View Full Version : Just when you thought it was safe ...... to

21-04-2012, 3:52pm
organise a pro for your wedding photography needs .......

along comes clowns like this:

...... Are-these-the-worst-wedding-pictures-ever? (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picturegalleries/howaboutthat/9216685/Are-these-the-worst-wedding-pictures-ever.html?frame=2198771)

OK .. I have to admit too much importance is placed on the importance of wedding photography, and for my wedding, I'd be happy with a series of snaps taken from the perspective of the (mature)guests.
But others opinions also are valid ... but those images can only be described as retarded.

So much so that I'm loathe to believe that the story is real, and could be some sample images from a very young child that had access to a camera at those particular moments.

My kids take better pictures than these and in general they're both not very interested in photography all that much.
They like it, but as most regular folks do.. something to take snaps with, and of ... that's it.

This Westgate Photography couple of clowns should be imprisoned on the basis of conspiring to defraud and misrepresentation of competence.
With ability like that, you'd never call your business such-and-such PHOTOGRAPHY!!

Only savings grace of the event was that the perp(one Ian Mcloskey):

Mr McCloskey admitted the pictures of Tom and Anneka's wedding were "pretty awful".

He said: "They were the first couple we had a complaint from. If I could have paid all the money back I would've.

Well at least they have an idea of their limitations.

This Westgate Photography business is bust and the two operators have no plans to enter into photography again..
From the article, both the ex photographers are on the dole.

My take on all of this is:
Joe Average and his missus see photography as a get rich quick scheme. Yeah I can get a cheapie camera and lens combo for a few hundred bucks, and pay it off after only one job!
(surely a low end twin kit combo can be had to less than ₤750) .. any other money collected from this point on is the icing on the cake).

No idea, no ability, no understanding and finally no product to show for it ....

21-04-2012, 5:10pm
I liked the comment that the photos were taken without flash because one of the photographers complained of being epileptic.

Chris G
21-04-2012, 8:57pm
This makes me seriously "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" at people like this as I tend to see this all over the place mainly facebook promoting them self as "professionals", perhaps not at as bad as what was shown but with regards to over exposers, colour wash, life less images that yes you might aswell pay a kid to do if your after that kind of thing..

More and more people are perking up with the same idea as you have put it Aurther
Joe Average and his missus see photography as a get rich quick scheme. Yeah I can get a cheapie camera and lens combo for a few hundred bucks, and pay it off after only one job!

It really does frustrate me and others as it only gives people knowing what they are doing a harder time as a end result of their stupidity.

I liked the comment that the photos were taken without flash because one of the photographers complained of being epileptic.

I would put that down to not even owning a flash, let alone knowing how to use one LOL!

Mark L
21-04-2012, 9:32pm
"They forked out £14,000 on the wedding ceremony and a reception for 120 guests.
But their big day was ruined when they received the wedding photographs a month later."

Well their big day was a success, no doubt. Their photographic memory of the day was ruined a month later.
Buyer beware. Research and spend more on a photographer if it's that important.
I'm not defending the photographs in any way.