View Full Version : Lightroom 4 Issues - Auto Tone - Exposure Way Off

Old Skool
08-04-2012, 7:28pm
I've been trialling LR 4 and find that when you click on Auto Tone in the Develop module that the results are hit and miss - mainly miss, with the exposure way off. Didn't have this issue in LR 3 and a quick Google finds it may be a bug.
Anyone else found this issue?

09-04-2012, 3:56am
Yes, I started a discussion on Lightroom forums


as I have the problem. Seems many others do as well.

It is related to the 2012 style, switching back to the other version makes it work fine, but of course changes the way the sliders behave.

I find that generally it is a stop or two darker, but sometimes will over expose a stop or two. I sent some info to one of the developers, and he said he would have a look. I am hoping it gets fixed in a Point update.

Old Skool
09-04-2012, 7:55am
Hopefully it will be fixed with updates - wonder if they will fix how slooowww it runs. Almost impossible to do a fast work flow as it just lags so much. I upgraded to 12Gb Ram and makes no difference.

09-04-2012, 10:49am
Same problem in CS6 Beta.