View Full Version : D800 users - What memory setup are you using?

21-05-2012, 8:24pm
Looking at placing my order, but i am interesting into the memory cards/ CF people are using?

Can i used say a "SanDisk Extreme PRO Compact Flash - 32GB (90MB/sec) 600X" with a "SanDisk Extreme PRO SDXC Card UHS-1 - 64GB (95MB/sec) 633x" at the same time or do they need to be the same amount of GB ( i know one will hold more than the other).

Or do you need the sony card? and will normal SD cards still work ?

Im just a bit overwhelmed by the memory choices and the change, and also about getting new things :)

Also hows the battery going, have people been using the add-on pack?

Thanks in advance.

21-05-2012, 8:37pm
The cards you mention are fine. You do not need the Sony card. Mongo tried to get the 90 to 95mps but had problems when he got to the store - they did not have them after all so Mongo got the next best they had for the moment i.e an SD 45mps 32 gig card. Plus he had 4 old 4 gig CF 30mps cards he used in his D200. They all work fine. It does take a little time (about 30 seconds) however, to write if you set off say an 8 frame burst. This does not stop you taking other images in the interim because the camera has a reasonable buffer. Sure, in a more perfect world, you would get the fastest card you can find and afford. However, so far, Mongo is not tempted to get the fancier cards while these work just fine for the way he is using the camera.

Make sure you format the cards in the camera itself just to be sure all is fine before you start shooting.

MOngo is used to having 2 batteries for his D200 and it worked a treat. So far , he has had only one battery with the D800 until he can purchase a spare. The battery life is not at all bad - longer of course, when you use manual lenses as mongo does from time to time. However, when the battery starts to run down, it is in a geometric way rather than arithmetic way i.e its run down seems to go more quickly towards the end. Overall, cannot complain but it is disconcerting if you are used to (as Mongo was) just pulling out a spare and there isn't one. Basically, when that battery is flat , your shooting is over for the day - very limiting. So, get a spare anyway if you can.

PS the cards do not write at 95mps anyway - they probably only do so at about 45mps but read at 95mps. However, they are faster relative to say, a 45mps card for both reading and writing.

PSS Mongo is sure Arthur will have something to say on this (and probably seek to correct Mongo's evil ways) :D

Lance B
21-05-2012, 8:45pm
In my D800, I have been using the "SanDisk Extreme PRO Compact Flash - 32GB (90MB/sec) 600X" and "SanDisk Extreme PRO SDXC Card UHS-1 - 32GB (95MB/sec) 633x" for SD. I have had no issues and they work great. I get about 400 uncompressed 14bit RAW files from each card, which is plenty.

21-05-2012, 9:38pm
thanks :) i have budgeted around $560 for memory - i have a d5000 nikon at the moment and the SD cards i have are nothing special at all.
i spend all this time saving and then freak out when its time to purchase :eek:

23-05-2012, 5:33am
I got a couple of 32gb Lexars from cheap as chips. 600x SD and 400x SD. These with a Sandisk USB3 reader cost me $338. Both chips were listed in the camera manual and seem to be fine. If you look at write times additional performance beyond this spec is quite marginal when compared to what the D800 is capable of.