View Full Version : Hi from Adelaide, South Australia

31-05-2012, 3:49pm
Hi everyone, I'm Mandy from Adelaide, South Australia. :action66:

I own a scrapbook business where I teach people to create gorgeous scrapbooks for their photos instead of just an bought slide in album!

I have loved taking photos since I got my first camera as a child, while living in PNG during the 70's. I still have the first photo I ever took of my brother (dressed in his cute little safari suit) standing on the Port Morseby dock as we waved goodbye to mum and dad as they left for a cruise. Of course it is all washed out and faded because of the film processing of the era, but I love it just the same! LOL! I was more than overjoyed when I was able to take the photos for his recent wedding, nearly 40 years later :)

My journey from that first photo is quite varied. Many cameras later I am now using a dslr ... and loving it! I have journeyed underwater to take photos while scuba diving, which adorn my family room with it's sea theme. I have traveled extensively and always take 1000's of photos, while my traveling companions only take 100's - but I don't miss anything and they are always envious of the shots I get.

I have just started the Diploma in Professional Photography online, which is how I found your site whilst researching information about equipment for the first assignment. I am hoping to start my own photography business in the near future.

I am looking forward to meeting you on the boards,

31-05-2012, 3:53pm
Welcome to AP Mandy, I hope you enjoy your time here :)

31-05-2012, 6:34pm
:gday: & Welcome
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

We have a meet at the Zoo at 2:00pm Saturday ... have a look at the SA section

31-05-2012, 8:00pm
Welcome to AP Mandy, join in on the forums and look forward to seeing some of your pics.

01-06-2012, 2:46pm
Thanks for the welcomes :D

Thanks for the invite to the Zoo Kym, unfortunately I can't make it. Maybe next time :th3:

Cheers, Mandy