View Full Version : desperate help - merging two photos in PSE

Ms Monny
11-06-2012, 8:06pm
I am trying to merge two photos taken of the sunset tonight. Luckily it was a crappy sunset (not much colour in the sky), so I can muck around with it as much as possible and not worry about the outcome....

I had it on a tripod, mirror lock up (I remembered this time), Av setting f9. I took one image of the hill (blew out the sky) and one image of the sky (very dark hill).

I went into PSE and tried to use the Photomerge Exposure. I did it in manual and followed the advice in my book from Scott Kelby. It turned out awful!! :( Very bad fringing on the tree top horizon and just looked so wrong.

Is there another way of maybe doing layers using both images (layer one on top of the other and then erasing part of the image to reveal the one below) or is this a bit hard especially with tree tops on the horizon??

I would love to get the hang of doing this, so I can further my sunset/sunrise photos.

Or is there another application to use other than PSE???

11-06-2012, 8:14pm
Have a look at this little tutorial. This is how I would do it. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRJoY5odA7k

Ms Monny
11-06-2012, 8:19pm
Thats good. How do I use TWO photos in the layer area, instead of just the one photo duplicated??

11-06-2012, 8:30pm
Ms Monny, copy the second image and then paste it into photoshop. It will paste as a new layer.

Ms Monny
11-06-2012, 9:03pm
Thanks .... I did it! Oh, I haven't touched PSE for a year and I have forgotten everything. It is slowly coming back to me. Editing the photos right now. :th3:

11-06-2012, 9:11pm
Not sure of PSE, but in CS5 there's the file > Automate > send to HDR Pro (from memory, as I'm posting from my desktop which doesn't have it installed). It is so simple it's scary. Merges the shots, and then lets you adjust the result with a few simple sliders to alter the look. I've only just used it for the first time this week, but if elements has the same options as photoshop, then it might be another way of doing it.

Ms Monny
11-06-2012, 9:40pm
Thanks Enzookiel, but PSE doesn't have that feature. I like to actually use the layers to dodge and burn where I want to. The Photomerge Exposure is a HDR type of program within PSE, but I don't actually like the end effect. I am going to go to bed now and rest the ol' eyes from my image. It is nearly done and I will post it when I have finished. Actually very happy with it....but I know I need a bit more CC on the image itself.

12-06-2012, 6:26am
I'll check out HDR Pro, thanks Ezookiel

12-06-2012, 6:11pm
G'day MsMoney

If you would like a PDF copy [6-pages] of my workshop notes on merging 2 discrete images, would you please PM me with your email details

Regards, Phil