View Full Version : first new born session this wednesday- HELP NEEDED

09-04-2012, 4:19pm
hi guys

excited to say that im doing my first newborn shot on wedsneday afternoon. but i just want to finalise a few settings first with you guys.

things i have and prearation i know are

blankets and a background stand
soft pillow
electric heater
defused window as i know flash is not recommended
cute toys and hats

but what i want to to know is what settings (iso, shutter speed and fstop) i should use to get me started in the right ball park

these are the two types of shots im looking to get

Images removed because posting images that you did not take is against forum rules and can be seen as a breach of copyright.

the lens i will be using is a canon 17-55mm f2.8

09-04-2012, 4:36pm
Maybe I am out of line here, who knows, but seriously

but what I want to to know is what settings (iso, shutter speed and fstop) i should use to get me started in the right ball park

If you are unsure of how to meter for the available light and what aperture you want to use to achieve the desired DOF, then, should you really be taking on contract work ??

09-04-2012, 5:04pm
Agree with Mark, you should have practiced and asked questions BEFORE taking on a shoot.

But between now and the shoot, buy a doll and use that as your baby and practice, learn, practice, learn.

09-04-2012, 5:20pm
I can tell you that the pics you had up of what you aspire to take...............would have been with studio lights.
2nd one could be possible with a diffused window light though.

As far as flash goes......I have never had an issue with bouncing my flash off a ceiling or wall, it will help!
I tend to use aperture priority with babies as I like the shallow DOF.

Good Luck

09-04-2012, 7:46pm
Hi Harper, good luck with your shoot! I had my first one a couple of weeks ago and it is not as easy as you think it will be!! The baby I shot would not sleep and wee'd and poo'd everywhere so be prepared for all eventualities!! Have several different blankets as backdrops just in case one or two get soiled!! All my fav photos from the shoot were taken at between f2 and f2.8 with ISO of 100 set on AV mode with a focal length of 100 mm as I was using my 100mm maco IS USM L. I also used my 50mm lens but was not as happy with the results on my 7d. Good luck once again and I hope this helps a bit. I am a beginner at this kind of photography myself!! Others may be able to advise from aposition of more experience!!:)

10-04-2012, 7:11am
Maybe I am out of line here, who knows, but seriously

If you are unsure of how to meter for the available light and what aperture you want to use to achieve the desired DOF, then, should you really be taking on contract work ??

hi mark

i was just asking for some starter points to get me going so i dont waist the parents time setting up. and its not contract work, its for my best mate and im doing it free of charge.

Agree with Mark, you should have practiced and asked questions BEFORE taking on a shoot.

But between now and the shoot, buy a doll and use that as your baby and practice, learn, practice, learn.

thanks rick.

the shoot is happening at my brothers house as its big/new and doesnt have much gear in it at the moment. i am going to set up the room this aftternoon and take a few practice shots. i will also be getting there an hr or two before my mate and his family get there just to finalise things

Hi Harper, good luck with your shoot! I had my first one a couple of weeks ago and it is not as easy as you think it will be!! The baby I shot would not sleep and wee'd and poo'd everywhere so be prepared for all eventualities!! Have several different blankets as backdrops just in case one or two get soiled!! All my fav photos from the shoot were taken at between f2 and f2.8 with ISO of 100 set on AV mode with a focal length of 100 mm as I was using my 100mm maco IS USM L. I also used my 50mm lens but was not as happy with the results on my 7d. Good luck once again and I hope this helps a bit. I am a beginner at this kind of photography myself!! Others may be able to advise from aposition of more experience!!:)

thanks ktoopi thats really helpfull. im just hoping the baby doesnt make a mess of the room lol

10-04-2012, 7:36am
I'll look forward to seeing your results posted in the forums! I've just been asked to take some photos of a friends, sisters newborn this week so I get to have another practise!!Here's hoping I get better results that my first effort!!LOL:D

10-04-2012, 8:02am
If you have to speedlites and can pair them up to your pocketwizards, I'd use them for ambient lighting setup in whichever room you decide to use.

As it's a freebie use it as an opportunity to learn a little about the session.

As already said tho, try not to point the speedlites directly at the baby tho, bounce them off walls or ceiling or something.

keep ISO at the lowest setting, and aperture to whatever looks appropriate. Shutter speed will fall where it falls, but try to keep it up to a point where you don't induce camera shake.

10-04-2012, 8:20am
If you have to speedlites and can pair them up to your pocketwizards, I'd use them for ambient lighting setup in whichever room you decide to use.

As it's a freebie use it as an opportunity to learn a little about the session.

As already said tho, try not to point the speedlites directly at the baby tho, bounce them off walls or ceiling or something.

keep ISO at the lowest setting, and aperture to whatever looks appropriate. Shutter speed will fall where it falls, but try to keep it up to a point where you don't induce camera shake.

thanks mate. thats good to know about the speedlights. i will still use the defusers when bouncing the light though i think to be on the safe side:D