View Full Version : About to leave for trip around Oz

21-05-2012, 11:03am
My wife Karen and I are about to leave on a trip around this big country. As keen photographers we are looking forward to the many opportunity's to get some great memorys.
We have a Canon 7D and a 50D with a couple of L lenses. and an ultra wide Sigma lens.
If you see us on the road make sure you say Hi :) We have a grey Landcruiser 200 and a Jayco Sterling.
Ross Daniel

21-05-2012, 2:09pm
:gday: & Welcome Back
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

21-05-2012, 2:21pm
Keep yourself updated so the locals can give you the inside scoop on their areas :th3:

21-05-2012, 4:09pm
Welcome to AP Ross, join in on the forums and look forward to seeing some of your pics.

21-05-2012, 5:32pm
You'll have a ball Ross. My wife and l went 'around the block' in 2006 towing our Van. Loved every minute of it.


21-05-2012, 7:30pm
Have a great time Ross, I hope to do the same thing with my family when my daughter finishes school next year, so can't wait to see your pics.

21-05-2012, 7:31pm
Welcome, see you on the forums

Mark L
21-05-2012, 7:52pm
Lucky you Ross (and Karen).
Hopefully you can post some of you images here as your journey unfolds. Please. :)

22-05-2012, 8:27am
Any spare seats
went around in 1993 best thing Ive ever done.

Astro Visual
22-05-2012, 8:43pm
My wife and I are in the process of preparing for a round Aus trip with the caravan also. You never know ... we might just see you out there one day.

22-05-2012, 8:49pm
Awesome have a great trip - plenty of places for pics

22-05-2012, 8:51pm
G'day Ross & Karen

Great to hear your news > and when meandering thru outback Qld, if you see a motorhome who's UHF callsign = R2D2, give me a shout [and for others here who may query it, it does not have any significance to the movies]

Regards, Phil

24-05-2012, 10:17pm
if your passing my neck of the woods be sure to drop in for a shoot. Let me know your coming so I can be sure to be on site.

24-05-2012, 11:44pm
Man, I even you. Walked my way around in the 70's. What a blast. There is so much to see from the green of the Pempaton Forests to the dusty Whitnoon. The Gorges of the Pilbara and some of the most amazing coast lines I have ever seen.
Madaranka springs the big rock and the list goes on. I spend 2 yrs doing this just me and my dog. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I will do it again one day but in a bit more luxury - have a great trip and keep the photos coming.