View Full Version : Photography Location Guide - photolocations.com.au

01-06-2012, 11:24am
Hey Guys,

Due to the recent take down of google knol, i decided to put together a website aimed at sharing various photography locations around Australia.

The website is http://www.photolocations.com.au and is still in its early days, so if you decide to use it and have any feedback I would love to hear it! Its based on the old google knol with a map and placemarker to make it easier to find the location.

You can add your own locations by clicking on the "add location" button, adding a username and email and a password will be sent out to you.

Each location post has the option to add your own website or facebook page to the listing so that your photos are credited and users can track the photos back to your page. I also encourage the photos to be watermarked.

At this stage there are mainly only NSW locations, as that is where I am based, so it would be great to get some users from other states adding locations.

As I said still only early days so I would love to get your feedback and some location posts! :th3:

Cheers Brad

I @ M
01-06-2012, 11:32am
Terms and conditions page = 404! We couldn't find the page! :o

01-06-2012, 11:35am
Lol good start :o

Just checked it here and it loads ok.

Which T&C Link arer you clicking on Andrew, the one in the footer or the one when you upload a photo?

I @ M
01-06-2012, 11:36am
Any of them Brad, also registration attempt gives ---- Fatal error: Call to undefined function registration_email() in /home/photoloc/public_html/wp-content/themes/GeoPlacesv4/library/functions/widgets/login/login.php on line 48

01-06-2012, 11:39am
Any of them Brad, also registration attempt gives ---- Fatal error: Call to undefined function registration_email() in /home/photoloc/public_html/wp-content/themes/GeoPlacesv4/library/functions/widgets/login/login.php on line 48

Haha stop finding problems ;)

Leave them with me, just cleared the cache and i can see the t&C error, was mucking around with it this morening so a link has gone somewhere

I @ M
01-06-2012, 11:43am
As I said still only early days so I would love to get your feedback and some location posts!

Haha stop finding problems ;)

Ummmmm, you asked for feedback :p

Despite the error, registration seems to have worked, I received a confirmation email.

01-06-2012, 11:50am
LOVE IT!!!!!! :th3:

01-06-2012, 11:51am
Haha just stiring Andrew, its great your picking these things up! :th3:

T&C's should be working now.

Not sure why the registration is throwing an error. When you do it not using the sidebar its ok, and even though it throws up the error it still registers, so i might get rid of that login widget!

Thanks again mate

I @ M
01-06-2012, 11:55am
Attempting to edit profile = You are not allowed to access this part of the site ------ http://www.photolocations.com.au/wp-admin/profile.php

01-06-2012, 12:00pm
Yeah editing the profile gives a bit more backend access than im willing to give at this stage i think. Ill get rid of that option i think...

01-06-2012, 12:16pm
Alright, you should now be able to edit your profile using the "Edit Profile" button in the top right once you have logged in :)

01-06-2012, 1:17pm
Sounds good, will check it out. Thanks

01-06-2012, 1:51pm
Just had a brief look at the website. Very helpful :) Will have a proper look when I get a chance

02-06-2012, 8:57am
Alright, login box and editing profile should now all work ok. There are new links in the top right to do this now.

Added a bit more content too.

Thanks for the feedback, upload some new locations! ;) :th3:

02-06-2012, 9:51am
Great idea, Brad! Registered and tested ok with me. Haven't tried to add a location yet, but will do soon. :th3:

02-06-2012, 10:22am
Great idea, have registered with no problems :th3:

02-06-2012, 10:26am
I would love to do what I can on the Victorian side of things.........because I think sites like these are THE greatest idea!
Kudos to you Brad..............when I get back from Holidays, I will start contributing.

02-06-2012, 10:37am
Good to see the registration side of things is working ok! Thanks for registering and testing it out! :th3:

02-06-2012, 5:01pm
Hi Brad

I think it's a great idea in principal and I hope it takes off and becomes a great resource. I don't mean for this to sound too critical but I think the following would improve the site.

As is, there is too little information about each specific location. It doesn't really help much so if it doesn't help then why will people use the site? I want to know phone numbers, address, who the relevant authority/owner is, possible costs or restrictions, etc etc. Some of the locations may be in State or National Parks so there will be various restrictions, for example. I'm not saying that everyone else wants that but at the moment all there is is a picture, a brief description and a fairly vague (tbh) location guide. Not everyone who contributes would be able to supply a long list of details but I think you should at least make these fields available and allow people the option to add the info if they have it. Maybe that's too hard.

Film production people could potentially be interested in such a guide too but the info needs to be there to be helpful. Is there anything out there like it?

Also, I would want the info in one place, on your site, and not just linking to facebook half the time. I may be the last person without a facebook page, but I doubt it (there must be a few of us in third world countries).


