View Full Version : Fuji X100 Issue.

07-05-2012, 10:14pm
Okay, this camera has been fantastic. The image quality is great, the quality at ISO1600 is still great too.

However, my biggest gripe is the FOCUS.

I've updated it to v1.2.

The focusing issues drive me crazy, I nearly belted the thing against a wall because it just simply was being such a pain!

Auto-Focus has fits of retardedness.

It starts to focus, goes PAST the focus point and blurs completely. I press it again, and again, and by maybe the fourth time it'll grab focus on what I'm actually pointing it at!

I have the focus selection area on the CENTRE of the frame, running it both on the screen and also trying with the optical AND electronic view finder. But it makes no difference.

When trying to use the screen to focus (because I'm low down or up high, for example) it gives me so much trouble.

In day time, it's fine. In a room that is heavily lit, it's 80%, but in lower light (like just a ceiling light) it is 30-40%.

Now for a camera so renowned for having low light performance, man does it drive me nuts.

I was at a party on Saturday night, trying to take photos in different situations with and without a flash. The photos that it actually focused properly on came out looking great, but half the time I had to try refocusing multiple times before actually being able to successfully take a photo.

Does ANYBODY have any ways I can fix this?

If not, I'm trashing the bloody thing and ditching the idea of having a handy smaller camera.

I'm at breaking point. It's do or die from now on.

08-05-2012, 6:26am
G'day Tommo

Several things mate -
email your above msg direct to Fuji in japan ... I did this several years back with issues with my F-5000 of those days, & could not get any suitable support locally. Within 48hrs I had multiple calls from Fuji Sydney 'demanding' I bring the camera to them for attention

Secondly - I have had my X-s1 for 2-3 weeks now, love it to death, but it also has occasional fits of non-focus havoc. I haven't got as far as you tho with my angst over the camera, as the other 99% is fabulous

Regards, Phil

08-05-2012, 3:00pm
I've had this X100 for about a month now, and in daylight it performs just fine, but bring it indoors with any amount of light and it seems to have it's hissy fits.

But Manual Focus on it is SO TERRIBLE! Like it's ridiculously inconsistent.

I'm going to put it up for sale, and head to an ILC I think. I have my DSLR for full blown whatevers, and still want a small little camera to keep in my pocket when I go out or at a party and don't want to have my full gear with me.

08-05-2012, 3:11pm
I've had this X100 for about a month now, and in daylight it performs just fine, but bring it indoors with any amount of light and it seems to have it's hissy fits.

But Manual Focus on it is SO TERRIBLE! Like it's ridiculously inconsistent.

I'm going to put it up for sale, and head to an ILC I think. I have my DSLR for full blown whatevers, and still want a small little camera to keep in my pocket when I go out or at a party and don't want to have my full gear with me.

LOL! I know right! The manual focus is so insensitive you'd wonder how some people get a lock so quickly. My friends have gotten used to it and seem to be able to get photos with the twitchy manual focus still.

08-05-2012, 3:15pm
I compared it to buying a nice car full of features, but it's steering is rather temperamental and light sensitive.

Most days it steers true and fine, the features are fantastic and of great use.

But when it gets a bit dark, steering becomes less responsive. Sometimes the car doesn't steer at all, and sometimes it steers far too hesitantly past the point you want it to! Then correcting it the steering wheel becomes useless and won't move the wheels, or it'll gradually move the wheels, then suddenly steer you sharply the other way!

09-05-2012, 2:57am
I think it is just the low light, tommo. My Lumix is the same, dreadful in low light, I often use the small torch I carry on my keyring to facilitate focus. No throwing it against the wall, send it up here to me & I'll (ahem) test it for you LOL!

09-05-2012, 7:54am
Hahaha I'd never harm one of my own things out of frustration, well, that's a lie as I have before. But nothing extravagant like a camera (it was a stupid dog washer hose attachment LOL).

Mod edit, please reread the site rules regarding offering to sell gear on AP.

I'm sure it's just the "not ideal for photography" conditions that I encountered this in (I've been doing a photo a day project, 90% of the photos I've taken were without frustration). But it's those frustrating times I don't have the patience with.

Film Street
24-07-2012, 7:45pm
Turn off the stupid focus assist light.

Mr Lensbaby
16-09-2012, 1:15pm
After months of frustration and 3 cameras I sold my last replacement . It will be many moons before I ever touch another Fuji product

10-10-2012, 9:00pm
It's a shame the X100 didn't work for you. I found it to be my favourite digital camera I've owned. It feels as natural to use as my OM2-N, and the build quality is superb. It isn't a DSLR replacement though.

I've found the focus to be extremely accurate, if not as fast as my Canon DSLR. When doing street photography, I go into manual and pre-focus, so it's immediately ready to take a photo. The rest of the time, the focus is fast enough (except for when my 4-year old is running around).

I have now sold my Canon DSLR gear, and am about to buy the FujiFilm X-E1, which has faster focussing and interchangeable lenses. Being able to fit all my gear in a small bag beats carrying a heavy rucksack about :)

11-10-2012, 12:14am
Daylight it was no worries focusing on exactly what I wanted it to, however dim the lights a bit and BAM no focus.
Manual focus was a bit of a pain to use too. I'd turn the ring and nothing! Then turn it again and suddenly it'd move heaps...

I've heard so many plus and minus type comments, that got me thinking maybe there was a bodgy batch?