View Full Version : would this make your cringe?

08-06-2012, 12:12am
At a party last week, I took a photo of a group of five or six people, posted it on facebook. A friend of mine was in the photo with one of her girlfriends. With some mobile app, she imported the photo, cropped it to include just her and her friend, put it to black and white, and reposted it on FB. It doesn't look bad at all it's a very neat properly composed crop, and she gave me credit in the repost photo comment.

A mobile phone app actually imports and edits photos from FB?! (there was written "posted by mobile" in the repost). ###???

It really bothers me when people edit my photos. It's like my creation was violated or something. Am I overreacting? Haven't said anything yet... It's not an important photo or anything, just some quick snap... But still...

08-06-2012, 6:13am
Not sure what is happening here, but you seem to be having this happen to you more than most. So I would suggest you need to put a big notice on your facebook page (perhaps in the banner image at the top) that states they are copyright and use of any of the photos without your express permission is not allowed.

I would be talking to your friends and explaining copyright law to them..or blocking them from access to your FB page (that is what I do, if anyone takes and edits a photo I have on FB without my permission - no second chances).

You need to take control here, otherwise it will get out of hand. People will tell others, 'oh just go look at this page and grab one of the photos, he doesn't seem to mind'. Get tough! If they are your true friends they should respect you and your photography, if they get annoyed when you approach them over this, then dump them (from FB and friends), they are just using you.

Steve Axford
08-06-2012, 7:27am
Don't worry about it. Is it really worth losing friends for?

08-06-2012, 9:24am
You could stop posting images on the internet, that would stop it.

08-06-2012, 4:36pm
Take their faces from your photo and put them on ugly, naked bodies and re-post it.

This might give them the idea that what they do is wrong.

10-06-2012, 4:45pm
Watermark your stuff in a rather obnoxious way.

Post a note to say that your photographs are not to be messed with - if anyone wants a copy, they can ask you and get you to do the edit that they want.

But then again... were these happy snaps at a party or were you hired? If they're just happy snaps, you may need to build the proverbial bridge. Just sayin'. My photos are taken by all my friends as used as profile pics.

JM Tran
10-06-2012, 4:48pm
Im with Erin on this one.

If its not paid work and just fun photos of social outings......not worth raising a fuss over.

10-06-2012, 7:10pm
Im with Erin on this one.

If its not paid work and just fun photos of social outings......not worth raising a fuss over.

Ditto ... a number of my friends have photos I have taken as their profile pics. The majority have asked but some don't and that's OK by me as anything I don't want re-used has a big watermark on it. I don't mind that my friends like their photos enough to use them as a profile pic

10-06-2012, 7:14pm
Yeah, I have to say if it was me I would not even lend a second's thought of worry over it, but as it is posing a problem maybe it is better to either not post the photos or tell everyone not to touch them?

I guess I just can't really see that any harm's actually being done, but they're your photos, so it's your call.

aussie girl
10-06-2012, 7:16pm
If you put it on face book it is fair game, so if you really dont want it used for alterior motives, cropped, changed, used as if it was someone elses photo etc DONT PUT IT ON FACEBOOK!!!!
quite simple really

12-06-2012, 7:48pm
Unfortunately if you read the fine print from when you joined Facebook it states that basically once it's posted it's no longer your property.....everything on Facebook is owned by Facebook for them to do as they please......if within the confines of the site they allow the ability for a member to download a picture then they are able to do with it what they please.
It sort of sucks but such is the way social networking works.....my advice is don't post on Facebook
