View Full Version : Why if I get a notification 1 day is my account inactive the next

08-04-2012, 3:54pm
So anyway, I get a message saying I haven't posted for 45 days and if I don't post anything for 90 days my account will be inactive. Now I do have a degree in Mathematics so I am pretty sure that I should have 45 days before the 90 days is up! Anyway this post is for nothing except reactivating my account, what can I say, I have been busy it is wedding season after all!

08-04-2012, 4:45pm
Staying active is easy and fun, just post an image for CC once a fortnight and
post 2 or 3 CC comments to other images in the same fortnight.
See http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=How_Do_I:Restore_my_access_from_inactive_status

08-04-2012, 5:49pm
Prior to today, your last post was the 9th January, prior to that one post in December, then back to 23 November you posted a few that day, then back to 24th September and you posted again that day, then back to 4th September with one post, then it was 25th July.

Posting once every little while will not stop you going inactive, as per the link Kym provided, it is a reducing cycle, and the more times you post, then go inactive again, the quicker you go inactive the next time.

The only way to stop this happening is be an active member on an ongoing basis, rather than posting ONCE you go inactive, then stopping again.

08-04-2012, 7:53pm
Yeah I just get busy, and the forum is a bit same old same old sometimes! It is just surprising you get the notification for 45 days then the next day it is 90, th emaths just seems a bit off or maybe it is the notifications. Can't say I will be heart broken if I am not a member, I think I would still live quite happily!

08-04-2012, 8:27pm
Hi, I too am surprised. I just got a 'not used for 90 days' and a lockout without receiving a warning. Hopefully I can get back in - time goes quickly.

08-04-2012, 8:38pm
You must have alf6... or you wouldn't be posting, so that is good!

08-04-2012, 8:42pm
Now this is puzzling. I could not find you introductory thread, Sobriquet, so I can't judge your initial motivation for joining. But you did join, and presumably there was some acknowledgement of the basic participation requirements.

You have received a standard notification - like many others - and have had the reason explained - a bonus not always asked for nor generally supplied. Why then appeal with the hyperbole of "broken heartedness"? It seems inapt in the circumstance, as it presumes some personal slight which is not clearly evident. To go on to beg the question of living happily into the future does not lend any extra credence to the position of disadvantage that you allude to.

So you continue to participate according to the minimum requirements, or get the notifications - like everybody else.

And that's a nice nickname, Sobriquet.

Patrick K
08-04-2012, 8:48pm
I don't think anyone has answered the question about 45 and 90 days. Just had the same thing happen. I have been flat out for a little bit and unable to post much, got the same warning at 45 days saying post by 90 days and then the next day my account was made inactive. So it sounds like some automated system needs a tweak.

Debra Faulkner
09-04-2012, 5:38am
Patrick, I'm sure the automated system will be checked to see that it's working properly. In the meantime check out Rick's post above then have a look at your posting history. Perhaps you will see the answer as to why your account was made inactive.

09-04-2012, 6:27am
Ummmmmmmmm who cares.........this forum is a privilege not a right!!!
If you want to put in the hard yards and dollars AND postings that the moderators do............then you are entitled to a whinge!

Degree or not it is a community for sharing..............why on earth people in this day and age struggle with that is beyond me!
It is a simple enough process to adhere to..............if you want!

These forums can be same old same old...............if thats the way you want to look at it.
Its all about expectations................:eek:

09-04-2012, 6:46am
Yeah I just get busy, and the forum is a bit same old same old sometimes! It is just surprising you get the notification for 45 days then the next day it is 90, th emaths just seems a bit off or maybe it is the notifications. Can't say I will be heart broken if I am not a member, I think I would still live quite happily!

Your wish is my command, Account closed, and the rest of us will live quite happily too, even more so, probably!

09-04-2012, 6:49am
Can't say I will be heart broken if I am not a member, I think I would still live quite happily!

:confused013 Judging by your participation rate, I'd say so would AP! :confused013