with the unfamiliar situations & GEAR put in front of them.......hats off to them :wd:
Next weeks show would be my worst fear.....being responsible for a couples wedding photography :eek:

21-06-2012, 9:26pm
Holy crap!
Is that what next week's is? I missed that bit. Ouch. Don't envy them.

21-06-2012, 9:57pm
Missed it, will watch it on iView tomorrow and post my thoughts then.

One Click
21-06-2012, 10:07pm
As an amateur what did I learn from tonight's episode :scrtch:

Having visited the top of Mt.Wellington at approx the same time of year and in the same conditions 4 years ago I was excited to see what they would come up with and a little disappointed with the results, they could have made good use of the scenery in combination with the view to create an extra special landscape which was the task they were given.

Here is one I took with my point and shoot at that time and sadly no view also.


21-06-2012, 10:19pm
"I can seriously see each of you as professional photographers" :eek:

Seriously? After one session on Mt Wellington with a borrowed 5D MkII and one or two lenses?

I agree that the winning photo was the best for the brief. I also think the ice-encrusted plant shot was terrific but not typical of the genre and not meeting the brief. Milky waterfall? Meh! You are on Mt Wellington, man! DO something that shows that, not something that could be any gully with water, ferns and rocks.

*sigh* What did we learn from this episode, folks? :confused013

21-06-2012, 10:23pm
Watching it now. The Myrtle Gully walk is one of my fave places. It is about a 15 minute walk from my place.

21-06-2012, 10:25pm
Here is one I took with my point and shoot at that time and sadly no view also.


What it DOES have is great "depth"; with the layers of blue hills mirroring the cloud at the cliff face and the lumpy rocks in the foreground. I, too, was disappointed yet again with the results of this challenge. It seems the producers are still setting their victims up for failure in the hope of a few tears or a total train wreck. :confused013

Mark L
21-06-2012, 10:54pm
I can't help feeling that the show is incomplete in some way - ......

I'll watch tonight's episode in the morning (repeated on ABC1 at 11:00), though based on the first episode Rob, it may seem incomplete because it's not aimed at photographers. As photographers we may want more than the program is prepared to offer.

Ms Monny
21-06-2012, 11:25pm
Nearly missed this episode....watching The Block and I said I have to watch the photography show tomorrow....hubby reminded me that today was Thursday. Nearly had a heart failure as I jump up to change the channel, thinking I had missed the whole lot. Yes, I know I can view online etc etc!! :lol2:

There is something missing from the show and I think it is the educational part. We see them taking the pics, a very brief interlude with the main photographer person and the amateur and then, bam, we are looking at the one they picked....a quick look from everyone and the show is over.

But as Mark said, it is not aimed at photographers.....but who is it aimed at then? I know my hubby, who isn't a photographer, wouldn't watch it if I wasn't around!

Mt Wellington looks like one amazing place to visit. Certainly was 4 seasons in one day! Regarding the images.....I too liked the alien bush one out of all of them as this portrayed the area better (the waterfall was beautiful but it could have been anywhere). Considering this woman had no skills whatsoever with DSLRs or even SLRs, she did okay. Maybe that is what is missing...I am not thrilled watching someone struggle with their equipment and find it tedious to watch someone not even hold the camera the right way (one hand!! :eek:). Would I prefer the amateurs to know the equipment and then spend more time talking about what they are photographing and why (like the other guy and girl did)? Even last week, watching someone look at a light in the studio and umm and ahhh about it doesn't make me engage with the show.

21-06-2012, 11:40pm
That really wasn't a good watch.

Most things the hosts say seems forced and they really don't seem to be "in to it" very much
The amount of times "bands and girls" was said was just plain annoying
Hearing the older woman say she didn't know how to look at the pictures she took was just painful
not sure how that shot of a plant could in anyway be seen as "land scape"
Telling them they can all become professional photographers just makes me think plenty more submissions to http://youarenotaphotographer.com/

As many have said in this thread having some what of an interest and knowledge in photography our expectations of a photography show are different and as a result let down. Shows such as master chef and the block cater for enthusiasts cooks/renovators than this one does for photographers.

- - - Updated - - -

also the guys tattoo was woeful.

21-06-2012, 11:42pm
About the show I don’t think it has enough details for active photographers and is not informative enough for learners. I sat down with my cup o cocoa and before I’d sipped the foam off the top it was over and left me a little confused as to what was that all about. All involved in the show’s presentation are all very wooden. Like some have already said what is the point of making people use gear they are unfamiliar with.
I wasn’t a fan of the winner of the first show, way too busy and the shot of Vince was just a shot of Vince. I’ve seen it a thousand times in the TV guide. I thought the shot of Dick Smith was the better one. Really showed the true person instead of the glasses wearing Dick Smith brand that we all know.
Second show I thought the right winner was chosen. Ice crystals on plants (not landscape). I suppose the waterfall was landscape and just because it wasn’t what I was expecting it was still OK and only a victim of being another waterfall shot.
One thing I did realise is that for a few days after the show I did wonder “What would Brian Boytanno Peter Smith do it that situation. Will keep watching if it keeps me thinking.


21-06-2012, 11:57pm

also the guys tattoo was woeful.

What as his favourite lens or as a hamburger??:rolleyes::D

I don't think I'll be watching it again after these two episodes - it leaves me disappointed. I guess they can't do much more with the chosen format and 30 minutes - it will appeal to some people and maybe lead to discussion but I don't think it will suit those like me who want to learn about photography - but I guess that is not the audience it is directed towards.

22-06-2012, 1:06am
Hmmm... call that a tattoo? Now if he had a nikkor 200-400/f4 with 24 elements tattooed up his leg...that would be more impressive...still kind of weird perhaps , but less hamburgery:D

22-06-2012, 6:27am
i think the right entry was chosen as the winner. also agree that even showing the settings used on the final photos would at least give the viewersomething in the way of learning. after two shows all i feel they are teaching the contestants and viewer is to look at composition, try different angles etc, nothing else. the guy should have chosen one of his tree photos

22-06-2012, 7:03am
Tied up with visitors and completely missed the show. Will try to see the repeat today as suggested by Mark L. Any idea what the iView download (megabytes) is worth? Mine is limited.

