View Full Version : iMac 2012 ??

17-04-2012, 9:12am
First up I am not tech savvy in the least. To prove that my current system is a Toshiba Netbook $200 special that has bounced around in the panniers of my motorbike across this wonderful country over the last 3 years, it is hooked up to a Acer screen.

Now I'm in the market for a desk top and have been impressed by the iMac 27" in stores. However ...

I see a lot of comments on the screen reflection, do current users find this a huge issue ? Rumours are abound at the moment that the new 2012 iMacs are going to different screens which are non reflective. So should I wait for that to come out and then choose between the current model which surely will be reduced in $$$$ or go with the new screen type.

What I am looking at is -:

(mod edit) Promoting retail sites as a new member is against the site rules.

- * Free Stuff *: 10.7 Memory Stick
- 1 - Hard Drive Options: 1Tb 7200rpm
- 2 - SSD Upgrade Options: None
- Apple Battery Charger: No Thanks
- AppleCare: AppleCare + 8Gb RAM ..
- DisplayPort to DVI: No
- DisplayPort to VGA: No
- Keyboard: Wireless Keyboard
- Memory Configuration (RAM): 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz (2x..
- MicroSoft Office 2011: Home and Student 1 U..
- Mini Displayport to HDMI: No
- Mouse: Magic Mouse - Wirele..
- Operating System: OS 10.7 ( Standard )
- Remote: No
- Virtualisation: No
- Windows OS: No
- Windows Setup Service: No
- ZeroThree 24/7 Tech Support: Included[/FONT][/COLOR]

JM Tran
17-04-2012, 12:00pm
I have said this many times on AP, that the iMac monitors are not very good if you want to be serious about photo editing and colour accuracy - even after it is calibrated. By default the screen has a very high contrast, saturated/warm feel to it, looks great for most ppl and viewing photos and movies. But when you are working with RAW files and want accuracy - it is not a good choice - hence many professionals tend to hook up an external monitor, or buy a Mac Pro tower and run an external monitors.

The other problem is editing with shadows and dark areas, the glass surface makes it hard to judge shadows and dark shades properly sometimes. I have always preferred non reflective matte screens for editing with this being one of the main reasons.

Performance wise, stick an SSD and 8gig RAM in there and watch it fly! I can never go back on any HDD anymore.

17-04-2012, 2:08pm
Editing is definitely not one of my forte's at the moment JM, in amongst learning a new process for work (ammonium nitrate), learning the camera and learning LR3 I doubt I would notice the things you mention for at least 3 years, My main concern is the relfection people speak of, I can't really notice it too much on the shelf and was after current users feedback.
Point taken on the SSD and extra RAM though. All up that will be close enough to $2400 delivered to Central Queensland. For that sort of money what would you suggest, remembering I am remote so will be ordering and shipping. I definitely like the screen size of the 27" (old and blind = bigger is better ).

17-04-2012, 8:01pm
I love my 27" iMac. I find it great for my personal photo editing needs, which may not be as advanced as others.
The iMac range is overdue for an upgrade, based on historic upgrade cycles. The recommendations out there say hold off, if you can, maybe till June.

17-04-2012, 10:53pm
I love my 27" iMac. I find it great for my personal photo editing needs, which may not be as advanced as others.
The iMac range is overdue for an upgrade, based on historic upgrade cycles. The recommendations out there say hold off, if you can, maybe till June.

Sounds like we are at a similar level of editing Bowjac, do you have any issues in regards to reflection on your glass screen ? That seems to be the biggest issue alone with upgradability which I have no idea about anyway. Have neither the patience, skill or desire to build computers, just want them to do as they're told lol. I have also heard to wait it out for the new release, could be a painful wait though.

18-04-2012, 9:30am
Sounds like you want to get this system.

There's more than a grain of truth hidden in JM's advice. And it's not hidden. Also, what about the pixel size you will be staring at?

You are going to be presenting photos for CC on forums, and printing them as well? I wish I knew this before I got my monitor.

When you monitor tells YOU it is red and it posts and prints off-red, then what?

I'm not telling you not to buy it, but you should consider the cons as well as the pros for photography.

