View Full Version : My names Dave and im an Alcoholic

Duane Pipe
08-06-2012, 2:24pm
I would like to apologize to all members that I have offended during my stay at ap.
I know some of you must think that i am an idiot because of some of the crap I say:o I blame the Grog I haven't been a very happy camper over the last couple of years and my drinking has got out of control.
lately I have been worried about some of my comments that I have made on ap:(

08-06-2012, 2:54pm
You haven't offended me at all Dave but thanks all the same.

08-06-2012, 3:07pm
There are some that say worse things Dave.
But now you have admitted it, maybe it's time to do something about it. I've been sober for 5 years now. And life couldn't be any better.

08-06-2012, 3:13pm
haven't offended me either. Agree that realising you have something to deal with is part of solving it. Only you can beat this, with the support of family, friends (in real life and online). Many others have been where you are and succeeded in making a change in their lives, you can too!

08-06-2012, 3:19pm
Good on yer Dave. Same here for no offence.

08-06-2012, 3:29pm
good to see you thinking about the problem
give it a red hot go and smell the roses

08-06-2012, 3:35pm
onya dave for coming forth and onya more for recognising the problem. I cant say that i have been offended in any way by your posts tho. :th3:

08-06-2012, 3:48pm
No problems here. All the best.:th3:

08-06-2012, 3:57pm
I can't say that I understand what you are going through, Dave, although I can sympathise knowing that some of my alcohol-encouraged behaviour still gives me heartburn even today.

I can say that I haven't personally been offended by anything you've posted here. I can also say I have the deepest admiration for the courage it took to confess your situation in public. Keep posting and don't let things get to you. Alcohol doesn't help; it only depresses you even further.

Consider this a huge "man hug" for ya', mate! :party7:

Duane Pipe
08-06-2012, 4:11pm
Thank for the support and encouragement guys. I have been to drug and alcohol counseling twice now but its so bloody hard as it has been a 25 year habit.
Some of you know that I am finding it hard to find work due to illness and injuries so I have way to much time on my hands and are board to tears at the end of the day which makes it hard too. The counselor and I have set some small goals to aim for to help ween me off it. Good to hear Geoff Well done mate and I sure hope I can kick it too:)

08-06-2012, 4:35pm
Good luck with meeting the goals you have set, I hope it works out well.

08-06-2012, 4:39pm
Good on you for doing some thing about your drinking habit, as I had family and friends that have been though what you are going though, so well done and wish you all the best on your road to recovery. And I can say that you have not offend me in anyway and any comments that you given on my photo's have been helpful. I wish you well

08-06-2012, 4:43pm
I've never noticed anything offensive from you Dave.

One day at a time.
Alcohol can be harder to give up than heroin.

Admitting you have a problem is the first step, and the longest journeys always start with the first step.

08-06-2012, 5:04pm
Dave, you mention boredom. Why not ask your local school if they have a photography club, and then see if you can arrange to be a mentor for some kids. Or check with your local council, they probably need volunteers to help out with all sorts of things. And you never know, by getting out there, you might meet some other volunteers who run businesses etc, and it might eventually lead to a foot in the door with a job. You would be amazed who does volunteer work.

I used to help out once a fortnight on a food van. We would start about 10.00pm and work till about 2.00 am and provide soup, and food to the homeless. I got to meet the most amazing people also volunteering their time. I once met Kerry Packer and spent 2 hours serving chicken soup to homeless people with him. So from a simple dose of volunteering, you can be exposed to some amazing opportunities.

08-06-2012, 7:55pm
Dave, very brave to come out on a public forum like this. Well done & I hope you do set small goals & stick to them.

Good wishes for the future.

Mark L
08-06-2012, 8:00pm
Well Dave, I actually think your contributions add to AP. (true story)
Also you have my permission to try and offend me. Think you'll offend Rick (and mods) before that happens. :)
Seriously though, I can't really offer advise, other than good luck on your journey, and I hope it works out for you.

