View Full Version : Something for anyone who has been a Camera Club Member

08-06-2012, 8:23am

I have recently entered (and won) our state Audio Visual competition in the 3.21 category (the A/V must be exactly 3 minutes 21 seconds long) and it might be good for a laugh if you've ever entered a photo in a camera club competition. Judges tend to look for the same basic things, and sometimes can be a tad random in their decisions. Judging was the focus of the A/V - hope you like it! I've put it up on You Tube.

Ian Brewster
08-06-2012, 11:27am
Thanks for sharing a wonderful concept. And congratulations on great entertainment and for your win!

Ian :wd:

08-06-2012, 12:16pm
Brilliante, Robert! Ce magnifique!
Félicitations pour l'occasion.

I like your translation of Future French:D

I was moved to check out the present day lyrics (http://www.elyrics.net/inc/vidplay.php)
(dans elyrics.net)


08-06-2012, 12:25pm
Brilliante, Robert! Ce magnifique!
Félicitations pour l'occasion.

I was moved to check out the present day lyrics (http://www.elyrics.net/inc/vidplay.php)
(dans elyrics.net)


The funny thing was when I went to receive my trophy, and I met one of the 3 judges. It turns out she was a French speaker, and when the other two judges said that it was their choice, she was saying "No! No ... the translation is all wrong!" After it was pointed out that it wasn't meant for French speakers, she finally saw the tongue-in-cheek nature of it, and gave me first place. :D

08-06-2012, 1:32pm
Not and never have been a CC member, but that was great! :th3:

Well done! Very clever!

Art Vandelay
08-06-2012, 1:34pm
Very well put together.

Couldnt help thinking of Mr Bean with the music. :)

08-06-2012, 5:17pm
:lol: Don't speak French but you're singing my language! :lol:

08-06-2012, 5:27pm
Your cheek must be sore from poking your tongue in it so hard. :D

Best translation of that song that I've ever seen!

Mark L
08-06-2012, 9:37pm
Good on you bobtremendous.

08-06-2012, 10:10pm
I joined a camera club this year and this is so true just from the little I have seen at this club. :th3::lol::lol:

08-06-2012, 10:46pm
Well done Bob, good to see you winning again!

12-06-2012, 10:49pm
I thought this sucked and was pretty cliche and really kitsch - until about 1/3 through, then really liked it ... then I really like it.

No wonder you won, well done, it delivered the impact.

I have never been in a photo club but have attended a couple and they are not for me. Having said that, they do provide some great experiences and creative outlet. For me it's about time and I will get to them later when I do have that - time.

13-06-2012, 7:51am
Briliant Bob.

I loved it and so very true.

I have been a CC member for a bit over 18 months and can relate to all that.


18-06-2012, 8:11pm
very good :lol:

19-06-2012, 12:55pm
Hey Bob, I sent this onto a friend of mine and he apparently knows of you.....and is at your club! Small world!:D

19-06-2012, 1:41pm
Hey Bob, I sent this onto a friend of mine and he apparently knows of you.....and is at your club! Small world!:D

We ESPS members are everywhere ........ an elite band of dedicated professionals.
Well ... OK , maybe not professionals, but it's a nice group ..... I can thoroughly recommend us - and if your friend is one of us already then by definition he must be a nice bloke! :D

19-06-2012, 2:07pm
Shame you are totally on the wrong side of the city for me! :(

19-06-2012, 4:32pm
Shame you are totally on the wrong side of the city for me! :(

Alas, that should have been your first consideration when choosing a home. Location, location, location .... the first 3 things to consider. Oh well, you can gaze wistfully across the city at what might have been ....... :th3: