View Full Version : unnerved

16-05-2012, 7:44am
Posted a shot in the people forum and I noticed that it has turned up on Brooke's Facebook wall. I will no longer post people shots because whoever passed the photo over to Brooke, said nothing to me and I would have preferred to give her the full resolution. I realise that it's a public forum and there is a risk, hence I will no longer post people stuff.

I would appreciate whoever did that pm, just so I know who did that please. Sorry mods but is has unnerved me. Brooke said it was ok to show photos.

mods, could you please delete my thread in formal and posed. Thank you.

16-05-2012, 8:47am
Thank you mods. I wish to further my people photography and I posted low resolution as I have always learnt much from some great photographers on this forum. I do not blame this forum at all and really appreciate the work mods do, was one of the reason I posted here. I do not post my people stuff on other forums only Facebook occasionally. The shot In question was not posted anywhere else or sent to anyone.

Off to work, will check in tonight.

16-05-2012, 8:27pm
What happened, Shelley? Did a mod trace who visited the page??? Anything??? Who's Brooke???

16-05-2012, 8:38pm
What happened, Shelley? Did a mod trace who visited the page??? Anything??? Who's Brooke???

Someone gave the client my photo of her, albeit it a pretty bad resolution. I will speak with her when I can. I would rather give her the original photos.

16-05-2012, 8:45pm
We are investigating and will be treating this as a copyright theft. As the photos critique forums on AP are not publicly visible (you have to be logged in and an active site member) to view them, if we find out who removed (copied/stole) a copy of Shelley's photos, we will be permanently banning them from AP...unless they contact Shelley and offer her a sufficient apology, that she accepts. So I suggest you make the first move, cause if we discover who you are first, you will be named on AP, in this thread and permanently banned! Copyright theft is not on!

The only place Shelley posted this photo was on AP, she had not given a copy to the lady who was the model (Brooke).

Only members of AP who are active can see the Member Photos forums. Non members, Inactive members, and members who have not posted to the site at all - zero posts - do not have access to the photo forums. Try it, log-out and try and access the critique forums. This is in place to ensure members feel safe posting their photos to AP, knowing that their photos can only be seen by other members. Members who are photographers and who we expect to understand copyright and not breach it. Google etc cannot scan/catalogue the member photos forums either, so it cannot have been found via a google search.

So if it was you, as per Shelley's initial post above, send her a PM, before we find out who you are, otherwise the consequences could be harsh.

Mark L
16-05-2012, 8:47pm
Someone gave the client my photo of her, albeit it a pretty bad resolution. I will speak with her when I can.
And then that someone (presumably an AP member who had access to the photo) should offer a good explanation as to why they took your photo from AP and ................

aussie girl
16-05-2012, 8:58pm
very dissapointing to hear this. Hope you get to the bottom of it.

17-05-2012, 5:19am
:umm: That's not good. :( I thought that the members on here were honest and had integrity.
Maybe the site should move to not allow any images to be downloaded. And if a member wants someone else to play with their images, a PM will have to suffice.
There is a few on here that will download an image, have a play in photoshop, and repost it to show the OP what can be done. And some do it without asking first. Which I think is a real No No.
The site is getting rather large, and getting harder for mods and admin to police. Making the images on here undownloadable would be a better step for security, and members peace of mind.

17-05-2012, 5:32am
:umm: That's not good. :( I thought that the members on here were honest and had integrity.
Maybe the site should move to not allow any images to be downloaded. And if a member wants someone else to play with their images, a PM will have to suffice.
There is a few on here that will download an image, have a play in photoshop, and repost it to show the OP what can be done. And some do it without asking first. Which I think is a real No No.
The site is getting rather large, and getting harder for mods and admin to police. Making the images on here undownloadable would be a better step for security, and members peace of mind.

Geoff. Next to each members post on the site, is their username and amongst that is their photo editing statement. You need to read that before you make comments about people doing it without permission, cause that editing statement is there for that reason alone. If anyone is aware of a member doing edits etc without the permission of the person who owns the photo(s), report it, we will remove the offending photo and talk to that member. We have not had a reported post related to your claims for over 12 months.

