View Full Version : Happy 45th Birthday sunset! (30th of March)

30-03-2012, 6:30pm

Happy 45th Birthday sunset (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/member.php?u=680)!

Hope you have a wonderful day, and very best wishes from everyone here at Australian Photography.

(30th of March)

30-03-2012, 6:45pm
:party5::party6::food04: Woo Hoo!! Have a great day! :food04::party6::party5:

30-03-2012, 7:20pm
Thanks Kym. It's a bit worrying when my age is displayed as well. It's all downhill to you know what now! :D

Chris C
30-03-2012, 7:31pm
It's a bit worrying when my age is displayed as well. It's all downhill to you know what now! :D

Don't ever say that you're over the hill. Just say that you now have an excellent view down both sides. :)

Happy Birthday.



Mary Anne
30-03-2012, 9:18pm
I hope you had a great :party6::party5::party6: what a lovely age *I wish* Sigh!!