View Full Version : Whoo-hoo!

24-03-2012, 8:46pm
Labor is gone in Queensland! This is what happens to politicians who say one thing before an election and do another after. There might be a message in there for someone else.

It's not pretty for them:


24-03-2012, 9:07pm
Well said, the next lot can't do any worse

24-03-2012, 10:01pm
Probably won't do any better either.

24-03-2012, 10:05pm
Carbon, Mining or telling fibbs????? There must be a reason for such a landslide. :umm:

24-03-2012, 10:15pm
Telling lies to get elected. Nobody likes being taken for a fool. They seem to have won 6 seats. Meetings should be easy to run and there are now so many more venues available to seat them all. AND no greens.

Ian Brewster
24-03-2012, 10:35pm
A moribund over-layered public "service" is the reason!

24-03-2012, 11:22pm
Carbon, Mining or telling fibbs????? There must be a reason for such a landslide. :umm:
Carbon, Mining or telling fibbs????? Those are some of many reasons for such a landslide bloodbath!!

25-03-2012, 11:49am
What's the difference between the QLD ALP and a Toyota Tarago?

A Tarago has eight seats.

25-03-2012, 4:58pm
Wont be long till the arrogant s and egos [because of the landslide win] move from one side of Queensland parliament to the other..

26-03-2012, 11:34am
Here's to the next decade to see then....

26-03-2012, 8:08pm
What's the difference between the QLD ALP and a Toyota Tarago?

A Tarago has eight seats.
Absolutely Love it. :lol:

27-03-2012, 9:07pm
And Juliar still thinks this result has nothing to do with the Federal Labour Party or the federal policies. :rolleyes:

She thinks she is a God, and that regardless of what she does, or how many lies she tells, she is above reproach.

Her demise is yet to come, and I can bet you, that she will cling onto power for every single day that she can and stretch out the next Federal election for as long as she can.
Labour has lost its heartland, and I think the Labour Party had better start listening, and had better stop preaching, because the people of Australia know better.

She called the middle aged protestors who were against the Carbon Tax a group of incontinents, but these incontinents know a lot more than a group of incompetants.

She will rue the day she tried to control the press, because they are waiting patiently so they can say "I told you so!".
The only people that want to control the press are the same people that have a lot to hide!
And the anti-semitic, pro-radical-Muslim, anti-rich communist party (sorry, they call themselves the Greens), are not green at all. .
All they want to do is ruin the country even more than Labour do. They are perfect bed-fellows

Sorry for my rant.

27-03-2012, 10:06pm
...There might be a message in there for someone else....

That's "everyone" else.

Well said, the next lot can't do any worse

Probably won't do any better either.
Equally true!

Carbon, Mining or telling fibbs????? There must be a reason for such a landslide. :umm:
It's due to an unstable electoral substrate.

And I hope I haven't offended any Qlders.

28-03-2012, 7:59pm
Now she wants us to tone down ANZAC Day, because it may offend our immigrants. I think she has lost the plot, and needs to be locked up. It's getting well and truly beyond a joke.

28-03-2012, 8:08pm
Now she wants us to tone down ANZAC Day, because it may offend our immigrants. I think she has lost the plot, and needs to be locked up. It's getting well and truly beyond a joke.

Geoff, who does? I read - sorry, skimmed - this article recently, but a "she" didn't register. So who are we lambasting? Can you cite a ref?


28-03-2012, 9:24pm
I should have said "They". The Australian government. I heard this from a mother of an Australian Navy Seaman. Who is not very impressed.

29-03-2012, 9:06am
Hmm, well in case I had missed something by skimming - though really, as I recall, the 1st sentence or 2 showed that it was a rather iffy headline - I checked any on-line sources. I can't find the Sun Herald one, but here are some links. They show that there was some focus group polling done as to "whether" AD had any potential to cause any offence. From the results I doubt that AD is in any danger of being minimised. But that anybody actually "wants" to tone it down - what's to tone down anyway? - is drawing a long bow. As you can read in the articles, the consensus was rather a thumbs down for any changes.

Ah! At last. I'm sure this was it...

So, it would appear as if "the government", in the person of the PM, is indeed not for the idea of toning it down either.
That leaves only the mother of a seaman.
(Geoff, note to self: check bowstring length:D)

29-03-2012, 9:25am
True But in your first link.

"A Federal Government-commissioned study that claims that celebrating Anzac Day is potentially offensive to migrants has received a big thumbs down from virtually everyone, including Eurobodalla residents."
Why would they spend $370.000 on a study, if the thought had not entered their head in the first place?

The mother is question is very proud of her daughters acheivements in the Navy, and comes from a very poor background. Of course she would be upset if someone would belittle our armed forces, over some political correctiveness bulldung.

29-03-2012, 9:41am
1. Look at that sentence. It contains a logic flaw.

2. That a government would commission a study would mean to me that:
a) it is responding to some idea NOT NECESSARILY instigated by them,
b) it is doing a democratically responsible thing instead of just making a "ruling"

3. If the "idea" had in fact "entered their (collective) head" that idea would not necessarily have been to "tone it down" but whether any toning down was warranted.

There's no accounting for how things are reported - and that's not a criticism of the media, rather how the subject is then interpreted at large.

These are a few of MHOs. The topic as to who said/thought/dreamed what/when/why could be argued back and forth, but to what end?

29-03-2012, 3:51pm
Governments will not commission a study unless they know the outcome,a former Premier of South Australia has been reputed to say, don`t have a Royal commission unless you know the outcome.

Did Julia not want to put some minority's of side because she might lose votes.

Mark L
29-03-2012, 8:18pm
I was mowing the weeds this afternoon, when I started to think about this thread (got a lot of weeds to mow, some grass is slowly encroaching on them) and I wondered if I could think of something constructive to post.
I concluded, no.

29-03-2012, 8:45pm
You've probably heard that Wayne Swan has now come out and said that he has to slash all government spending to try and get the budget into surplus.
The government is still borrowing over $100Million every day, which is why our banks have to charge so much for mortgages as the government gets all the funds.

Why don't they get rid of the NBN?
That alone would save tens of billions of $$$$ and not have to affect social welfare etc.

The government tax revenue must be down by a huge amount too.
I do some work for a couple of accountants from time to time. One of them has around 80 clients (companies), and none of them can pay their GST on time, and the other has 2,800 clients (also companies mainly) and only 5% of them can pay their GST on time.
Add that together with all the sackings going on (like 2 large building companies that have sacked around 750 workers in NSW alone) and all the subbies they employ, + the hangers on, and all the manufacturers going broke left right and centre, + all the retail shops that have closed (notice how many empty shops there are in shopping centres?), and the tax take of the government must be way down on their forecasts.

They are paying billions in payments to all the illegal immigrants (far more than they pay to our pensioners that have worked and payed taxes all of their lives), as well as all the legal aid they are giving these illegals so they can take the government to court because their plasma TV's aren't big enough, so their budget must have blown out BIG-TIME!!

29-03-2012, 8:46pm
Anybody want to start a pool on how long it will take the fickle folks to turn against this brand of disappointment?

Mark L
29-03-2012, 9:02pm
Oh dear, it's getting so bad I might have to start smoking (as well as mowing) weed again.
But I've concluded, no.
Bugga, my wife reckons she's not doing the mowing.

29-03-2012, 9:34pm
Last surplus delivered by a Labor Treasurer in Australia was in 1989-90. That's why he is desperate to do it.