View Full Version : how time flies.

03-04-2012, 8:16pm
it's amazing how time flies! even though it only felt like last month, it has been a year since i had a kidney transplant.. an operation that i had feared for a long time.

ever since this all started i was living in constant fear of basically everything! as i have had dialysis for 8 years all together now (started when i was 7) life has constantly been up and down. and as i was getting older it was hard to see my parents having to do literally everything for me.. even my appetite wasn't up, it was a constant battle to get me to eat and even to get myself to eat.

as i barely knew what it was like to live a normal life (i got leukemia since i was 5) i now know what it's like, well almost..
i know this may sound like nothing much at all but after 8 years of waking up and waiting, being able to wake up and able to walk straight out of a room without having to wait half an hour just to get me 'disconnected' from this machine just feels absoloutly great, just to have that little more freedom!

you all know that with transplants there is that stereotypical phone call at 2am, but in my case it was a 4pm phone call that made me fall to my knees and burst with tears for both fear and happiness.
and to this day and for the rest of my life, i will certainly be thankful for this family that allowed their loved one to be able to donate their organs so that other people can have a chance.

so as for me, life is all well. regular check ups at the children's hospital and of course taking multiple tablets to stop rejection life goes on 'normally'.

so anyone else out there is a transplant patient?

and if you haven't already, please think about organ donation, it can and will help various people out there.

04-04-2012, 6:56pm
I am amazed by the strength it must require to go through life like this, yet you just seem to accept such bad misforutne and try to make the best of it.

I sincerley hope that you get stronger and healthier every single day.

04-04-2012, 7:25pm
yes indeed it is tough.. but photography is just another way to keep my mind of all these complicated things! and it certainly has helped.