View Full Version : TAS: AP National Meets Day : 2/3 June 2012

02-05-2012, 5:41am
Ausphotography National Meetup Day's.
2nd & 3rd June 2012.

Let's get the ball rolling for a meet or two across Tasmania for the AP National Meet-ups Day. For those that haven't seen it, we are trying to organise co-ordinated meets across Australia, on the same weekend.

Any suggestions on what we do? and where we do it?

02-05-2012, 10:04pm
Any day of that weekend is okay for me - the other two days are going to be brushcutting anyway.
Too tired tonight to suggest where/what :(

03-05-2012, 8:59pm
Jeez I hate writing job applications (being in a temp position but having a permanent one I don't want to go back to)! And tired through long preparations for a major system upgrade this weekend.

Do any other Taswegians have preferences for dates/times/locations?

04-05-2012, 6:46am
What if we did an 'around Hobart' entire day meet?

We could plan a day out and do things like

Sunrise from Sandy Bay Beach/ Seven Mile Beach
Zoodoo or Bonnorong
Mt Wellington (snow hopefully)
Strickland Falls
Sunset shoot from Bellerive/Lindisfarne

We could also incorporate some portraiture during the day, for those that are not into landscapes. Maybe look at somewhere like the botanical gardens as a location to fit in a portrait session. We could use each other as 'models'.

People could come and go to the various 'sessions' as they could fit into their schedule. If this idea is liked, we could amend my suggested list above, as others come up with location suggestions, ideas, and plan a full day of activities.

I would personally prefer the Saturday (2nd June), but am happy to go with the Sunday if it's what most want.

04-05-2012, 11:59am
Looks like a good selection to me Rick. Hopefully Tassie will get a good turnout. I think I should be able to make it either day.

07-05-2012, 8:37pm
Almost any of those ideas sounds good to me Rick! (With the exception of me being a model :lol:)

I think we'll probably only get a small number to any in the state, so rather than sessions, maybe we will need either a statewide one, or a north / south one (sorry NW)!

I'll go with others too - I can make Saturday or Sunday, weeds at this time of year can wait a day...

08-05-2012, 8:45pm
OK. so lets start off with Saturday the 2nd June.

* Sunrise at Sandy Bay Beach (sunrise is 7.32am) so maybe a 6.00am start to get setup and get the dawn shots? Meet at the carpark at the beach where the swimming platform is?

* Breakfast at Dome Sandy Bay

Where to from there?

13-05-2012, 2:09pm
We are just back from our Official Honeymoon. 7 weeks in Europe and the Uk. Hope to get to the meet.


14-05-2012, 4:13pm
Rick, I will have to miss it. Paige has her Dance Comp at DEC on the Sunday and we have only just got back from Vic too. :( :(:(

14-05-2012, 8:01pm
Mornings on a Saturday are a bit of a push! That hour then breakfast might do me in.
Zoodoo / Bonnorong, Richmond and lunch?
Or maybe I'll come to part of the day...

14-05-2012, 8:08pm
We can skip sunrise, and make it a Richmond during the morning, then lunch and into zoodoo or bonnorong. I am open to all suggestions and ideas here for what we do.

20-05-2012, 4:31pm
Your plans sound good Rick. Will see if Jules makes it, and any other interest before then...

20-05-2012, 4:43pm
a few more would be good. Two weeks to go

20-05-2012, 4:55pm
Yup, so I keep bumping the thread so other see who might be interested or other preferences for activities :)

23-05-2012, 1:16pm
I'll be in Cairns that weekend at a wedding!! But hope to get to a meet sometime soon, would have been an awesome day!


25-05-2012, 5:22pm
Yep I can come along, A sunrise could be good, maybe do that and put the option there for others to join later if they want to.
I'm fairly easy for what to do on the day, perhaps even decide on a first meeting place and play the rest by ear??


26-05-2012, 10:00am
Glad you can make it Sam. I'm inclined to meet sometime after sunrise, not an early starter. Maybe yourself and Rick and whoever else can do that and I'll meet up a bit later?

26-05-2012, 10:25am
OK. Time to get a plan happening:

Saturday 2nd June

6.00 AM - Sunrise - Sandy Bay Beach (meet at the car park at the wood-fired pizza place)

8.00 AM - Breakfast - Location to be decided by those at Sunrise Meet. (Macca's..hehe)

9.30 AM - Richmond - Bridge photos, photos around the village - Meet at the Bridge carpark

12.00 PM - Lunch - At Richmond

1.30 PM - ZooDoo and/or Bonnarong? - for animal photos including the Lions and Tigers are ZooDoo

Any other locations we decide upon, on the day. If there is snow on Mt Wellington and its accessible, we could include a trip to the summit. If some want to continue after 4.30 pm, we could do a sunset shoot somewhere along the Derwent shores

4.30 PM - Finish

*this itinerary can be modified as the week progresses*

26-05-2012, 10:40am
Itinerary looks good to me.