We cannot stop people downloading photos presented on the site, If we disable right-click (file save) for example, you would lose access to things like EXIF data, as you need to be able to right click to get that information.

People can just do a screen capture and get a copy of the photo or any site content (on any website) anyway, and there is no way to disable the ability to do a screen capture.

Members can choose between three photo edit statements:

* Edit ok, please provide details
* Ask before editing my photos
* Please don't edit my photos

And these can be changed via this screen (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/profile.php?do=editprofile) in your settings menu, and it will appear next to every post a member makes on the site.

17-05-2012, 7:31am
I would really like to know who did this, because they obviously know me and didnt make comment or identify themselves to me. Brooke is getting the photo she just hasn't picked them up from me as she has had her baby.

17-05-2012, 7:37am
I would really like to know who did this, because they obviously know me and didnt make comment or identify themselves to me. Brooke is getting the photo she just hasn't picked them up from me as she has had her baby.

This is the saddest part for me, Shelley. It has to be someone who knows you both! It is a breach of trust here at AP to download anyone's photos except for the purpose of illustrating CC and with permission of the original poster. I understand why you are unnerved by it. It is a violation of that trust. I too enjoy people photography, but I don't post hi-res images here or anywhere else. It would be a shame not to share your journey of discovery in the new genre because of one unthinking person. I hope this is resolved for you soon. :(

Ms Monny
17-05-2012, 7:45am
This whole experience must be awful for you. Though I am sure you might actually be able to pinpoint who this is yourself....I certainly don't know that many people personally on here! I too hope this is resolved by the offending person 'pm'ing you to apologise....it is the only right thing to do, I believe.

17-05-2012, 7:53am
Well I know birders on here, and I am pretty sure they didn't do it. It could be innocent, just hope whoever did it contacts me. I understand if they didn't realise what they did as this was a paid shoot.

17-05-2012, 7:57am
Surely Brook will be able to tell you who gave her the picture on FB?

17-05-2012, 8:01am
Surely Brook will be able to tell you who gave her the picture on FB?

I will ask when she comes out of hospital and comes and sees me.

17-05-2012, 3:38pm
I will ask when she comes out of hospital and comes and sees me.

And if the person who did it has not contacted Shelley before she does find out who, they will be publicly announced as the member involved and banned permanently from AP. So better to own up now via PM to Shelley, than have us find out via Brooke or elsewhere

17-05-2012, 4:42pm
Whichever way you look at it and for whatever reasons, it was wrong!!

17-05-2012, 5:04pm
* Edit ok, please provide details
* Ask before editing my photos
* Please don't edit my photos

And these can be changed via this screen (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/profile.php?do=editprofile) in your settings menu, and it will appear next to every post a member makes on the site.

1. (Edit ok, please provide details) This is ok. But I still think that a PM to the OP would be more appropriate, prior to reposting.
2. Shelly's incident is one we know about. How many may have been downloaded without our knowledge. This may not be an isolated incident.

Don't get me wrong...... I often download an image and have a play in photoshop prior to giving critique. But I hardly ever repost and always delete it straight after.
This site has over 17,000 members, with only a small percentage of that are active. There are 164 members, and 267 guests viewing this forum as I write this. Can it be effectively policed for image theft by the small handful of admins and mods.?

17-05-2012, 5:39pm
Bummer Shelley :(

Hope it gets sorted quick smart, though I know the damage is already done.........

17-05-2012, 5:52pm
I believe AP does a great job and in reality it comes done to integrity and honesty, something I have taught my kids and also shown them by example.

I don't think AP should change anything as where there is a will there will be a way. I really hope it's just a misunderstanding and can be resolved quickly.

17-05-2012, 5:57pm
I know it dosnt make it right but I hope it was an innocent mistake.

17-05-2012, 6:09pm
The whole reason for "edit ok" is so that it doesn't take days to get some useful teaching on a photo. If a person believes they can show another how to improve their photo, and does so with "edit ok" permission, it would potentially slow the process to non-existent if they ALSO had to get specific permission repeated by PM first, when they already have it in the profile statement. If you want people to ask first, use the "ask first" option.

