View Full Version : Canon Vs Pentax camera file names.

Mr Felix
12-06-2012, 6:40pm
Sorry if this sounds like I am complaining but.......

I usually have BIG cards in my cameras and I take them out to copy the pictures from them to the PC.

I could deal with the "hassles" of viewing squillions of pictures now and then, but being who I am, I don't delete pictures off the card until it is full.

So if/when I take a bunch of new pictures and want to get them off, it is painful.

The Pentax has a good option that when I take pictures they are stored in a folder which is reflective of the date.

Is there a way the canon camera can do this?

12-06-2012, 6:45pm
What software do you use. Software like Lightroom and Aperture allow you to set the folders etc as you import your files. Also allowing you to rename and tag them with relevant keywords, on import as well

Mr Felix
12-06-2012, 6:56pm
I just mean when I put in the SD card itself and read it on the PC as a disc.

The Pentax SD card makes these neat folders for each day.

The Canon just puts ALL the images in ONE directory.

12-06-2012, 7:08pm
Yes, but what software are you using to copy the files? Are you using Pentax software, Canon software?

12-06-2012, 7:13pm
Yes, but what software are you using to copy the files? Are you using Pentax software, Canon software?

...or just Windows? It also supports a "date" view, where you can quickly scroll to the desired dates and copy all the files that correspond.

In fact, the "good"-ness of a date-based folder would have to be subjective. What if you couldn't remember the date you took them?

Mr Felix
12-06-2012, 7:19pm

I am not a windoze person.

I believe it is called "Explorer.

I don't need to complicate handling file with other programs.

As I see it, although they are pictures, they are files which I copy from the SD card to "My pictures/....."


Yes, I agree there are some good and bad points.
There always are.

As stated the Canon sticks ALL the pictures in ONE directory. The recently bought Pentax is "neater" for me in that each day is put in a new directory.

Normally I would just copy ALL the files to the hard disc. But having them in separate folders is handy when I am copying a couple of new files off the card.

Seeing 800 files in one directory is painful to load.

- - - Updated - - -

Ok, I lost one of my posts in here somewhere.

Don't know what happened.

12-06-2012, 7:22pm
You can create a custom folder on the SD card in the canon menu, but would have to do this everytime you shoot, option 2 hit "manual reset" on the file numbering option in the menu each time you shoot.
Option 3, as Ameerat says, when viewing your files in Explorer, sort them by date created and all the images of the same date will be grouped together.

And last but not least, and certainly my preferred method is to format your card each time you take new photos and download them as soon as you get home

12-06-2012, 8:36pm
my preferred method is to format your card each time you take new photos and download them as soon as you get home

This is sound practice, one which I have always followed, and touch wood haven't ever had a card fail or lose an image.
Using SD cards until they are full are a recipe for disaster.
If using Windows, it literally takes seconds to create a new folder when you import your images.
If I remember correctl, the software that comes with EOS cameras can be set up to do this automatically.

13-06-2012, 5:44pm
Mark is spot on the money. (As usual.) Why break your heart trying to do stuff the hard way when you can use any number of different software packages to do it exactly the way you want it without you ever having to do anything other than first-time setup?

Mr Felix
25-09-2012, 3:33pm
HI folks.

Sorry for the silence.

What was resolved:
Pentax make my life easier because each day's pictures are in their own folder.
With a 8 gig card that is handy.
The canon's pictures (and nikon) are just in the top directory.
I don't format the cards until they are full and so if I am out taking images and I want to get/see/copy "today's" pictures off, it is not fun watching 3000 (ok, a LOT) of pictures scroll past - even in list mode) then having to sort them by date taken.

I can live with it, but was just wondering if there was an easier way with the Canon ones.

25-09-2012, 4:47pm
I reckon the only way you are going to get them sorted into date order (easily) is to copy them off the memory card after each shoot. if you change your routine to get into the habit of copying the photos to your computer after each shoot, you will be able to more easily keep them sorted to dates. Yeah it means changing your current methodology, but if that makes your photo cataloging easier, it will be more helpful than hindrance

25-09-2012, 8:23pm
I can live with it, but was just wondering if there was an easier way with the Canon ones.Canon's EOS Utility will do exactly what you want without you having to interact with the card, or its file system, at all. All you need to do it plug the camera into your computer (this may work with just the card too) and use the EOS Utility to download only the new pictures. It keeps track of this, so you don't have to. I have mine set up to put the pictures into folders by date. If you're importing into something like Lightroom, you can do pretty much exactly the same thing, as it too tracks the photos you have already imported. No mess, no fuss.

Mark L
27-09-2012, 7:48pm
Canon's EOS Utility will do exactly what you want without you having to interact with the card, or its file system, at all. All you need to do it plug the camera into your computer (this may work with just the card too) and use the EOS Utility to download only the new pictures. It keeps track of this, so you don't have to. I have mine set up to put the pictures into folders by date. If you're importing into something like Lightroom, you can do pretty much exactly the same thing, as it too tracks the photos you have already imported. No mess, no fuss.

It does work with card as well. I have it set up that when card is place in computer, one click and it all happens. Once downloaded you can open photos with whatever and they are in date order.

27-09-2012, 7:58pm
You need a better workflow.
See: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=New_To_Photography:Workflow_-_Putting_it_all_together

Mr Felix
30-09-2012, 7:52am
Canon's EOS Utility will do exactly what you want without you having to interact with the card, or its file system, at all. All you need to do it plug the camera into your computer (this may work with just the card too) and use the EOS Utility to download only the new pictures. It keeps track of this, so you don't have to. I have mine set up to put the pictures into folders by date. If you're importing into something like Lightroom, you can do pretty much exactly the same thing, as it too tracks the photos you have already imported. No mess, no fuss.


I have see said programs.

They seem to confuse the issue, as the program puts the pictures where IT wants, not where I want them.
And it is another program I have to have installed.

I shall think about it though.

All I do is have a "big" directory called - funnily enough - My Pictures, then sub directories where I put the files in their "appropriate" directories as per my catagorisation.

30-09-2012, 8:35am
Mr. Felix.
As suggested you do need to change your workflow. Leaving pictures on the card until it is full will eventually bring you heartache when it comes to that day when you want to take a few more images, but can't because the card is full. Then by the time you delete a couple to make room, that special moment is gone. I have a friend like that, and she can never find the image she wants to show me. Very frustrating.... :(

I take the files of the card after every shoot. I don't even take the card out of the camera. I use the USB cord supplied, create a folder "Location-Date" ie; "Bondi 30-9-12" or "Home-Dog 30-9-12" and then load the files into that.

I'm not as good a photographer as the guys above, and I'm just a hobby guy like yourself. And when it comes to find that image that you took a few months ago, all I have to do is remember where, what and when.

30-09-2012, 9:37am

I have see said programs.

They seem to confuse the issue, as the program puts the pictures where IT wants, not where I want them.
And it is another program I have to have installed.


I'm sure that 'the program' has the ability to place files to where you want them to go too!!!

If not then it's time to uninstall that software and find one that does!!
This feature is one that is imperative to any photographer, serious or not!!

If the program in question is Canon's DPP, then just ask the question on what or where this ability lies for you to make use of it.

Never keep all images on the card too!
it can actually develop into an issue over time as the card may need to be formatted(best done in camera) occasionally to minimise the risk of data corruption.
While this may not have been an issue for you in the past, that fact doesn't preclude the possibility of it happening in the future!

30-09-2012, 2:55pm
They seem to confuse the issue, as the program puts the pictures where IT wants, not where I want them.


All I do is have a "big" directory called - funnily enough - My Pictures, then sub directories where I put the files in their "appropriate" directories as per my catagorisation.EOS Utility will save images to whatever directory you choose in its Preferences. There's a tab called "Destination Folder" and you set it there. The same panel gives you options for how the folders get named. If you can't get exactly what you want there, then change them afterwards maybe. That's a lot less work than what you're doing.

FWIW, I rarely interact with the file system on my computer anymore. I have way too many files - of all sorts - to go looking for them manually. Programs like iTunes do a way better job of making my music available to me how I want it than anything I could do myself. I use Lightroom for image file management, which is something it does extremely well, as do many other apps. For most other files, I search rather than browse.

It takes a leap of faith I know, but you will find your digital life is so much easier when you allow the modern tools at your disposal to manage your stuff for you. All my image files are easy to find - in folders, named by date - if I ever want to actually "see" them, but I never do.