You're hoping to get some product shots too I see Rick?

I'll be there by mid-late morning and find everyone somewhere in Richmond before lunch.

I'd been thinking that this was over the long weekend, but it turns out that's the following weekend. Still, I'm in!

30-05-2012, 8:33pm
I'll be there for the sunrise shoot and breakfast. Not sure that I'll be able to make it to any of the other locations though unfortunately.


30-05-2012, 8:43pm
Sunset's now out for me - have a friend coming for dinner.

Weather: shower or two clearing, 8-13 deg. Fingers crossed :)

30-05-2012, 8:47pm
I will take my tablet with me and keep this thread updated on our whereabouts, so if anyone wants to join in along the way, they can find us

30-05-2012, 8:53pm
I might grab your mobile number too Rick in case I can't find everyone in Richmond. My phone ain't real smart :)

30-05-2012, 9:54pm
I'm still interested. I'm not sure if I will make the sunrise but where exactly is the meeting place. Which street?
I will make Richmond for sure.

31-05-2012, 5:15am

Map of location - with wood fired pizza place marked (near the shore - meeting in the car park)

We will be walking to the point shown near the bottom of this map for views up and across the Derwent for sunrise. There is also a lovely pebble covered beach around the point that offers some great foreground for sunrise shots

01-06-2012, 6:40am
Taken with my camera phone this morning from my deck. Hopefully we will see some colour like this tomorrow morning.


01-06-2012, 1:24pm
I'll be coming tomorrow as well, and bringing Sam (my son) who has responded earlier in this thread.
We share the 60D, so I'll be restricting myself to testing out the capabilities of our old Ixus 90.
(you can all give me heaps - I've got broad shoulders :-) )

Eric G.

01-06-2012, 2:20pm
See everyone in the morning. For info, I drive a silver mitsubishi outlander.

02-06-2012, 8:33am
pouring with rain now. radar shows it is not letting up. we have decided to call it a day and go home. if it clears, i might head out again later.

02-06-2012, 9:15am
Very wet out here at Richmond. Good call!

Thanks for the great morning. I'll have my pics up shortly.


02-06-2012, 9:29am
Overcast here with the occasional bit of drizzle. I wondered if it'd be much of a sunrise :( How was it?

BOM radar's saying most of it's passed and forecast for rest of the day is 'Partly cloudy. Isolated showers developing during the morning, easing to the chance of light showers during the afternoon, clearing by early evening. Winds westerly and light tending south to southwesterly up to 20 km/h during the afternoon'

I'll check back here a bit later in case others want to go out.

02-06-2012, 9:40am
Was a bit drizzly and very little sunlight, but just when we'd almost given up there was a window of about 5mins where we had some pretty decent reds show up through the clouds.

02-06-2012, 9:53am
I look forward to seeing some shots :) At least the heavens shined for a while.

02-06-2012, 10:38am
So sad I couldn't be there. Just back from 10 weeks away and didn't feel I could rush away so soon. My Pentax K20D had a fall from top of moving car while away, not fixable, so.... replacement is a Canon 7D. Hope you all have a great day, with lots of top shots and the weather stays ok, next time I'll be there for sure. Cheers

02-06-2012, 11:05am
Photos are now up in the Landscapes section...

02-06-2012, 11:10am
now that it stopped raining, we are at richmond

02-06-2012, 11:17am
and I'm stuck at home finishing off a uni assignment...enjoy the afternoon!

02-06-2012, 11:57am
Just about to have breakfast/lunch now. I wouldn't be there until 2 even if I left not. Doesn't leave much time before having to head back again :(
Think I'm just going to have to miss it after all this :(

02-06-2012, 12:50pm
Sorry we couldn't make it. We had Maureen's mums funeral yesterday and family get together today.

Next time.


02-06-2012, 12:56pm
Just got home...need a nap after getting up so early.

02-06-2012, 9:33pm
I've posted some pics in a Facebook album at:
There's a special surprise for Canon users there. (Thanks Rick, for the use of your Nikon :-) )

Eric G.

02-06-2012, 11:41pm
Some really good photos there Eric. I like the fact that you seem to approach your shots from a slightly different angle to most.

As an aside, I saw your surname and my first thought was that you must have Latvian heritage. Am I way off the mark?
