View Full Version : What's a good crop for Man and Dog?

25-04-2012, 2:14pm
I took this shot of Man and Dog, and on review decided that Dog was the most interesting aspect of the photo. I have been pondering on how should I crop it?

Crop one is still Man and Dog. Is Man's gaze adequately leading your eye to Dog?
Crop two is clearly Dog, with a bit of Man for context, but is it a bit confusing?
Crop three is all Dog. Can Dog hold this shot on his own, or are you left wondering what's at the end of his leash? It could be Woman.

I like a good crop, but I'm still finding my way. Opinions welcomed.


Duane Pipe
25-04-2012, 2:25pm
This is all that I could come up with Bow. #1 I like the arm leading to the dog and the lack of clutter is good:th3: so I would leave man and beast in it.
#2 nah.
#3 boring
Cheers Dave..:beer_mug:

I would clone out the pole if i was to go with this


25-04-2012, 3:49pm
That makes a lot of sense, and it gets rid of the empty space.

25-04-2012, 5:23pm
I think it's ok as is in the first photo :confused013

Or maybe just take the lhs off a little, put the guy in rule of third space on left ?

Mark L
29-04-2012, 7:16pm
Just came across this.
I was going to crop it, then scrolled down and saw that Dave has done what I was going to do (bit of a worry :)).
A Re. Dave's version. Maybe add a fraction more to the left and take a little more from the bottom.