18-04-2012, 2:53pm
Sounds like you want to get this system.

There's more than a grain of truth hidden in JM's advice. And it's not hidden. Also, what about the pixel size you will be staring at?

You are going to be presenting photos for CC on forums, and printing them as well? I wish I knew this before I got my monitor.

When you monitor tells YOU it is red and it posts and prints off-red, then what?

I'm not telling you not to buy it, but you should consider the cons as well as the pros for photography.

The only reason I was thinking of it was reading a fair few positive comments and the presentation of the unit. I'm not one to do research on research just want a system I can buy that will do what i want. As I said earlier I have no interest in building a computer, I just want a package off the shelf with a big screen (for my failing eyes :D ) that will do LR3, documents and internet well. I don't aspire to become a fully fledged photographer, I do it as a hobby for personal satifaction.

After saying all that I am open to suggestions from learned people as to other worthy proposed systems and suppliers.

18-04-2012, 3:50pm
I have an IMac 27 inch and have had no problems with glare or reflections, I calibrate with a Spyder 3 and have no issues there either. Flys through Lightroom and all my processing needs.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

18-04-2012, 8:41pm
I don't have reflection issues, but then I also don't have a light source behind me.

29-05-2012, 7:22pm
I'm anxiously awaiting Apple's new desktop offerings, I'm badly in need of an upgrade.

But personally I really don't like the glossy glass screens, great for cleaning and protection, but hate the reflections and other visual side effects. I use a matte MacBook Pro and my wife has a glossy MacBook so have experienced the difference. Our study is bad for reflections too, desk near a window and light behind.

I'm really hoping now the new xeon's have been released Apple get their butt's into gear and update the Mac Pro! Otherwise I may have to put up with an iMac.

01-06-2012, 9:30am
I decided I wanted a new PC a month or so ago. I looked into the iMac, then decided I wanted a laptop, then I looked at the Macbook Pro, and since I wanted to spend under $1400, I knew a Dual Core i5 probably wouldnt be enough for the Video Editing that I do. RIght now, Im looking at the Dell XPS 14z, with a Quad Core i7, 8GB Ram and a 1GB Graphics card for around $1300. It's ridiculous how much Apple charge. I know they're desirable, but you will get considerably more bang for your buck from a PC counterpart. Although if in the new generation there is more power, I may be swayed back.

-My Two Bobs.

01-06-2012, 12:18pm
Its not all about the raw specs, also consider build quality, the Dell and Toshiba offerings I use daily at work are very ordinary in many aspects of their build and design.

01-06-2012, 5:39pm
I'm waiting with great anticipation for the 11/06/2012

WWDC kicks off & expected announcements are Mountain Lion & the next generation of iMacs as well as updates to Mac Pro's.

I'll be buying a 27" iMac (i7) with SSD for OS X & a small HDD. There will also be several Thunderbolt drives. The 32GB ram will come from a USA supplier that specialises in Mac products & at ⅓ the cost of Apple ram will be a big saving.

Unless your prepared to spend several thousand dollars on industrial quality monitors (Eizo & others) ALL CONSUMER MONITORS are a compromise although Mac monitors (Samsung with Apple specs) are built to higher standards than the majority available.

02-06-2012, 8:20am
Get the iMac. It's all well and good for Jackie to point out what "pros" want and need. If your eyesight is not great, you're never going to be a pro anyway. I have an iMac with the IPS monitor and I wouldn't swap it for anything! It's PERFECT for my needs, as I'm sure it would be for yours. If you are patient then wait for the new models. If not, don't wait and look for a bargain on the back of impending obsolete store stock. Either way you won't regret it. Reflections? pffttt! Turn the monitor face 2 degrees and they're gone anyway. :D

02-06-2012, 6:59pm
@Zandri True in many cases and I agree with you, but sitting around on a dual core i5 as my main PC for Video Editing won't be entirely fun (I know a laptop isn't the best solution, but something portable so I can take to school etc. is the main goal of replacing my current desktop) . The XPS14z has great build quality from what I've seen and has similar styling to the Macbook Pro.