Mr Felix
02-10-2012, 7:53am
Fair enough and thanks Soulman.

It is getting that way on my system too.

Pictures, music, movies, and other stuff.

I may give it another go. I think I tried a LONG time ago when I first got my first digital camera and it wasn't as user friendly, so I didn't bother with subsequent releases/cameras.

02-10-2012, 10:14am
Seems to me the easy answer is to shoot pentax then .....

Mr Felix
02-10-2012, 1:05pm
Mr. Felix.
As suggested you do need to change your workflow. Leaving pictures on the card until it is full will eventually bring you heartache when it comes to that day when you want to take a few more images, but can't because the card is full. Then by the time you delete a couple to make room, that special moment is gone. I have a friend like that, and she can never find the image she wants to show me. Very frustrating.... :(

I take the files of the card after every shoot. I don't even take the card out of the camera. I use the USB cord supplied, create a folder "Location-Date" ie; "Bondi 30-9-12" or "Home-Dog 30-9-12" and then load the files into that.

I'm not as good a photographer as the guys above, and I'm just a hobby guy like yourself. And when it comes to find that image that you took a few months ago, all I have to do is remember where, what and when.

I think you missed a bit of how I do things.

I don't leave the card in the camera until it is full and not take it out.

If I go away, I take photos. I get home and copy the files to the 'puta.

I just wait until the card is full before wiping it.

Yes, my "work flow" or what ever it is called, is similar to what you said. I make a directory and copy the new files into there and process is further if/when needed.

But if it is an 8 gig card and it is 80% full, it is "annoying" having to load all the files, resort them to "date taken" and look for the new ones.

02-10-2012, 7:37pm

But if it is an 8 gig card and it is 80% full, it is "annoying" having to load all the files, resort them to "date taken" and look for the new ones.

This is why you would download them to the relevant destination after every shoot(or event or holiday or whatever)

Each person has their own particular filing system, be that digital or real hard copies of files.

So one version of filing (digital) files would be to file them in date order(my method, and makes most sense to me).

So on the 29th of September 2012, I head out to a small locality called Terrick Terrick, and capture some images.
I remember the drive, more so than the happenings on the day as individual items, so my filing is such that I prioritise the date and the place name(or event name).

So my filing system is directed to a specific folder dedicated to the year(2012) and then to the camera I used(D300) and then to the date and place name(or event name)

So my files from last weekend end up in a directory structure that looks like this ...

V:/Photos/2012/D300/20120929/(all raw files get placed here)/jpg/(all jpg conversions get placed here).

Without even having to use my DAM software, I remembered that I went to Terrick in 2012, and browse that folder(under D300) to look for the folder called .... 20120929_Terrick Terrick.

The Terrick name stands out, and I instantly see that I was there on the 29th Sep.

Leaving all images on the card until full sounds like a massive head spin to try to organise where each file is from, in terms of place, date, event(such as party, trip, holiday.. etc)

Using all the features of that your PC offers, such as Ctrl-A for selecting all files in a simple click is subsequently lost if you have a mishmash of files from year one, all the way through to eternity.

You spend too much time wasted sorting files that don't need to be sorted at all to begin with, and then sorting them again into respective directories for later easy retrieval!

Double the work with no gain .. and it's no wonder you're finding it a hassle.

Downloading images from the card/camera is a doddle, a walk in the park and taking candy from a baby all in the one foul swoop if you manage yourself correctly!

And to rid your self of excess files on the card, so there is no more work to do in terms of PC based manipulation .. your downloading software should have a setting where it deletes files off the card itself, after transfer to the PC.
So you shouldn't even have to be bothered with the simple step of clearing out the card once you have the files on your PC!! .. another automated PC process! :th3:

AND!!! to further cap an illustrious career as a photoholic, you should even have an option to archive the images that require saving to the PC, onto another folder location, where you backup all your images too.
So if you have an external USB drive(or other type of backup drive connected to the PC in any manner, this photo transferring software shoudl also have the ability to download the images not only to your favoured directory, but also to your favoured backup directory too .. all automagically so that you can enjoy a quick cuppa(or a snack, or a cold one, or a paddle in the pool if you prefer) .... whilst your files are being downloaded, backed up, and then deleted by your PC.