22-06-2012, 8:19am
It is a pity that there is not a bit more technical information, at least something about the lenses used and why they were chosen. I agree with Rick that the final entries at least should show the lens, aperture and shutter speed, and ISO used.
As for the landscapes, only one , the winner, fitted my definition .But of course it is a pretty broad subject.

However given that they had 4 hours with an unfamiliar camera, in unfamiliar surroundings, they did pretty well.

22-06-2012, 9:14am
As far as I could tell of the winner, the camera must have been just set to fully auto. She was always shooting with one hand in her pocket, and every other shot she took had a clouded over lens. For the winning shot she just happenend to hit the shutter at an opportune moment.

Out of the three contestants, I reckon the younger woman had the most potential as a photographer. At least she gave some thought to what she was doing, even though the 'landscape' brief slipped her mind.

Looking at their past work in the introduction, the mother just took family happy snaps and scrapbooked them, and the guy just took basic photo's and turned them black and white to appear arty and impress his friends.

Once again a disappointment as a 'photography' show. I don't think I'll bother any more.


22-06-2012, 9:54am
Great idea Rick. Also you can watch it on the ABC's iview. Last night's episode is there already for people like me who missed it last night.

22-06-2012, 10:57am
Tied up with visitors and completely missed the show. Will try to see the repeat today as suggested by Mark L. Any idea what the iView download (megabytes) is worth? Mine is limited.

As per the link : http://www.abc.net.au/iview/#/program/22887 : it is stated as 138MB

22-06-2012, 11:58am
Just watched the repeat and I don't think I will bother again.

22-06-2012, 12:23pm
I'm not sure what people were expecting from the show...

I like the premise of the show but think it will work best in genres where the photographer has more control over the situation (eg portrait, fashion, some wedding) than where there is more dependence on outside factors (eg landscape, street). I thought the first episode was much more interesting than last nights.

To me, the show is what most of photography is about - having the idea, finding the shot, etc - so I like that it's not bogged down with technical stuff. The show is meant to be an entertainment but there are plenty of tips in the show if you look for them. (And there's about a bazillion hours of tutorials on YouTube so I don't think there's a need to fill prime time with it as well :)).

As images, I think the final shots have been ok without being outstanding, although considering these are amateurs shooting under some trying and unfamiliar conditions they've done pretty well. I'd agree with both the winning shots so far, although on my tv the best looking shot was the one of Dick Smith but it looks flat on the website. (It's not the shot I would have chosen to present in that situation though).


Duane Pipe
22-06-2012, 1:30pm
I voted for Marg I saw them as the judges did. One was a macro which didn't fit the theme and the other was just a waterfall.
I thought Marg did well since she dose not own a slr.
As for the show itself I agree that its not very pleasing Technically

22-06-2012, 1:47pm
I've watch both episodes found them entertaining but lacking substance.
Find it hard to be to critical of the photographers efforts but wounder how they were selected, yes they are all amateurs but, some seem to me to be almost new to photography and lack the basic knowledge of photography, it could be that there is no time spent during the program introducing the photographers, we dont get any insight into how they think about photography.
It may be that the producers definition of a armature photographer is a lot different to mine but it seems to me that I would describ some of the people taking part as people that take pictures with a camera and not people who spend time thinking about how to shoot, building a shot, or finding a shot. Some on the show have shown that they are photographers but others not.
I will keep watching because it could be a good show, it has a long way to go though.

22-06-2012, 3:57pm
Just watched the second show with my wife a non photographer she liked it and will be back next week to see 'the train crash" the wedding shoot. I think this is the audience the show is aimed at. More technical advice would be good Agree with those that would like to see the Pro shoot some of the same ,as the armatures.

22-06-2012, 4:08pm
I find it fairly interesting and its good how they are really only competing on composition and creativity, sure a little technical knowledge of the camera may help, but they don't have any processing, so they have to get it right before they push the button. Nothing wrong with that, makes for a very even playing field.

Bear Dale
22-06-2012, 4:26pm
I'm not sure what people were expecting from the show...

I think too much.

It's not a Scott Kelby PhotoShop tutorial (hey and we all know how dry tutorials can be) aimed at a specific market hungry for the information. It's a photography program on national television aimed at the masses.

I'm just enjoying it for what it is and not condemning it for what it could be or should have been. It's too easy to be critical sometimes or as the Americans say "Armchair Quarter Backing". How many of us could truly have produced something better cut down to an exact time frame?

I like it and hope they run another series of the show next year.

22-06-2012, 4:57pm
I think too much.

I dunno, Jim. I think the line from the main female judge "I can see each and every one of you as professional photographers" (sic) kind of belies the "pap for the masses" theory. We'll see next week when the contestants are thrown at a hapless bride and groom. Hope they've made other arrangements for the bulk of their wedding shots.

My father used to have an expression for such things: "It's neither your a...s nor your elbow". If it was pure pulp I could ignore it. As it is I keep hoping it will get better at giving us something ... anything! :confused013

23-06-2012, 8:02am
yep I have to agree with you here..my wife also caught me watching it and decided to stay till the end...all I saw was a very light weight show that could do with more substance and less dramatic sound effects when the winner or the location was announced...but my wife really liked it...she loves taking photos of the family with a compact , perhaps this show might spur her interest even further

Just watched the second show with my wife a non photographer she liked it and will be back next week to see 'the train crash" the wedding shoot. I think this is the audience the show is aimed at. More technical advice would be good Agree with those that would like to see the Pro shoot some of the same ,as the armatures.

23-06-2012, 8:55am
Please bring back Catalyst!! Aaaarggghhhhh! :eek:

Anyhow, all three landscape images disappointed this week too!(as with the portrait images last week).

With the portrait images, I picked Vince Colossimo as my preferred image(and kids agreed) .. but this week all were particularly uninspiring to the point where had I been a judge, I have picked none!

The frosty bush close up was a nice nature image, but not a landscape image.

