View Full Version : Is the (Nikon)D4 too slow?

05-04-2012, 8:54pm
Watch the video and find out for 'ya self!


There's only two minutes to go before your life will forever change.

.... so get a beer(fizzy drinks for the kiddies), a small pack of nibbles .. turn up the volume too as loud as your workplace allows(we all know you're browsing AP whilst supposedly working! ;)) and enjoy.

(awesome sound effects :th3:)

06-04-2012, 8:59am
Impressive movie, but sorry Arthur, I still want a 5DMkIII. :p

06-04-2012, 1:17pm
Impressive movie, but sorry Arthur, I still want a 5DMkIII. :p

Still doesn't make sense, but I suppose you could invest in a Nikon lens to Canon camera adapter to begin with, sell some of the paperweight ... oops! ... lens collection you have, get some proper glass, and take it from there! :lol:

06-04-2012, 2:10pm

Mary Anne
06-04-2012, 2:29pm
Sorry It does not do a thing for me. Perhaps that sensor has lots of dust bunnies in it now though.. :D

07-04-2012, 10:06am
Sorry It does not do a thing for me.....

surely it must ..... at least one small infinitesimal something to your photographic curiosity!! :D

... Perhaps that sensor has lots of dust bunnies in it now though.. :D

I'm assuming that Nikon has worked out a way to turn that ferociously furious flappy motion of the mirror into a pseudo vacuum effect that literally rips the dust off the sensor, and onto the closest Canon competitor! :p

07-04-2012, 10:38am
Quite slow compared to the 1DX sorry Arthur.

Mary Anne
07-04-2012, 12:23pm
No Sorry Arthur ... :(

09-04-2012, 7:56pm
Well theres your problem - A lack of quality wide angle glass -> they must need a Nikon to see the world from not such a narrow view Arthur ;). I really like the video work, and how couldn't you be impressed by the operation of such a machine - even if it was a Canon I would be impressed.

When Canon finally learns how to make a wide or ultrawide angle lens on a full frame - you can finally crow at Nikon Ashey ;). I reckon we are pretty safe though, they haven't threatened to yet.

10-04-2012, 6:37am
Quite slow compared to the 1DX sorry Arthur.


10-04-2012, 6:45am
You were about 5 1/2 days late starting this thread Arthur :rolleyes: ;) :p

10-04-2012, 8:03am
You were about 5 1/2 days late starting this thread Arthur :rolleyes: ;) :p

Late or slow? :p

11-04-2012, 11:24am
Whether it makes sense or not, that was a cool video.
It didn't change my life, but my D3000 promptly ran away & hid under the desk in embarrassment :D