08-06-2012, 8:49pm
Every friday night at work there is an AA meeting. (I don't go myself, but I do meet a lot of them) They are also a great bunch of people. AA is a big concern now days. As big as Lions or Rotary clubs. Often I get to meet people from all over Australia that are maybe in the region for a holiday, but still go to a meeting. So it's not always "Hi I'm Dave. And I'm a alcholic"

Lance B
08-06-2012, 8:54pm
The first step in recovery is admitting the problem, you've done that and that is most commendable! Well done and a man hug from me too. :)

09-06-2012, 10:17am
Good onya' Dave.

You can't solve a problem until you admit that you have one.

And Mate, I can say with all sincerity that I've had nothing but pleasant rapport with you.

Good luck.

09-06-2012, 10:37am
Dave , the drink is only a small part of a bigger problem, i know this i had 20years of drinking and other stuff. sober now 12 years. if you really want help, private message me i can try to get someone to talk to you. you just keep coming back! it shows there is love, inspiration and friends within this forum for you. and no offence has been taken here . :efelant:

Duane Pipe
09-06-2012, 2:38pm
I like the ideas you have offered me Rick. I have tried contacting the Ranger in charge of volunteer workers and I gave up, Hard man to catch and I don't like phones, I would rather speak to him in person. I read the local rag to late last week They were doing a lyrebird count this weekend. The council idea is a ripper I recon as it could open lots of doors for me.
Who would have thought that some one like Kerry Packer would do volunteer work, Bloody good on him:th3:

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Dave, very brave to come out on a public forum like this. Well done & I hope you do set small goals & stick to them.

Good wishes for the future.

Thanks kev I have accomplished my first goal today which is start 1 hour later than the norm/2pm I have just finished my first. small steps is what its going to take. Cheers mate

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Well Dave, I actually think your contributions add to AP. (true story)
Also you have my permission to try and offend me. Think you'll offend Rick (and mods) before that happens. :)
Seriously though, I can't really offer advise, other than good luck on your journey, and I hope it works out for you.

I do say some stupid things trying to add some humor to my posts but I think deep down it is to hide the fact that I am not a happy person at the moment and i will try my hardest not to offend. Thanks Mark

09-06-2012, 2:42pm
All the best Dave, it actually took myself getting my stomach pumped (twice:D) before I said "this can't be good for ya!"

Hang in there mate, I'm sure a lot of AP'ers are rooting for ya :th3:

Duane Pipe
09-06-2012, 3:45pm
Every friday night at work there is an AA meeting. (I don't go myself, but I do meet a lot of them) They are also a great bunch of people. AA is a big concern now days. As big as Lions or Rotary clubs. Often I get to meet people from all over Australia that are maybe in the region for a holiday, but still go to a meeting. So it's not always "Hi I'm Dave. And I'm a alcholic"

Thats a great company offering that service Geoff, it shows that they care for their workers:th3: I have been to two AA meetings but it was a long time ago I think they are held to late I recon as I need the support from midday onwards:( You are right they are top blokes just battling a bad disease, I did hear some funny stories at AA, I might have to go just for a laugh:lol2:.
I originally went to AA to look good for the magistrate.
Its a long story and nothing but nothing to bad as I was mainly innocent:o (as we all cry) I would not leave my best mate/cousin so I got stuck in his trouble, My worst charge was drink driving so now I don't drive after 2pm:(

I listen to a scanner during my sleepless nights and 99% of trouble is alcohol related, Its a big social problem.

I don't mind telling my story as we were not all goody two shoes when were young.:)

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Thanks John, Am, Macca, Dave, Ionica, Waz, blkmcs, Benny, Kev, Mark, Lance, kevin and Richard, I hope I didnt miss anyone.
I am finding the responses a bit overwhelming, Its hard answering all posts especially at my pace lol.
You have no idea on the way I feel about all the responses and support that you have offered and the PMs its good to get my problem out in the open, to share them with my online friends, it has boosted my confidence so much, thank you all

I will check back later, I think its time to look at some threads:th3:

09-06-2012, 6:16pm
Dave you have just touched my heart and I wish you all the best. I feel you will be free of the grog as you have just done the 1st and hardest step.