And another annoying aspect of the show ... my son commented on it .. the annoying simulated shutter sound they use to cut from image to image, but with this processed in tailing off echo-y sound!!

Why? :confused013 It doesn't add anything to a pretty average show.

I'm only watching it out of curiosity due to the subject matter that the show deals with(photography) my favourite hobby!

I really can't understand why they felt the need to put the photographers under pressure of meeting a stupid deadline using equipment completely unfamiliar to them!! :confused:

Just let them choose the gear they feel they can produce their best final product.
I'm also thinking.. even tho 99% of photographers all seem to use PS or LR.. that doesn't necessarily mean it's either the best software, or what they seem to have to use.
I'd fail miserably in their environment simply because I have no PS skillz at all!

It's one of those TV shows that you watch simply because nothing else is on, and you have the time to(it's my kids time at that time of a Thursday evening).
To miss an episode is no big deal, whereas to have missed Catalyst was!
We miss the first 10-15mins too as we come home about after it's started, but I doubt that I've missed much in those lost 10-15mins either.

23-06-2012, 9:02am
Maybe the show needs to run a bit longer. Surely on the plane on the way to Tassie, the contestants would have chatted, and discussed the theme, etc. I reckon some more insight into the whole process would probably lift the show a bit. When Annabel was photographing the waterfall she mentioned closing the aperture down to get a slower shutter speed. I think they have probably cut to much out of each episode to fit it into the 27 minutes or so timeslot.

Also, they have either filmed it really recently, or last year. We have not had snow on Mt Wellington until this last week or so, for 2012.

23-06-2012, 12:37pm
I was mostly disappointed that the shot that won the most recent show was really just a stroke of luck, not really an indication of the skill of the photographer. I know luck is involved in photography, but the other two were better photographers than the winner. Most of her shots (well, what they flashed up on screen) were just horrible grab shots. I think she got really lucky and probably had no idea what she was taking at the time she pressed the shutter button. I could be wrong... Hey, I am not a great photographer, so I would be a it embarrassed if they told me on a television show they could see me working as a professional photographer, when I know I am a longgggg way from that level. While the first lady presented a shot that was not strictly landscape, isn't part of photography making the best of the situation you are placed in? She probably discarded some photos that were a better representation of the brief and may have won, but she chose what she thought was the best shot overall.

Maybe I am being a bit harsh. It just horrified me to see her walking around with a misty lens and shooting one handed, madly clicking away at whatever was in front of her. The shot she presented was OK, but would have been much better if she got down low and made the foreground a little more prominent. Can anyone work out why she would lug a tripod around and not use it? Let's leave our other lens and lens cap etc in the car, but carry around a tripod and balance it under our arm while shooting one handed..... Arghh. Guess I am being a bit of a photo snob, as I really don't think she should have won. It would be a very challenging situation to be thrown into, as you are being scrutinised and all your mistakes are being shown to the world. Tough job under those conditions and I doubt I could do better, but it is hard not to be critical.

23-06-2012, 6:11pm
I fear a very short life span for the series -
It doesn't cater to people with a genuine interest in photography as it's nowhere near deep enough.
It isn't very much use to the total novice discovering a P&S for the first time as it has no helpful or educational stuff.
And it won't have any interest at all to people with no photography interest.
So I'm really not sure who that leaves to actually keep the ratings up. :confused013

Seriously, how long did they take to get to Tassie, and when were they given the cameras, did they not have time to learn the basics of how to view images they've taken while enroute to Tassie?
Mind you, do this show with some 5D Mk III's and let them KEEP the camera at the end, and I'll enter for sure :th3::D

23-06-2012, 8:00pm
As per the link : http://www.abc.net.au/iview/#/program/22887 : it is stated as 138MB

Cheers, not as bad as I thought. I happened to catch it on the 11:00am ABC replay :) I was taken by the challenge they faced in a very interesting looking environment. I would love to get there one day. For that alone, I enjoyed the show and as mentioned earlier, I would have liked it a tad more to include more of the settings used.

23-06-2012, 9:55pm
I actually enjoy the show :o. I guess if you are wanting something high tech that really explores photography in a big way you'll be disappointed. To me it is 30 minutes of photographic fairy floss. Enjoyable and fun without being too serious and dare I say it, I have picked up a few tips. I like seeing how others tackle assignments and hearing about their love of photography and what it means to them. It was interesting to see in the last episode what each contestant focused on while at Mt Wellington. Each had their own perspective and I enjoyed going on the journeys with them. Though I highly doubt they did it all in a day as the show implied. Next episode seems like they will be stretching the TV reality roadshow a bit too far. Expecting us to believe a bride and groom would leave the entire photographic assignment to a contestant who has to shoot with an unfamiliar camera is a bit too ridiculous unless the advertising is relying on shock tactics to get an audience. However despite these negatives I'll probably keep watching as it's a great excuse to put my feet up for 30 minutes.

23-06-2012, 10:17pm
Just caught the first episode on iView.
My biggest frustration with this show, is now totally different. I was frustrated at how condensed the show is, but now I'm really annoyed at the method - if you really wanted to see what someone can do with 30 minutes preparation time, who has never been in a studio, never used those kinds of lights, and never used that type of camera, then send them into the studio with a bunch of "servant" techies on hand, so they can say "I want that light at 1/4 power", or "I want THAT light to flash, and not this one" and have someone there who sets it up for them to do that. Wouldn't that then test the contestant's prowess at photography, and give results that more truly reflect their creativity, rather than test how quickly they can learn unfamiliar gear?
It isn't any real indication of what they can do with photography, it's an indication of whether they are the sort of people who needs 2 days with an instruction manual and some "hands on" time to learn a new gadget, or whether they are the sort of person who gets a handle on a new gadget in minutes.

The perfect example was when the guy taking the shots of Dick Smith was having the wrong flash go off. All that creativity wasted, and time and shots wasted, by not having the gear do what he had in the plan he had in mind.
With them all having limited time, it is just damned annoying to have them having to retry something, or even maybe give up on something, just because they can't make a specific flash operate when or where they want.
Give them a bunch of "techies" - people who know the gear and how to set it - who they can order around, and let's test their creativity, their vision, their composition, etc not see time and maybe great ideas lost, while they learn how to make the correct flash fire.
Grrrrrrr.... Just really ANNOYED at the show now. Wish I hadn't gone and watched the first episode that I missed.

28-06-2012, 8:38pm
What did we think of tonight's episode?
I cannot say that I liked the images presented for judging.
The obvious selection won, why did the others put photos of the back of the bride's head in for judging?

28-06-2012, 8:51pm
All it did for me was restir the annoyance - putting someone in that position with a camera they can't even turn on one minute from the bride's arrival is NOT a test of their photography prowess.
I also understand the reason why they can't be PP'ed, but then it's also then a bit silly to fault the WB in a photo if they can't do something even as simple as adjust the WB in PP.
Some rather "newbie" mistakes though (says me as a newbie myself), but a backwards flash? That's way below the experience level they give the impression of in the introductions to these competitors.

I agree that a photo of the back of the bride's head is hardly the best shot to select. The image had definite emotion in it, and to the bride who wanted the kids to be the subject more than herself, then that's probably ok. However, it's still not my idea of the shot to choose. There seemed to be several that I thought were better images, but I'm not a wedding tog, and nor am I experienced at candid photography, so I'm hardly the one to judge.

28-06-2012, 8:58pm
The wedding shots were crud. Seriously bad. Out of focus, no eye contact, WB was out etc. Yuk Yuk Yuk!!!

28-06-2012, 9:14pm
All it did for me was restir the annoyance - putting someone in that position with a camera they can't even turn on one minute from the bride's arrival is NOT a test of their photography prowess.
I also understand the reason why they can't be PP'ed, but then it's also then a bit silly to fault the WB in a photo if they can't do something even as simple as adjust the WB in PP.
Some rather "newbie" mistakes though (says me as a newbie myself), but a backwards flash? That's way below the experience level they give the impression of in the introductions to these competitors.

I agree 100%.

Not sure I'll bother watching next week, this show is a waste of time sadly.

28-06-2012, 9:23pm
I think it was a mammoth ask in tonight's episode to expect three non wedding photographers to capture images of the certain parts of a wedding on a camera they were not familiar with. A wedding is one of the most difficult occasions to capture well and the images are those "forever" moments, no do-overs. Considering this i think the contestants were all very brave and whilst the majority of the photos were not up to the standard of most wedding photographers, the images presented mostly met the challenge of capturing a rite of passage. Yes alot were out of focus and poorly composed, but as first timers and pressure what would one expect. Would be nice to be a second shooter for weddings for quite a while before taking on such an onerus task. And i have to say the bride was very nice because i thought the photographers were really quite intrusive of her day snap, snap, snapping close up and flash going off at intimate moments , where perhaps with experience in such events and with a good knowledge of the particular cameras this would have been eliminated. I like the show though, and can never anticipate the winner, judging is so subjective :)

Dylan & Marianne
28-06-2012, 9:43pm
hmm I was going to say 'damn I missed tonights show because of a dinner' but now I'm not so sure lol!

28-06-2012, 9:51pm
hmm I was going to say 'damn I missed tonights show because of a dinner' but now I'm not so sure lol!

Seriously Dylan, don't bother trying to catch it, it was cringe-worthy.

28-06-2012, 9:53pm
I think it was a mammoth ask in tonight's episode to expect three non wedding photographers to capture images of the certain parts of a wedding on a camera they were not familiar with.

Which shows that it was a silly thing to do. Weddings are NOT for unprepared people. It goes against all the principles of good event / wedding photography.

Mark L
28-06-2012, 9:55pm
hmm I was going to say 'damn I missed tonights show because of a dinner' but now I'm not so sure lol!

ABC1 tomorrow at 11:00. It's got to be worth a cringe. I'll be there..........

28-06-2012, 9:57pm
ABC1 tomorrow at 11:00. It's got to be worth a cringe. I'll be there..........

It's not.

You were warned!:p

28-06-2012, 10:05pm
Fantastic entertainment, haven't laughed so much for ages

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

28-06-2012, 11:12pm
cringe worthy show.

Saw ep1 & 2 and will not go back - though I just might if I want to hurt myself that day!

In my and my wife's opinion, the photog's are far out of their depth and this detracts from the viewers employment. Would be nice to see (amateur) photogs that knew a bit about the areas they were to be challenged actually be able to perform in that area.

Setting up a bunch of first camera (with Full Auto mode experience only - that's what they are) shooters in a room with pro lighting is asking for a Fawlty Towers result.

Could have been a lot better.

- - - Updated - - -

Perhaps my last post in this thread.

I feel strongly for the people that have been put in the position of having to shoot professional level images with NO EXPERIENCE AT ALL.

Imagine going on Mast*rChef with only experience in cookig pre-prepared meals.

ABC production were clearly not communicating well when putting the ideas for this show together.

29-06-2012, 8:52am
With a little bit of instruction on the equipment, and a little bit of guidance for the
participants, this could be a really good and worthwhile show. As it is there is just
no point to it, nobody produces anything other than basically crap, and nobody
learns anything.

With very little more money spent, and an extra half a day per episode of production, it would be a totally different show.

A waste of time, I won't be watching again.


29-06-2012, 8:54am
I thought this show was one of the best so far. The guest judge seemed more interesting in providing valuable advice to the three. We got to see more of how this is done. I noted the large stack of notes the ceremony photographer had, when she couldn't 'turn it on'. It would be interesting to know how much information they are provided with and how long before the actual shoot they are given that 'pack'.

It seems a lot more goes on behind the scenes that is being edited out and slowly they are adding some of that aspect back into what the viewer gets to see. I am starting to see this show developing (pun intended) from where it was at episode 1. I reckon they are listening to the viewer feedback and we will slowly see it grow as the episodes rack up.

I do think we are most likely not the intended viewer demographic, and the show is more aimed at those with phone cams and point and shoot camera's. One thing that is positive, is that it showed that just cause you own a camera does not mean you can setup a wedding photography business and be a 'professional'. If it makes some newbies think twice about popping into Harvey Norman, getting the latest twin lens DSLR kit and shooting a wedding for a few $$ the next weekend, then it is successful as a show, in that regard.

Black Dog
29-06-2012, 9:39am
Interesting to see everyone's perspective on the show. I was so excited to hear there was going to be a photography show finally. I have been saying to my partner that I would like to see a "Next Top Photographer show" and I think that may be a better format.. Multiple photographers that each week are set a challenge and one goes each week so we can at least see some development.

I agree with everyone about the why throw people in the deep end like that. I also worry about the message it is sending. If the target audience is not "us" as most are stating then is it saying "These people can't use the Pro Equipment , yet can wing it and at the end be told they have professional shots and could be professional photographers" I think that really undermines the skill and time many people are putting into their art.

Do you guys think there is some more behind the scenes assistance? What is the point of the mentor if the one sentence mid show is all the mentoring? It would be good if hey actually got mentored through the entire show so the audience could learn.

Other than that I think after 3 episodes everyone's comments are pretty spot on.

Bear Dale
29-06-2012, 9:44am
I thought this show was one of the best so far.

Me too. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

29-06-2012, 11:42am
This show is getting more ridiculous all the time I had to check my glasses as I thought I had my reading glasses on with so many out of focus shots. I couldn't believe it when the one doing the wedding ceremony couldn’t even turn the camera on and then had the flash on backwards??? I wonder what size cards they supplied them with one filling the card at the main point in the ceremony and having to run outside to get another and then it looked like she didn't know how to install it. To me there wasn't one shot that deserved any credit, as for the winning shot I couldn't even make out what it was. I may watch it again but only for the comedy value.

29-06-2012, 12:06pm
Interesting to see everyone's perspective on the show. I was so excited to hear there was going to be a photography show finally. I have been saying to my partner that I would like to see a "Next Top Photographer show" and I think that may be a better format.. Multiple photographers that each week are set a challenge and one goes each week so we can at least see some development.

There was a tv show called 'The Shot', which my partner and I really enjoyed. There were about 10 photographers to start with, and I believe they were initially in groups of 3 or 4, with one of them chosen for each photoshoot as the 'lead photographer'. I think at the end of each round, 1 of the photographers was eliminated, until they ended up having a final with just 2 of them? Something like that. It was really good, much more focus on the technical and conceptual aspects of photography. If you can get your hands on a copy of the season, I think you'll find something worth watching. My partner and I ended up watching 2 or 3 episodes at a time we found it that good.

Black Dog
29-06-2012, 12:09pm
There was a tv show called 'The Shot', which my partner and I really enjoyed. There were about 10 photographers to start with, and I believe they were initially in groups of 3 or 4, with one of them chosen for each photoshoot as the 'lead photographer'. I think at the end of each round, 1 of the photographers was eliminated, until they ended up having a final with just 2 of them? Something like that. It was really good, much more focus on the technical and conceptual aspects of photography. If you can get your hands on a copy of the season, I think you'll find something worth watching. My partner and I ended up watching 2 or 3 episodes at a time we found it that good.

I'll see if i can find it on the net and take a look.

Can't find much to watch, but did find another show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8Kq1I9-VKE&feature=related
Shutter Wars from 2011…Anyone know anything about that one???

Even if these shows aren't educational you at least want them to be inspirational.

29-06-2012, 12:35pm
That shutter wars doesn't look too bad. Will have to check it out, however it seems strangely familiar, may have run into it before

29-06-2012, 1:46pm
'The Shot' is a 10 minute show, and is currently being replayed on ABC1 at something like 11am on Fridays.


29-06-2012, 4:26pm
Different show... as far as I'm aware it hasn't aired here... This is the one I was talking about - http://www.veoh.com/watch/v1451230m7KJac8K?h1=The+Shot+S01+E01

Mark L
29-06-2012, 8:46pm
Good to see a range of opinions.
I've watched, 'cause I kinda like photography and for some reason hoped to learn something more about it.
I just don't see what their target audience is. It's certainly not me.

..... One thing that is positive, is that it showed that just cause you own a camera does not mean you can setup a wedding photography business and be a 'professional'. If it makes some newbies think twice about popping into Harvey Norman, getting the latest twin lens DSLR kit and shooting a wedding for a few $$ the next weekend, then it is successful as a show, in that regard.

... If the target audience is not "us" as most are stating then is it saying "These people can't use the Pro Equipment , yet can wing it and at the end be told they have professional shots and could be professional photographers" I think that really undermines the skill and time many people are putting into their art. ...

Based on these two quotes, I may visit the shows website tomorrow and see if there's "how easy would that be, they got great photos" or "how hard would that be, their photos weren't good" comments. (unless some ones already done it and can post here to save me some time.)

29-06-2012, 9:02pm
I had a look at the portfolio shots of the winner on the show's website


29-06-2012, 9:31pm
A lot of my friends have been saying how good this how is. I watched the Wedding photography episode, it was unbelievable! I hope that the "bride" received substantial compensation for what we saw on TV if it was an accurate sample of what she received.

There is a saying that "if you give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of word processors you will get the entire works of Shakespeare"

Given that, I guess the monkey's would produce better images than the out of focus offerings we saw from that trio.


29-06-2012, 9:35pm
..... I hope that the "bride" received substantial compensation for what we saw on TV if it was an accurate sample of what she received


That comment reminded me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Lz-07D5KoE


29-06-2012, 10:07pm
A lot of my friends have been saying how good this how is. I watched the Wedding photography episode, it was unbelievable! I hope that the "bride" received substantial compensation for what we saw on TV if it was an accurate sample of what she received.
There is a saying that "if you give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of word processors you will get the entire works of Shakespeare"
Given that, I guess the monkey's would produce better images than the out of focus offerings we saw from that trio.

Welcome to AP

Yup! If I got that rubbish for my wedding I'd want to 'shoot' the tog.

The bigger problem is the message that sends to people about wedding photography, i.e. anyone without experience can do it.
Very dangerous and very sad.

30-06-2012, 12:39am
I saw the show and find it hard to believe they gave a contestant a Canon 1D and a flashgun. How could they let someone loose at a wedding after what had to be a basic introductory tutorial on the gear and then the photographer mounts the flashgun backwards on the camera.

I thought for a while I was watching a channel 7 reality show.

30-06-2012, 8:56am
yep the show hit a real low with the wedding gig...crap images that the fools of Judges were talking up at the end and giving arty's CC..what a load of twaddle ...and if that guest Tog said "ritual" one more time :angry0:

I couldn't believe how many OFF shots the first Tog was shooting..and shes was doing a Photography Degree or a tafe course !!!.Id have thought she would have known the Basics...

as for the Women that had the flash arse about ..that was funny...but sad all at the same time....Id have thought anyone that would want to go on these shows would at least have some DSLR experience, and that would include owning a flash ...also how different are cameras..I shoot Nikon..but i could bet Id be able to at least turn on a canon and get a image with it..

the last Tog had more idea than the others..but was still useless .....having said that Weddings are very stressful..and I admire Togs that can do it and do it well...

sorry to say that I will still watch the show :o....just to see how bad it really gets, and so I can come back to this thread and complain about it :lol: ...but it could have been quite good if the ABC had used some decent judgement ..shame on Aunty ..:efelant:

30-06-2012, 9:23am
...but it could have been quite good if the ABC had used some decent judgement ..shame on Aunty ..:efelant:

I reckon Aunty did not make it. I reckon it is a packaged show from a media production house and that Aunty just bought the series.

Black Dog
30-06-2012, 10:30am
Watched a few episode of Shutter Wars from 2011 on you tube and it looks like it is a budget production, but is a much better scenario. They get a brief and get to choose what equipment they want and how to tackle it. The host follows them and asks "loaded" questions like "your not pointing the flash at your subject aren't you supposed to " The tog then answers with either a proper explanation of bounce or shows the don't know what they are doing. This serves two things to educate the viewer and get acquainted and involved with the tog.

If this format was added to Photo Finish with their budget & production you would have a really good show.

- - - Updated - - -

Different show... as far as I'm aware it hasn't aired here... This is the one I was talking about - http://www.veoh.com/watch/v1451230m7KJac8K?h1=The+Shot+S01+E01

Just watched a few minutes and this looks promising…....pity it isn't easy to find episodes

30-06-2012, 2:51pm
Oh, I definitely won't stop watching and will also continue to come here to whinge about it. It's the modern way of doing things ;)
Still, it could be better, but so could lots of things.

01-07-2012, 2:40pm
Coming to my reception and being told by the photographer that "I'm panicking, can't even turn on the camera but enjoy your day and don't stress" would seriously send me into a state of serious panic.
Would have loved the bride to be a serious bridezilla would have made for a much more interesting watch.

Can't believe the son was wearing skate shoes to a wedding, I'm maybe a few years older than he is and I'm disgusted by that, no idea why his mum would let him do that.

Will continue to watch the show in order to boost my ego seeing people who "aspire to make a living from photography" and who "study photography at a tertiary level" perform so poorly.

01-07-2012, 4:59pm
Coming to my reception and being told by the photographer that "I'm panicking, can't even turn on the camera but enjoy your day and don't stress" would seriously send me into a state of serious panic.
Would have loved the bride to be a serious bridezilla would have made for a much more interesting watch.

Can't believe the son was wearing skate shoes to a wedding, I'm maybe a few years older than he is and I'm disgusted by that, no idea why his mum would let him do that.

Will continue to watch the show in order to boost my ego seeing people who "aspire to make a living from photography" and who "study photography at a tertiary level" perform so poorly.

secretly I think that's why we are all watching it ..LMAO

also Im with on the skate shoes...

01-07-2012, 9:08pm
I like the show but it has some potential.

I personally would like to see either 2 shows or 1 hour long episode.

The 1st half they actually receive some training / tips instead of being given a camera and going hey go take photos. This will allow them to be judged on taking advice and putting it into practice. (Also engage the person watching the show so they feel like they are gaining tips / advice as well)

The 2nd half of the show is the practical where they draw on the tips / advice to take the photos.

01-07-2012, 10:46pm
I like the show but it has some potential.

I personally would like to see either 2 shows or 1 hour long episode.

The 1st half they actually receive some training / tips instead of being given a camera and going hey go take photos. This will allow them to be judged on taking advice and putting it into practice. (Also engage the person watching the show so they feel like they are gaining tips / advice as well)

The 2nd half of the show is the practical where they draw on the tips / advice to take the photos.

that sounds like a recipe for a much better show. within the tips the contestants receive, viewers would also be able to pick up useful advice. And it'd be worthwhile for the guest expert to give it as it stands they are doing little more than giving fake wishful CC on the pictures.

alternatively I'd like to see skilled photographers armed with very basic gear and seeing the results they can produce, rather than half wits handling thousands of dollars worth of gear.

05-07-2012, 8:49pm
Lomography tonight. It all seems a bit random and accidental, some ok results.

05-07-2012, 9:23pm
Wow. I think I'd really have struggled with that one myself. I'd want to have taken a couple of experimental shots and had them developed first, so I had a personal feel for what each camera does before trying that challenge. Bit hard to point a camera at something and take a photo if you have almost no idea what the result will look like.

I quite liked some of the correction officers portfolio from the introduction (think it was his, I was doing things at work and watching in the background, so may have gotten them mixed up, but sure it was his that I liked.) Probably some of the better introduction shots I've seen.

I quite liked tonight's episode. I think it was the fact that they were out of their depth, but not in a distressing way. I'm too much of a softy to see a woman in tears over not being able to turn on a camera seconds before a wedding, that's someone being put way too cruelly out of their depth. This episode was people out of their comfort zone in a painless and harmless way, and was much much easier to watch. I personally was torn between the old man in the suit shot, and the fisheye shot, but the double exposure did absolutely nothing for me at all.

Art Vandelay
05-07-2012, 9:31pm
Bugger, missed it. Was watching Swamp People instead. :D

05-07-2012, 9:44pm
I found this episode interesting. Again we hear that the 'expert' had spent some time with them regarding using the cameras. I really think, even a 30 second cut to their 'lessons' would add value to the show concept. I liked how the photographers showed willingness to ask people if they could take the shots and then thanked them after doing so.

I feel the show is improving with each episode.

I liked Khia's photo of the elderly man as a great photo. Though I think the winning one covered the brief more, as it included the horses, the track and the social side of the event.

05-07-2012, 9:45pm
Bugger, missed it. Was watching Swamp People instead. :D

It is on iview already (I just watched on there)

06-07-2012, 1:05am
Yes was pleasantly surprised with the latest episode. I think with past episodes we were watching things which most of us would fell quite comfortable doing, and could most likely do much better. This episode was however something most of us have never done so we'd be in essentially the same position as the contestants.

Speaking of the contestants I think the ones from today's episode where the best yet. They all had a positive attitude and were eager to do their best, they were working in unfamiliar territory but did not break down or spend the entire episode complaining about it.
Seeing a fellow year 12 student also made it much more entertaining for me at least.

06-07-2012, 8:50am
The ABC have a little segment on plastic cameras here.

Steve Axford
06-07-2012, 11:34am
I thought it was good. I think it may have tempted some people to try those cameras and photography. If it does that it will have done something more than just entertain.

06-07-2012, 3:28pm
Well I reluctantly watched (after last weeks train wreck) as I had nothing better to do today. I was surprised that this was a least more about photography than the terror of struggling with gear. I actually quite enjoyed it. The show still has a way to go but this ep was an improvement I think.

12-07-2012, 4:39pm
fashion tonight, could be entertaining, I wonder if they ask the contestants to shoot it with a pinhole ?

I @ M
12-07-2012, 4:42pm
fashion tonight, could be entertaining, I wonder if they ask the contestants to shoot it with a pinhole ?

Isn't it strange how the eyes and mind work, I read the wording in the last part there entirely differently ----- :rolleyes:

12-07-2012, 6:28pm
Lol, I wonder

12-07-2012, 10:41pm
Not a bad show tonight.
Things that came to mind for me were:
I'll have to go back and view the show again, but there was a comment at one stage made about the model having vacant eyes, or a vacant stare, or something along those lines. Is that really the photographer's fault? Or is that the model at fault (she was probably bored silly waiting for these amateurs to ... in the immortal words of Arj Barker ... take a filing cabinet to the loo and sort their sh... out. Though that probably applied more to the bloke than the two ladies.)
It was good that again, like last week, they hadn't thrown them into stupidly stressful situations that were painful to watch, but had instead just really moved them out of their comfort zone and had them deal with an aspect of photography way outside their usual experience.

13-07-2012, 7:14am
I agree. I am wondering if this series is being shot as we get to see it. When they did the Mt Wellington episode, it made me realise it was either shot in the few days before going to air, or last year, cause we had only just had the first snow of the season on our mountain.

I am now swaying towards only very recently being shot, and that the producers are looking at the online feedback and slowly adjusting the shows 'model' to take on board comments online. Last night, for me, was the best one yet. We got to see some of the support staff in the studio. When we saw the portraits episode there was nothing to suggest they had anyone giving them advice/lessons on lighting before or during the shoot, but last night hinted at that. It was also mentioned that when they went into their studio they would get their era and a brief, so they got more information to assist them with what fashion was at the time.\

I reckon the show is now just starting to get to a point where it is worth watching by your photography enthusiasts. Looking forward to next week's now!

13-07-2012, 8:15am
Having been away for quite a while I only just caught up with this series.
Sadly I was disappointed. It seems to lack substance and I can't see the point of throwing contestants in the deep end with equipment they have no familiarity with. It seems to encourage the false belief that anyone can pick up any camera and become an expert in minutes.
It would be better if they gave participants a choice of equipment, or some brief tuition which the viewer might also learn from. My shock/horror moment in the landscape episode was when I saw that camera held with its sensor face up to the weather while she changed the lens!

13-07-2012, 8:32am
Having been away for quite a while I only just caught up with this series.
Sadly I was disappointed. It seems to lack substance and I can't see the point of throwing contestants in the deep end with equipment they have no familiarity with. It seems to encourage the false belief that anyone can pick up any camera and become an expert in minutes.
It would be better if they gave participants a choice of equipment, or some brief tuition which the viewer might also learn from. My shock/horror moment in the landscape episode was when I saw that camera held with its sensor face up to the weather while she changed the lens!
I thing you had hit the nail on the head.
The worst was the wedding episode for all of your reasons and more.

13-07-2012, 8:58am
what would be a better show for us photographers is say following three seasoned wedding photographers around for a day etc in different genres

I suspect though that the great unwashed TV viewer would find that not nearly as entertaining as the current format

Mark L
13-07-2012, 8:44pm
what would be a better show for us photographers is say following three seasoned wedding photographers around for a day etc in different genres

I suspect though that the great unwashed TV viewer would find that not nearly as entertaining as the current format

I said this in a previous post. I suspect "us photographers" aren't the target audience, and am still trying to figure who the target audience is.
The way it's being presented, I'm glad it only runs for 30 minutes.

16-07-2012, 8:28am
This fashion episode was really good (comparatively). The togs were not fumbling like previous shoots. There was one insightful comment by the anchor at the end

You too can start taking shots like these, start by getting your flash off camera.

Would it be possible in the poll for each week to link to the final images for a refresher.
This weeks winning images (http://www.abc.net.au/tv/photofinish/pages/s3529605.htm#slideshowWrap)

Mark L
26-07-2012, 10:47am
My better half is away all week, so I thought I'd be able to watch tonight, instead of the repeat on Friday.
Just checked the TV guide to see what time it's on, and it isn't!! :scrtch:

26-07-2012, 8:01pm
My better half is away all week, so I thought I'd be able to watch tonight, instead of the repeat on Friday.
Just checked the TV guide to see what time it's on, and it isn't!! :scrtch:

Me too?????