03-06-2012, 10:07am
Thanks for the detailed reply JJ, I can definitely see where you are coming from. Regarding the detail, there are a fair few that i have just added with no information so there is at least one place for each state, but ill see if I can add options for more detail for new locations.

The address is already part of the add location form, you have to set the location on the map, when you load the page there is a little box on the right hand side that you can use to get directions to the site. Ill add an owner/contact field to the add location form as well as a cost field, they could be very useful for certain spots :th3:

Not sure where your referring to about the facebook links? There is a social media plugin that displays a small link at the bottom of each page, and on the about and contact page there is a facebook feed in the side bar, but thats about it?? You dont have to click on them to get the info?

Thanks for the feedback :th3:

Steve Axford
03-06-2012, 11:36am
You mention weddings, glamour shots and portraits, but it is hard to see how they would fit in to what seems to be a landscape site. Would you have separate selections for these? Or would weddings, glamour and portraits be mixed in with landscapes?

03-06-2012, 12:45pm
Just mixed in Steve, I guess its primarily landscape, but that's not to say a good landscape location cant be used for a wedding shoot etc..

03-06-2012, 9:58pm
..Not sure where your referring to about the facebook links? There is a social media plugin that displays a small link at the bottom of each page, and on the about and contact page there is a facebook feed in the side bar, but thats about it?? You dont have to click on them to get the info?


My mistake. I misunderstood your initial post.


04-06-2012, 6:22am
You mention weddings, glamour shots and portraits, but it is hard to see how they would fit in to what seems to be a landscape site. Would you have separate selections for these? Or would weddings, glamour and portraits be mixed in with landscapes?

Nothing to stop people linking to gardens/parks, walls, archways, etc that make good portrait locations. After all these places are on planet earth so google can be used to locate them.

04-06-2012, 2:05pm
Great Idea, but agree a drop down choice for maybe 4/5 key settings would be good, landscape, portrait/weddings, buildings, Nature/Birding etc.

But always on the look out for an easy to use site like this....

I have added some in my local area! :)

04-06-2012, 2:15pm
Awesome Thanks Roo, just approved the posts!

Drop down box is a good idea, but might get complicated for a location with multiple shot types.

Might be able to add a radio box or something so that multiple fields can be checked, leave it with me!!

Thanks for adding the new locations Roo, great to get some on there for Vic!

Any chance you have some sample photos for these locations? Thanks again, ill get working on the option box :th3:

04-06-2012, 2:33pm
Erm.......maybe.....will see what I can do! :)

Radio Box is a great idea! :th3:

04-06-2012, 2:51pm
Erm.......maybe.....will see what I can do! :)

Radio Box is a great idea! :th3:

ALl good if not :)

Radio Box and costing field added :th3:

05-06-2012, 4:56pm
Alright, I have added a "template" for the listing description field when uploading a location, it includes:

Location name:
Location information:
How to get there:
Location fees/costs:
Best time:
Genres for this location:

Any other suggestions for this field?

There is also a google map in the right toolbar that you can enter your current location and get directions to the photography location

05-06-2012, 7:07pm
Valley of the Waters, using the new Template:


06-06-2012, 1:57am
Website is down. :eek:

06-06-2012, 8:44am
Looks ok this morning? Sorry not sure what happend there...

06-06-2012, 2:23pm
Have added some more....with pics!

06-06-2012, 2:26pm
Thanks Roo, approved, they look like great spots!

Appreciate you putting some up for Vic :th3::th3:

15-06-2012, 10:41am
love what you are doing mate. the site is coming along very nicely:th3:

15-06-2012, 4:50pm
Brilliant idea! Can see this definitely taking off much quicker once it gets going a little more!

Will add to it once i have something interesting to add! :)

17-06-2012, 10:14pm
Just added a location north of Mudgee called "The Drip"
Wasn't easy to use the map feature, as there was no pin to place (I eventually found the pin sitting down in Mudgee 50kms away, and dragged that up)
See photos in this thread (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?106140-The-Drip-%28mini-AP-meet%29-Ezookiel-s-shots) for an idea of what the place is like, but imagine something vastly more specatcular than my pics were able to convey.

Will add some Canberra ones as I'm able to. But it could be a huge listing, there's a hell of a lot of photographic locations in Canberra ;)

18-06-2012, 8:23am
Thanks Ezookiel, great write up mate! Looks like a top spot, would be great to get some Canberra ones added to, dont worry about filling it up, the more the better! :th3:

The map "should" be drag able so if you set it at the nearest street address and then drag it accross. That being said it is entirely dependant upon the google map api lol

11-07-2012, 5:18pm
A few more locations have been added to the site, feel free to check them out. Just need to get some more contributions to get things rolling :th3: