View Full Version : CD or Floppy disk as a solar filter?

04-06-2012, 5:20pm
hi all,

i'm really wanting to capture the transit of venus! but.. i don't want to spend lots of $ on a solar filter and is probably too late to get my hands on one..

i've heard that you can use a floppy disk or a CD-R as a solar filter.. can anyone confirm this? i'm not too keen on frying my sensor all that much..

any advice much appreciated as i don't think i'll be alive the next time it happens.. :p



04-06-2012, 7:55pm
Cripes, Andrew!
How does NO! sound?

If you can't get the right stuff, then don't try it.
Actually, get yourself down to U-shop in Elizabeth St. They should still have heaps of it left. $29/A4 sheet.
It's called Seymour solar film and is ND 5.

They also had a lot of the little solar goggles you put over your eyes for a few $s.

I cannot even comment on #14 welding glass for anything other than to view through for a short while. I know I would not try it for magnified views.

Alternatively, poke a pinhole in cardboard and hold it away to project onto a white card.

AND ANYWAY. it's all for nought, likely. Have you heard the foul weather forecast?

04-06-2012, 9:06pm
hmm.. it's lucky i asked! thanks for that Am i shall head down there tomorrow.. and yes the weather doesn't look to good all but if i could get some that would be fantastic! thanks a lot for that.. you saved my sensor!

04-06-2012, 9:13pm
You'll have to mount it, a cardboard holder or so. Or, cut a piece that fits inside a front filter. I did that once and to make sure it stayed firm I put a narrow "washer" of black cardboard around the edge.
Also, ask him about the ready-made full-aperture filters. He may have one to suite the OD of your lens. Should take lens too.

05-06-2012, 6:56am
thanks very much for the info Am.. but the weather isn't looking too good at all :(