:wd: :gl:

09-06-2012, 8:57pm
Dave. Good on you for taking the first step.

I can't even imagine what you're facing but wish you all the best with your struggle.

As far as volunteering goes our Daughter has started a Uni course that has a work/volunteer compulsory component in environmental science settings and she has signed up for a couple of friends groups, as in friends of a couple of local parks/gardens organisations. You'll also find friends of other type of community assets.

And how about the local mens shed. I've just started going to our local one as I had a couple of projects I wanted to work on, and assumed thats what they are for. Turns out they are ment to be a social forum for men to meet and chat and share all sorts of things with others. Turn up when you feel like it, talk, have a cup of coffee, help others with what they're doing, etc:

09-06-2012, 10:00pm
Best wishes Dave - I hope you find something you enjoy doing more which helps break the habit.:)

10-06-2012, 5:28am
Me neither Dave, all good hear. I here what you are saying mate - I dont think it is going to be easy but you have made the first steps and one day at a time. Cant say I work with people problems a lot mate and this next statement may sound odd but - I work with horses a lot and thy have taught me a lot about myself. If I dont ask too much of them in training and dont exceed there expectations of me, the training goes well. So it doesn't matter if it takes 100 days to get to 100%, the fact is we both got there with a good feeling about ourselves and a good relationship with a healthy respect for each other. I have applied this to myself over time and I think it works.

Dave, I have no experience with what you are going through, but I have had a couple of over challenges over the yrs so take it a day at a time, respect yourself and each day be grateful for just one thing in your life that may help you deal with your problems.
Look forward to seeing more of you on the forum - just some corny advise from an old horseman. :-)

10-06-2012, 6:29pm
Hey Dave, congratulations on taking the first step. You are very brave indeed!
I am sure that there will be good days and bad days ahead and days when you'll fall off the wagon. Don't beat yourself up about it too badly, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on the wagon again.
Good luck & Stay strong

10-06-2012, 6:40pm
Dave you've never offended me either. You've just done the hardest thing you'll ever have to do..... admit you have a problem. I know this, because I once had a problem myself ( not really something I want to go into detail on here ). You will get through this, it will be a long hard slog, but I know you can do it.
Best Of luck with it all!!! know that we're all behind you 100% of the way! :th3:

Dylan & Marianne
10-06-2012, 6:52pm
hmm I don't think I've been offended with anything you said - just amusingly random at times!
I hope you find the right help in the community for you

aussie girl
10-06-2012, 7:31pm
I cannot imagine how hard it must have been for you to work up the courage to sit before your keyboard and type out what you did and then how much courage it took to hit the "post" button. You have made a HUGE leap into the first steps in being able to deal with your drinking problem. I hope and pray that you have good friends and even more understanding family to help you on one of the hardest journeys of your life. I am sure the rewards at the end of the journey, when you can hold up your head and be proud of who you are and what you have overcome, will be well worth the struggle and torment that you face in trying to kick such an insidious additction. I wish you all the luck in the world and hope that you take advantage of the help that has been offered here by your AP family.
Now might be a great time to dust off your camera and get back out in the field just taking photos of everything and anything. Set yourself a goal each day to get a photo of a particular type, genre, aspect. Your love of photography might just help pull you through. And Rick's suggestion of volunteering is a very good idea. Beat the tedium and boredom, get out there doing SOMETHING and it will take you mind off reaching for the bottle.
Get as much help as you can, because this will help make it an easier journey.
Go out there and be strong and most of all be proud, proud that you have had the guts to take the hardest step of your life ... admitting and recognising that you had a problem, and then telling others about it. You have a recipe for success already:)

Mark L
10-06-2012, 8:20pm
Volunteering seems to be cropping (:rolleyes:) up. I'm guessing the C.F.A. have some rolls to fill that don't involve jumping on the back of a truck and putting out fires. In the N.S.W. Rural Fire Service I've become very involve in communications, logistics and training (not going anywhere near a fire!).
Two steps forward, one step back means you get somewhere slowly. Again, good luck.