As for someone taking your photo off here and posting it to someone on facebook, I find that incredibly bad form. It surely has to be someone that knows you both, and that has to narrow things down a lot. Most posts on facebook have a time stamp, you could maybe help the Admin's to narrow it down, by letting them know the timestamp on the facebook post, that way they can reduce the search to only people who viewed the thread before that time.

Mark L
17-05-2012, 6:17pm
..... I really hope it's just a misunderstanding and can be resolved quickly.
Hoping you're right.
And if so, and the AP member doesn't read f/stop, they don't know you're unnerved.

17-05-2012, 6:20pm
The site databases do not store a record of what threads people view and when, only what you post to the site.

17-05-2012, 6:21pm
1. (Edit ok, please provide details) This is ok. But I still think that a PM to the OP would be more appropriate, prior to reposting.
2. Shelly's incident is one we know about. How many may have been downloaded without our knowledge. This may not be an isolated incident.

Don't get me wrong...... I often download an image and have a play in photoshop prior to giving critique. But I hardly ever repost and always delete it straight after.
This site has over 17,000 members, with only a small percentage of that are active. There are 164 members, and 267 guests viewing this forum as I write this. Can it be effectively policed for image theft by the small handful of admins and mods.?

The 267 guests cannot see the members photos forums!

We cannot monitor every single thing that every single member is doing on the site.

17-05-2012, 6:30pm
The whole reason for "edit ok" is so that it doesn't take days to get some useful teaching on a photo. If a person believes they can show another how to improve their photo, and does so with "edit ok" permission, it would potentially slow the process to non-existent if they ALSO had to get specific permission repeated by PM first, when they already have it in the profile statement. If you want people to ask first, use the "ask first" option.

As for someone taking your photo off here and posting it to someone on facebook, I find that incredibly bad form. It surely has to be someone that knows you both, and that has to narrow things down a lot. Most posts on facebook have a time stamp, you could maybe help the Admin's to narrow it down, by letting them know the timestamp on the facebook post, that way they can reduce the search to only people who viewed the thread before that time.
You would think so, but I have photography friends and friends. I will be looking and trying to make a connection, but i do have a lot of acquaintances through acquaintances as well, but no one I can think of who is on this forum. I believe the person has not made themselves known to me at all on here during the time they have been on here, for whatever reason.

17-05-2012, 6:52pm
It's pretty disappointing to know that someone would do this, Shelley. :( I hope you are able to find out who it was.

17-05-2012, 7:18pm
It's pretty disappointing to know that someone would do this, Shelley. :( I hope you are able to find out who it was.
I will Michaela, just giving the person a chance to let me know.

Ms Monny
17-05-2012, 8:29pm
I've been thinking about this and wondered if it was an innocent action....."oh, look, there is a picture of Brooke on here!! Wow! Might show her"...said person clicks and saves image then posts on Brookes FB page thinking she/he hasn't done anything wrong, probably doesn't know Shelley or that it was a paid photo shoot and got excited to see a person she/he knows on here! Lets home she/he doesn't take too long to find this thread and contact you ASAP!

17-05-2012, 8:48pm
I've been thinking about this and wondered if it was an innocent action....."oh, look, there is a picture of Brooke on here!! Wow! Might show her"...said person clicks and saves image then posts on Brookes FB page thinking she/he hasn't done anything wrong, probably doesn't know Shelley or that it was a paid photo shoot and got excited to see a person she/he knows on here! Lets home she/he doesn't take too long to find this thread and contact you ASAP!

Yes I agree, easily done when seeing something like that, happens all the time. Photos abound on the net and most don't know about not copying etc. , one of the reasons I don't post everywhere - Brooke posted as her cover page - so whoever copied and pasted - sent it to her by email or whatever - reason I don't know how she got it.

Brooke obviously likes the photo very much. I have asked her, just waiting for a reply.

17-05-2012, 9:33pm
Yes I agree, easily done when seeing something like that, happens all the time. Photos abound on the net and most don't know about not copying etc. , one of the reasons I don't post everywhere - Brooke posted as her cover page - so whoever copied and pasted - sent it to her by email or whatever - reason I don't know how she got it.

Brooke obviously likes the photo very much. I have asked her, just waiting for a reply.

It is still not acceptable but it is not quite as bad as putting it on FB themselves which is what I thought happened. I can understand how unsettling this would be for you. I don't know the shot concerned but I'm glad she loved the shot - but I would expect her to love your photos.:)

18-05-2012, 5:23am
Shelley, this is very disappointing for you. Even if it is probably not outright theft (as it was given to the subject) it is still not the quality of image you wanted her to have, so it may leave a question mark about your ability (although in saying that even one of your low res images would still be better than most). Obviously the person who took it did not think of that. Peoples work that is given to a client must be of a certain standard, as it is their work and ability as a photographer that is on show.

Rick, I am glad you have taken that stand, it shows commitment to the integrity of the site with regards to peoples work, which is great. Nobody should ever download somebody else's images without express permission from the photographer.

I hope you get it all sorted Shelley as I would also be rattled in the same situation.

18-05-2012, 7:45am
For info: A software update (later in 2012) to the site will allow the mods and myself to see who has viewed threads on the site, even if the member did not comment, we will be able to see the usernames of every member who looked at a particular thread. This could be very helpful in scenario's like the one Shelley has experienced here.

18-05-2012, 11:11am
I think just asking the person (brooke) in question would solve all this - good luck and i am sure it will all come out in the whitewash.

For info: A software update (later in 2012) to the site will allow the mods and myself to see who has viewed threads on the site, even if the member did not comment, we will be able to see the usernames of every member who looked at a particular thread. This could be very helpful in scenario's like the one Shelley has experienced here.

lol, next there will be targeted ads depending on what you look at :p

18-05-2012, 3:24pm
lol, next there will be targeted ads depending on what you look at :p

Umm ... you have AP confused with Failbook! Besides, all of our ads are targeted ... at photographers! :D

18-05-2012, 3:57pm
hope it get sorted soon honest mistake or not. :(

18-05-2012, 4:42pm
I think just asking the person (brooke) in question would solve all this - good luck and i am sure it will all come out in the whitewash.

lol, next there will be targeted ads depending on what you look at :p

Nup, that integration is already available. The only ads on AP will be at the top and bottom of every site page and those posted by the site advertisers themselves. I (like everyone else I know) really dislikes ads that are bombarded at you from every angle on websites, so AP will always remain with the ads at the top and bottom only

18-05-2012, 6:54pm
apologies to shelly for taking this a bit left field

Umm ... you have AP confused with Failbook! Besides, all of our ads are targeted ... at photographers! :D

Nup, that integration is already available. The only ads on AP will be at the top and bottom of every site page and those posted by the site advertisers themselves. I (like everyone else I know) really dislikes ads that are bombarded at you from every angle on websites, so AP will always remain with the ads at the top and bottom only

now what would be smart would be to monitor what threads people spend their time and and target specific photographic products to them ;)

ie, someone spends lots of time in teh strobist forum and topics - nail them with stobist gear ads..:lol: oh wait...now that sounds like google.

21-05-2012, 7:41am
I hope it gets sorted soon for you Shelley. Luckily I haven't had that problem yet and I hope I never will. I am always posting portrait shots on AP and always with low resolution and my logo on them. You just have to hope that everybody on AP does the right thing by you.

21-05-2012, 7:50am
Brooke at this stage has chosen not to tell me. Also, whoever did this has decided not to let me know. I really don't understand why they did that, when Brooke is getting the shots.

21-05-2012, 7:57am
...when Brooke is getting the shots...

(A thought comes to mind. But nah!)

21-05-2012, 8:10am
I don't think it was Brooke or her partner, but I do have someone in mind - just watching, I believe it will all come out in the wash, just when I don't know. I am pretty generous in sharing my photos freely, so I am disappointed.

01-06-2012, 5:54am
any news Shelley?

01-06-2012, 7:34am
Nothing has come to light as yet Rick. As previously posted Brooke has not answered my question via email or Facebook post. Fortunately she took down the pixelated shot.

I am hesitant now as to what I say, because whoever did this is still on the forum and obviously chosen not to let me know. I believe if it's someone who knows me and Brooke, I will work it out.