26-07-2012, 8:05pm
On the webpage for the site : http://www.abc.net.au/tv/photofinish/ it says the next episode is 2nd August.

Ms Monny
26-07-2012, 8:27pm
I remember seeing that it will skip a week when last weeks episode finished. Don't know why....it's not like the Olympics are affecting it. Wonder what is on instead?? Will find out in 5 mins! :D

31-07-2012, 7:34pm
Skipped just because Aunty can.

Neil Hargreaves
04-08-2012, 10:55am
I agree. I am wondering if this series is being shot as we get to see it. When they did the Mt Wellington episode, it made me realise it was either shot in the few days before going to air, or last year, cause we had only just had the first snow of the season on our mountain.

I am now swaying towards only very recently being shot, and that the producers are looking at the online feedback and slowly adjusting the shows 'model' to take on board comments online.

The series was filmed well ahead of airing, so the production team are probably reacting to their own impressions of how the series comes across.

Until the last couple of episodes, I was convinced that the standard format for the show was:

1. Bumbling mum - who fumbles with unfamiliar equipment only to eventually come up with something that deserved to win but didn't.
2. Know it all bloke - who's familiar with all kinds of photography, says he knows his way around the gear only to produce crap and blame lack of time / the equipment
3. Trendy Art Student - someone with a clear advantage of understanding colour and composition who produces something either successful or too "arty" for traditional photographers to understand, but wins anyway.

[I actually know the mum, Nic Wells, from the first episode, and she'd be the first to admit that she was working with completely unfamiliar equipment (how many of us do know how to drive a 'blad?), and had limited knowledge of lighting.]

The latest episode, Mobile Photography, was a disappointment in terms of street photography. I'm firmly in the candid camp when it comes to street photography and asking the subject for permission prior to taking the shot didn't sit well for me.

The shot of the guy in the cross was great as a portrait (but underexposed) but didn't speak of Kings Cross to me. [Realistically, you're not going to capture the essence of the cross by shooting it in on a midweek morning.]
Dude on the bike was ok, but too posed and had nothing to do with Pitt Street.
The lion image missed the brief by miles.

Next week's episode, Performance, should be interesting. Theatre photography isn't something I have any experience of, but that won't stop me having opinions ;)

10-08-2012, 8:35am
Cannot find a poll on last nights episode. I think it had the best 3 photographers of the whole show, and they all produced quite acceptable results.
Am I right that Nikon did not appear in any episode. Last night definitely Canon, though I cannot be sure which model or lenses.

10-08-2012, 8:50am
All DSLRs were Canon. Midway through the series they covered up the Canon logo with tape or black marker.

10-08-2012, 9:28am
The body's appeared to be 5D's and the lenses a 24-70 F2-8 L and a 70-200 F2.8L is. I agree the best yet (I hadn't intended to watch but there was nothing else on) INHMO the wrong shot won again, I preferred the one with the actors on the floor for the pure emotion it captured.

10-08-2012, 9:45am
The body's appeared to be 5D's and the lenses a 24-70 F2-8 L and a 70-200 F2.8L is. I agree the best yet (I hadn't intended to watch but there was nothing else on) INHMO the wrong shot won again, I preferred the one with the actors on the floor for the pure emotion it captured.
Thanks for confirming what I thought about the camera being a 5D, and I knew they were both L lenses just could not work out what the first one was. I agree that they again chose the wrong shot. I too thought that the Elor Dishi shot should have won.
Sifor, I had not realised that they had covered up the canon logo. Someone not happy about the promotion of the brand on ABC.

10-08-2012, 1:01pm
I am hoping to get a poll up on last night's episode, sometime later today. I have had a day of helping out for a friend who has been diagnosed with a serious medical issue that is going to affect her ability to be a fully functional part of her family for a while. But if someone else wants to do it, feel free.

10-08-2012, 1:24pm
Have they covered the logo on any of the other cameras? I came in so late on last night's episode, that I didn't watch it closely, just did other things and will watch it tomorrow on iview.
Bit a bit hypocritical if they covered up canon logo but haven't covered others up.

10-08-2012, 2:52pm
They certainly had blacked out the brand on the cameras used in the program last night. But one lens had a red ring and the other lens was white.:)

10-08-2012, 6:13pm
My guess is they have put the hard words on the camera companies for some 'sponsorship' and product placement. If the company says no, then they black out the branding.

10-08-2012, 6:29pm
Doesn't Aunty have commercial limitations?

I @ M
10-08-2012, 6:53pm
Doesn't Aunty have commercial limitations?

It seems that when products / brands / companies are named on their radio network there is a verbal slap on the wrist aimed at those who utter the words but I seem to recall one of the few episodes of photo finish that I watched they were quite happy to name Hasselblad a few times ------- :confused013

Mark L
10-08-2012, 7:25pm
My TV guide says that was the final episode. I've commented previously that I can't figure out who the target audience is. Now, if it was the last episode, I can't figure out what the point of it all was! There may have been more, but it got the axe.
At least my weekly TV viewing time will reduce from 30 minutes to nil.

10-08-2012, 7:51pm
I am hoping to get a poll up on last night's episode, sometime later today. I have had a day of helping out for a friend who has been diagnosed with a serious medical issue that is going to affect her ability to be a fully functional part of her family for a while. But if someone else wants to do it, feel free.
I should have said earlier, they must be encouraged by your support and I hope your friend recovers and all gets well for her and her family.

- - - Updated - - -

Aunty does have limits, but they seem to me to often have double standards, They frequently promote shows and entertainers, even giving away tickets, and they have no problem putting on the ARL, and Cricket which we all know are fully commercial operations. I am sure I have seen the apple logo on computers shown on programs on the ABC. Of course the Gruen show is all about advertising and they have no problem showing ads on there.
They seem to be trying to tread a line and frequently falling off.

- - - Updated - - -

It seems that when products / brands / companies are named on their radio network there is a verbal slap on the wrist aimed at those who utter the words but I seem to recall one of the few episodes of photo finish that I watched they were quite happy to name Hasselblad a few times ------- :confused013
They certainly did name Hasselblad.