11-06-2012, 7:38am
You must be VERY proud of yourself for making that brave first step.With a lot of self respect youll make it.My thoughts are with you.

Duane Pipe
11-06-2012, 8:34am
Dave you have just touched my heart and I wish you all the best. I feel you will be free of the grog as you have just done the 1st and hardest step.

:wd: :gl:

Thanks Buddy so far so good. Since starting this thread I have had, day1=3 day2=7 day3=3 and thats a whole lot better than 10 or more:eek: which I had been having. Cheers Dave

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Dave. Good on you for taking the first step.

I can't even imagine what you're facing but wish you all the best with your struggle.

As far as volunteering goes our Daughter has started a Uni course that has a work/volunteer compulsory component in environmental science settings and she has signed up for a couple of friends groups, as in friends of a couple of local parks/gardens organisations. You'll also find friends of other type of community assets.

And how about the local mens shed. I've just started going to our local one as I had a couple of projects I wanted to work on, and assumed thats what they are for. Turns out they are ment to be a social forum for men to meet and chat and share all sorts of things with others. Turn up when you feel like it, talk, have a cup of coffee, help others with what they're doing, etc:

I dont know how your Mens shed operates John, our local shed charges $30 per day+ material, if you do your own project so thats out. As for the Friends of the parks I have been trying to contact the organizing ranger, So far no good .
One of the parks is a Beautiful rain Forrest and I definitely want to sign up so I will keep at it. Thanks for the Support John:th3:

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Best wishes Dave - I hope you find something you enjoy doing more which helps break the habit.:)

Thanks Allie. I have to find my mo-jo Which over the last couple of unemployed years has vanished But I plan to get back into the swing of things. Cheers. I appreciate it.

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All the best Dave, it actually took myself getting my stomach pumped (twice:D) before I said "this can't be good for ya!"

Hang in there mate, I'm sure a lot of AP'ers are rooting for ya :th3:

Wow Adam I have drank some grog mate but never had that happen, good wake up call :eek:15 years ago I was drinking a slab a day at times, and having them for breckie...

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Heading to Walhalla shortly. they are celebrating/re-enacting the Queens Diamond Jubilee, So I better get Cracking:th3: Thanks Every one. I am like the Support:th3:

Duane Pipe
11-06-2012, 4:05pm
Me neither Dave, all good hear. I here what you are saying mate - I dont think it is going to be easy but you have made the first steps and one day at a time. Cant say I work with people problems a lot mate and this next statement may sound odd but - I work with horses a lot and thy have taught me a lot about myself. If I dont ask too much of them in training and dont exceed there expectations of me, the training goes well. So it doesn't matter if it takes 100 days to get to 100%, the fact is we both got there with a good feeling about ourselves and a good relationship with a healthy respect for each other. I have applied this to myself over time and I think it works.

Dave, I have no experience with what you are going through, but I have had a couple of over challenges over the yrs so take it a day at a time, respect yourself and each day be grateful for just one thing in your life that may help you deal with your problems.
Look forward to seeing more of you on the forum - just some corny advise from an old horseman. :-)

Animals are great companions mick and I understand what you are saying. My best shots from today were of Horses:th3: I have owned and ridden nags over the years mate and the last one was a spooky thing and would shy from its own shadow, so I fell off it a few times:lol2:

Today I carried the 7d around my neck off and on for 4 hours and now I am suffering "BAD", with my Arthritis pain:( 45 and I am stuffed Thats how I feel...

