View Full Version : Wednesday Funny

18-04-2012, 6:11am
Julia Gillard purchased herself a new car. A nice top-of-the-range BMW. After a couple of days she was complaining in Cabinet that her new car could not be driven at night. Cabinet spent most of the morning discussing this (amazing they were doing something productive). In the end not being able to work out what was wrong (nothing new there), they called a mechanic to come and have a look at Julia's new BMW.

The mechanic arrives and Julia and the entire cabinet go to the Parliamentary Garage.

The mechanic asks her to describe the problem. Julia says her new shiny BMW works just fine during the day, but she cannot drive it at night. The mechanic checks the vehicle over and cannot find a fault.

So he ask Julia to show him. She gets behind the wheel of her shiny new BMW, and puts it in drive and away she goes with the mechanic in the passenger seat, they do a lap of the garage.

The driver then asks her what happens at night...you will love this

Julia replies "Well during the day, I get in, put it in D mode and it goes, but at night when I put it in N mode, it just won't move!

Duane Pipe
18-04-2012, 7:29am
That about sums them up!:lol:

18-04-2012, 7:34am

18-04-2012, 9:31am
Good she doesn't want to race it.

Then she'd put it in R for Race!

Lance B
18-04-2012, 9:46am

Lance B
18-04-2012, 9:47am
Good she doesn't want to race it.

Then she'd put it in R for Race!


18-04-2012, 11:21am