View Full Version : location, location, location...

31-03-2012, 11:45pm
Hi all i just got back from walking all the way out to the local cemetery for some photos i get out there have a quick look around and there is a truck sitting there in the second row so i thort id leave considering in this town people would think im up to no good or a total freak. lol ow and then the cops drive past me with there spotlight on heres me trying to hide a 2,000,000 candle power spotlight cause i don't no if its iligal to cary one around.

I then think to hed out to the airport for some photos of the air strip but there wer heaps of dogs on the road (iv been bitting a cople of times and kinda have a phobia of random dogs) so i heeded back to town.

carrying my camera, tripod, 2,000,000 candle power spot light and a flashlight for nothing lol and walking about 3KM in total.

BTW How do you go about asking someone if you can take photos of there stuff cause i seen a truck parked in a grate position that would be perfect to do some light painting.

ow and i forgot to ad ITS MY BIRTHDAY IM NOW 19 lol

06-04-2012, 10:27am
Happy Birthday!
Cemeteries are one of my favourite places to shoot. I haven't had the chance to do any night shots though. That would be cool.
Don't worry if people think you are a freak, and be open about what you are trying to do.
Most cemeteries are public places, so no individual can really kick you out..but night time is usually a different story.
Unfortunately the problem of vandalism has meant the authorities do keep an eye on things.
Some places lock the gates at night, so if you were to be there after this time, I'd suggest checking with the local Council or Sexton (if there is one on site) for permission first.
I find having the tripod set up does give others the impression you are taking serious photos, not just mucking around and most people leave you alone.
Take some shots and if you get pulled up by the police, you can show them some of your photos (leave a couple of your steel wool light painting shots on the camera - they look great). Hopefully they will be good about it, but if they ask you to move on, you will have to comply.

06-04-2012, 12:43pm
Thankyou :)

i whent back out there the other night and did some steel wool light painting ill make thred soon

06-04-2012, 8:54pm
i whent back out there tonight to pay my raspects and take some ghost photos and the cops showed up im now bannded fom there for 24 hours or ill get charged :(

06-04-2012, 9:19pm
Can't argue with the law unfortunately. Looks like they are keeping an eye on the place
I didn't realise you were doing your steel wool painting out at the cemetery as well. You are probably better off finding another location for that - somewhere less public perhaps.

06-04-2012, 11:40pm
Can't argue with the law unfortunately. Looks like they are keeping an eye on the place
I didn't realise you were doing your steel wool painting out at the cemetery as well. You are probably better off finding another location for that - somewhere less public perhaps.

the night i did the stell wool there i didnt get in troble lol

im going to the councle office on tuesday and asking that there law is