View Full Version : I am still doing it!

Ms Monny
18-04-2012, 9:45pm
Hi all!

Just wanted to say I am still here, but not on here, if you know what I mean! I have been MIA for quite a while. I am still into my photography but have started delving into film! I bought myself, just recently, a Nikon FE (OMG, NOT A CANON!!!???) and, as of tomorrow, I will have a scanner....

which means I can finally put up here what I have been dabbling in!! So many things have taken me a couple of steps back while working with film....the lack of knowing what you shot instantaneously, the waiting for the negs to be developed (if colour or slide as I have been starting to do my own B&W), the not wanting to waste any of the film, as I no longer have hundreds to play with, only 12, 24 or 36 shots!!

So, I am excited that I will soon be able to show my pics.

Who else on here shoots a lot of film??? I might need to start getting advice as I shoot more rolls.

BTW, I am not dissing Digital!! I love my Canon 60D and it comes out to play often as well....mainly when I need Automatic focusing for moving objects etc!


19-04-2012, 6:38am
Nice!! Film is fun

01-05-2012, 12:28pm
i feel you.
i have developed and printed my own black and white for the past 2 years, now trying to learn c41 process. I agree, it slows you down, you try to get one goood shot not hundreds :D