View Full Version : PhotoTrigger

13-05-2012, 1:04pm
G'day, I have been thinking of adding one of these http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/180867437887?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649#ht_6509wt_1396 to my kit. Has anyone one else had experience with this product or anything the same.


16-05-2012, 12:30am

I've bought 2 sound triggers and a laser trigger from a guy in Greece on Ebay. Haven't used the laser trigger yet but the sound triggers do the job for under a hundred $. One of my sound triggers has a no bounce feature so you don't get multiple firings if the noise repeats. Some name brand triggers cost hundreds of dollars. This one you've found seems to have everything you need in the one box as long as all the accessories are included and if it has an adjustable delay time. I just downloaded and read the manual and it does.
One of my sound triggers needs the mic to be close to the sound and if water is dripping, the mic tends to get wet so if the external mic is on a long lead, this is better to keep the main unit away from water.

Hope this helps...

16-05-2012, 9:35am
G'day Flashc, thanks for the reply, can you let me know the brand of the ones you have.



16-05-2012, 10:21am
If you get one, and it works OK, I wouldn't mind buying one myself!

Please let us know how you get on with it.

18-05-2012, 8:41pm

This is one of those I bought off Ebay with free postage. HSF-ST

Sound Trigger for High Speed Flash Photography (HSF-ST) - Extremely Sensitive!

They also have a lightning trigger, a laser trigger and if you make an price offer saying you are an amateur photographer, he may give it to you cheaper.

This is another device I have from the same place - about A$25.00 - Micro Sound Trigger for High Speed Photography

So... if you do a search for the above and then look at the other items for sale, you'll see them all.
This is the sellers name so you'll know you're looking at the right ones. pantelis51( 612)

Hope this helps

17-02-2013, 1:20pm

I've bought 2 sound triggers and a laser trigger from a guy in Greece on Ebay. Haven't used the laser trigger yet but the sound triggers do the job for under a hundred $. One of my sound triggers has a no bounce feature so you don't get multiple firings if the noise repeats. Some name brand triggers cost hundreds of dollars. This one you've found seems to have everything you need in the one box as long as all the accessories are included and if it has an adjustable delay time. I just downloaded and read the manual and it does.
One of my sound triggers needs the mic to be close to the sound and if water is dripping, the mic tends to get wet so if the external mic is on a long lead, this is better to keep the main unit away from water.

Hope this helps...

I also purchased one of the triggers from Greece. While it worked OK for a while, it soon needed some basic repairs to the way that some of the circuitry was fitted to the insides, which are pretty crappy at best. It did the job, but only just. I have since purchased a "Strike Finder Pro" from Ubertronics in the US, which is the intermediate model inasmuch as it does not have the "sound" feature. It is very good in its operation, but the "cold shoe" is a sloppy fit and low grade. I am in the process of fitting something more robust and better fitting. A friend purchased a "Nero" trigger with all the features and after looking at it, and making some comparisons, it is a slightly superior bit of kit than anything else I have seen/used. If I had my druthers, I would have one of them. Priced in about the same range as others having the same features and listed on Ebay if thats your speed.