View Full Version : Tips for Photo of the Week "Pets/Domestic/Zoo : Taking a better photo

10-06-2012, 9:14am
With the beginning of our Genre themed Photo of the Week Competition series, we want to also help those with less experience in photographing this genre.

Therefore this thread is for members to post tips and advice for photographing animals that fit the Pets/Domestic/Zoo category. Members are welcome to post any hint or tip that will assist other members, or ask specific questions about photographing this Genre.

Please note, do not give provide any information about your entry. These competitions are anonymous and any post that gives away details of the member's entry, could see your entry disqualified.

10-06-2012, 9:15am
OK, First tip

FOCUS on the eyes of your subject. Eyes that are in focus are a major key to successful animal portraiture.

10-06-2012, 9:35am
Tip two: Keep your SHUTTER SPEED up. Animals like to move when you least expect it and you'll need to be able to freeze that with a high value; say 1/focal length of your lens x 2. For example, a 135mm focal length lens would require a shutter speed of around 1/270 for clarity. Personally, I prefer to be up in the 4 figure range for shutter speed with anything that moves, but that's me. :confused013

10-06-2012, 9:47am
Tip 3 - especially for zoo work, try and find locations and view points that don't include enclosure fencing, cage bars, and so on. Zoos try their hardest to provide a nice natural environment for the animals, giving us a great opportunity to get photos that can look almost as if the animal is in the wild rather than a zoo. Photos taken through wire mesh, for example, are a big giveaway (especially when that mesh is then brightly lit by a flash!) Try to keep anything man-made out of the frame.
Good luck
Grum http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/apcompetitiondisplay.php?entryid=8024

Mary Anne
10-06-2012, 9:56am
Get down to your Pets level dont shoot standing up..

10-06-2012, 3:58pm
You'll often have to wait around until they are doing something interesting, or strike a good pose for you.

15-06-2012, 1:34pm
noises to get their attention work wonders.. a set of car keys, or a chip packet in your pocket will have them looking right at you.