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Hey Dave, congratulations on taking the first step. You are very brave indeed!
I am sure that there will be good days and bad days ahead and days when you'll fall off the wagon. Don't beat yourself up about it too badly, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on the wagon again.
Good luck & Stay strong

Thanks Jodie:) So for I have cut back and have felt better:th3: with positive thoughts too:), but Tonight the Wagon is a bit wobbly:o
Appreciate the post:th3:

11-06-2012, 9:02pm
you have never offended Mongo. Besides, if there is any offending to be done on this site, it will be Mongo doing the offending !

Mongo thinks you contribute more than you realise. You appear to be taking the right measures to help yourself and hopefully others will contribute back to you for your needs.

Mongo agrees with Rick also in relation to the boredom. That may be one aspect you can help yourself more directly with. Mongo knows there are schools and community centres that would love to offer assistance to young people and seniors wanting to learn about photography.

Look forward to your AP posts as always.

12-06-2012, 7:43am
Just to add another voice - I've never thought your posts were offensive either. I admire your attitude and your courage, I find it hard to put a photo up for critique, let alone something as personal as this. Good on you!!

P.S. Cool avatar, Angus rocks! I hope his music gives you as much pleasure as it gives me

Duane Pipe
12-06-2012, 3:14pm
Dave you've never offended me either. You've just done the hardest thing you'll ever have to do..... admit you have a problem. I know this, because I once had a problem myself ( not really something I want to go into detail on here ). You will get through this, it will be a long hard slog, but I know you can do it.
Best Of luck with it all!!! know that we're all behind you 100% of the way! :th3:

Thanks Kirsty. It is good to know that there is so many members offering support and hopefully overtime I will beat it.
I know that I can not stop instantly and there are risks of seizures so it is one day at a time. If I go without for a couple of day I just binge next few days and that is not good.

- - - Updated - - -

hmm I don't think I've been offended with anything you said - just amusingly random at times!
I hope you find the right help in the community for you

Thanks Dylan. I do have a wacky sense of hummer and some time stick my foot in my mouth. Cheers mate

- - - Updated - - -

I cannot imagine how hard it must have been for you to work up the courage to sit before your keyboard and type out what you did and then how much courage it took to hit the "post" button. You have made a HUGE leap into the first steps in being able to deal with your drinking problem. I hope and pray that you have good friends and even more understanding family to help you on one of the hardest journeys of your life. I am sure the rewards at the end of the journey, when you can hold up your head and be proud of who you are and what you have overcome, will be well worth the struggle and torment that you face in trying to kick such an insidious additction. I wish you all the luck in the world and hope that you take advantage of the help that has been offered here by your AP family.
Now might be a great time to dust off your camera and get back out in the field just taking photos of everything and anything. Set yourself a goal each day to get a photo of a particular type, genre, aspect. Your love of photography might just help pull you through. And Rick's suggestion of volunteering is a very good idea. Beat the tedium and boredom, get out there doing SOMETHING and it will take you mind off reaching for the bottle.
Get as much help as you can, because this will help make it an easier journey.
Go out there and be strong and most of all be proud, proud that you have had the guts to take the hardest step of your life ... admitting and recognising that you had a problem, and then telling others about it. You have a recipe for success already:)

It was not hard at all ag I was calling out for help and I have received it from you and other members.
Today I went to the local counsel and dse to inquire about volunteer work and am waiting on some phone calls.
My counselor wants me to start 1 hour later than I normally do and to have at least one less can And so far I have met the goals.
She also suggested that I leave the empties in front of me so that I can keep an eye on my consumption Which is a good idea I feel. Cheers and thanks for the reply, Advice and support aussie girl:)

- - - Updated - - -

Volunteering seems to be cropping (:rolleyes:) up. I'm guessing the C.F.A. have some rolls to fill that don't involve jumping on the back of a truck and putting out fires. In the N.S.W. Rural Fire Service I've become very involve in communications, logistics and training (not going anywhere near a fire!).
Two steps forward, one step back means you get somewhere slowly. Again, good luck.

I want to volunteer for the dse with something regarding Wild Life studies/flora and fauna, and hopefully some great photo opportunities might arise because they travel where the general public cant. :th3:

- - - Updated - - -

You must be VERY proud of yourself for making that brave first step.With a lot of self respect youll make it.My thoughts are with you.

Cheers Wayne Starting this thread is a great confidence Boost, It is :th3: Thanks mate:th3:

Duane Pipe
12-06-2012, 4:11pm
you have never offended Mongo. Besides, if there is any offending to be done on this site, it will be Mongo doing the offending !

Mongo thinks you contribute more than you realise. You appear to be taking the right measures to help yourself and hopefully others will contribute back to you for your needs.
Mongo agrees with Rick also in relation to the boredom. That may be one aspect you can help yourself more directly with. Mongo knows there are schools and community centres that would love to offer assistance to young people and seniors wanting to learn about photography.

Look forward to your AP posts as always.

Love you and your humor Mongo and I recon you would eat a Black snake with a festered butt.. I do need something to fill in my time during the day but the evenings is where I need to keep busy, like NOW. I am enjoying a Beer at the moment while chatting on ap but I have to learn to control my consumption and slowly cut back until hopefully I am sober.

What is Mongo's most unusual native food that he has tried:confused013 I am interested... Mine has been road kill Goanna and I liked it:th3:

- - - Updated - - -

Just to add another voice - I've never thought your posts were offensive either. I admire your attitude and your courage, I find it hard to put a photo up for critique, let alone something as personal as this. Good on you!!

P.S. Cool avatar, Angus rocks! I hope his music gives you as much pleasure as it gives me

Thanks fender and going by you name and avatar you love the guitar too:th3: Me too and would love to have learned to play, too old now though.
Don't be scared to post images mate we are all here to help.:th3: AP is a great forum and the most professional that I have come across:th3: and as you can see from this thread that AP has more to offer than just photographic advice.
I think Angus Is the best Man, He dose Rock:music: If I ever visit WA/Fremantle would be my first stop to pay tribute to Bon:th3:

12-06-2012, 5:55pm
... I recon you would eat a Black snake with a festered butt..

What is Mongo's most unusual native food that he has tried:confused013 I am interested... Mine has been road kill Goanna and I liked it:th3:

As to the happy consumption of a black snake with the festered Butt.......Mongo only let you watch on the basis you would not tell :lol: :lol:

as to the native food that Mongo most desires, Mongo must say, no matter where he is or whatever country or whatever he is doing, the best native food is usually the natives ! :D

12-06-2012, 6:00pm
Courageous thread you've started Dave , Keep it going and well done , Your friend Bill :th3:

Duane Pipe
14-06-2012, 2:28pm
Courageous thread you've started Dave , Keep it going and well done , Your friend Bill :th3:

Thanks William sorry for the late reply mate. Not sure about courageous, I needed to get it out in the open and talk about it.
Remember when I first mentioned it in a thread a while ago, I realized then that I had a problem.
A couple of months ago I was out fishing and could hardly tie a knot because of my shacking:eek: It was then that I knew I had to do something about it, I love trout fishing Bill so if I cant tie a not I cant fish:lol2: Thanks Buddy:th3:

la lumiere
14-06-2012, 3:44pm
Sounds as if you are making forward steps...well done:) I have nothing but admiration for you.
Early on you mentioned it was during the day that you thought AA may be more helpful. I believe there may be a daytime meeting in Moe..Is that too far from you?
All the best...... enjoy your photography....looking forward to seeing more of your work..... and.......reading more of your comments/cc . :D

Duane Pipe
14-06-2012, 4:03pm
Sounds as if you are making forward steps...well done:) I have nothing but admiration for you.
Early on you mentioned it was during the day that you thought AA may be more helpful. I believe there may be a daytime meeting in Moe..Is that too far from you?
All the best...... enjoy your photography....looking forward to seeing more of your work..... and.......reading more of your comments/cc . :D

Moe, Just around the corner la:th3: thanks I will look into it.
Gembrook Thats a nice area la. I lived in Mt Evelyn for about 10 years but that was a long time ago, I was shocked the last time that I went through the area I could not believe how much it has changed:eek: Still a nice place to live though:th3:

14-06-2012, 5:37pm
What an incredible person you are, Dave. I too had a drinking problem, now my problem's when I drink. Sobriety and high self esteem are bigger buzzes than anything sucked out of bottles and bongs. I'm cheering for you mate.

14-06-2012, 5:59pm
Hey Dave,
My admiration and respect to you, as many have already said you have made the first and biggest step ... admitting you have a problem.
My thoughts for you echo what everyone has already said, and said well and thoughtfully.
Best wishes for your difficult journey ... Stay courageous Buddy :th3:

Duane Pipe
14-06-2012, 6:53pm
What an incredible person you are, Dave. I too had a drinking problem, now my problem's when I drink. Sobriety and high self esteem are bigger buzzes than anything sucked out of bottles and bongs. I'm cheering for you mate.

Thanks Lazz. I have had a low self esteem from my unemployment as you could imagine but now I wake up with some hope:th3:

la lumiere
18-06-2012, 6:21pm
We have lived in Gembrook for over 20 years now ...boy has it changed in that time. My husband says as soon as we get a roundabout or traffic lights .....time to move on!
My grandparents lived in 'outback' Africa and said it was time to move on if you could see the smoke from another man's chimney....sounds ideal.
Pleased to hear you still keeping an eye on your goals! Well done!:)
Cheers Lal

23-06-2012, 8:08pm
No offence here either, I actually think you add a sense of humour to the posts which I really like :)
I'm sure you can beat this problem, but you know this place will be here to listen if your having a rotten day :th3:

Duane Pipe
24-06-2012, 7:28am
We have lived in Gembrook for over 20 years now ...boy has it changed in that time. My husband says as soon as we get a roundabout or traffic lights .....time to move on!
My grandparents lived in 'outback' Africa and said it was time to move on if you could see the smoke from another man's chimney....sounds ideal.
Pleased to hear you still keeping an eye on your goals! Well done!:)
Cheers Lal

The country rd's that once were are now like major hwys. Still the Yarra Rangers is a nice spot to live and visit, it has a lot to offer for the photographer:th3:

- - - Updated - - -

No offence here either, I actually think you add a sense of humour to the posts which I really like :)
I'm sure you can beat this problem, but you know this place will be here to listen if your having a rotten day :th3:

Thanks. Im having good and bad days as could be expected and at a guise I would say that my intake has dropped by a third.
Small steps:th3:

Mike Taylor
07-07-2012, 4:03pm
Well Dave I have always appreciated your comments on my posts and I hope to hear alot more from you in the future.Best wishes Mike

Duane Pipe
07-07-2012, 5:40pm
Thanks Mike. Been feeling a bit off the couple of days mate. :)

07-07-2012, 5:44pm
Good to hear your still batting on .good on ya

20-08-2012, 10:15pm
I am just wondering how you are going, Dave? Hope things are continuing to improve.

Duane Pipe
21-08-2012, 10:28am
Going camping and estuary fishing for 2 weeks so that will keep me busy, which hopefully will help me cut back on the grog.
Its about time I got out and lived a little instead of festering at home:th3:

21-08-2012, 12:01pm
You are very brave I think.
Good luck in your journey - you can do it !! :th3:

21-08-2012, 12:12pm
All the best Dave, I hope the advice and support of site members helps you with your struggle.

la lumiere
21-08-2012, 3:26pm
Just thought I'd check in and see how you are going. Glad to hear you are off for some fishing time ,,, enjoy! Hope you remembered to take the camera gear just in case you need a photo of the one that didn't get away!:)

Duane Pipe
21-08-2012, 4:42pm
You are very brave I think.
Good luck in your journey - you can do it !! :th3:

Brave or silly for telling my story!. Well I do appreciate members input, advice and support and the thread bump is a good reminder for me.

21-08-2012, 5:36pm
whats on the bite dave
getting plenty of redfin and yellows up here
cheers macca

Duane Pipe
21-08-2012, 6:06pm
whats on the bite dave
getting plenty of redfin and yellows up here
cheers macca

Gday macca. Redfin Yummo best eating fresh water fish I recon;) I have never caught a yellow belly as they are not that common down here mate What are they like to eat:confused013.

Whats on the bite. Apparently the Gummies are on the go off the serf but thats not my scene. In the estuary Salmon and sand flatties are the go at the moment. Happy fishing Macca:th3::beer_mug:

21-08-2012, 6:30pm
thanks dave
sometime over summer we will have to catch up for a fish and a shooting day
cheers macca

Duane Pipe
21-08-2012, 7:03pm
Yeah for sure macca:th3: as you know I want to head up your way for some detecting and when I decide the date You will be the first to know:beer_mug:

21-08-2012, 8:12pm
Should be good to have a change of scenery and do something different. Have a great time.

Duane Pipe
22-08-2012, 5:02pm
Thanks lenscap. I cant wait for the trip, Its been 3 years since I have been camping for more that a few days:th3:

15-12-2012, 10:41am
Just wondering how your going mate hopefully your still on the wagon

Steve Axford
15-12-2012, 11:47am
Good luck Dave. Alcohol is a tough one to quit, but the rewards are great.

Duane Pipe
16-12-2012, 8:53am
Thanks Steve, Well I can proudly say that I have had 5 sober days in the last fortnight and now start at 5pm instead of 2:2biggn:

16-12-2012, 11:12am
It takes a big man to apologise and an even bigger man to admit he is an alcoholic. Please keep coming back...sometimes it's easier to talk about these things with people you don't know in real life.

Duane Pipe
16-12-2012, 4:57pm
It takes a big man to apologise and an even bigger man to admit he is an alcoholic. Please keep coming back...sometimes it's easier to talk about these things with people you don't know in real life.

Thanks Shelly. The only family member that I talk to is my cousin and best MATE..

Is a person a alcoholic if he/she has a wine or a scotch with dinner every night and has done so for many years "I wonder how many of you fall into that category"..
When I was on P-plates (30years ago) I would drink a bottle of johnny red on afternoon shift:2enew: I was young and in party mode like most teens these days Although I don't consume a lot now, 6 cans on average but its still a long term habit.

Australia. The land formed on Gold and Grog..:2biggn:

20-12-2012, 6:38pm
Good on you for trying to do something about it. For me it's all about looking after your health.

I have spent the last 12 months nursing my terminally ill sister with cancer, she lost her fight in October, and i can tell you she
was loved and is missed every day.

you see Dave, there are always people that suffer when you go , so my aim in life is to look after my health and try to be around for my loved ones for as long as i can.

I'm sure your loved ones would be the same without you, do it for them as well as yourself, good luck with it Dave.

21-12-2012, 3:15pm
Duane, don't be a douche. You're hilarious!

I haven't been around here much lately (because I can't view this at work, even though I've spent all day on it today!) and even through my limited viewings of the forum over the last 6 months, I have noticed a lack of your activity. Or so it seemed so anyway.

So yeah, just come back haha.. People are too soft these days, we need more "truthful" and/or random people around ;)

21-12-2012, 3:38pm
All the best Dave ... like all of the above I have only enjoyed the contribution you have made to the forum & have found you to be a champion bloke at all times .... :th3: