View Full Version : Which Teleconvertor

23-03-2012, 7:39pm
I am thinking of buying a TC Teleconvertor to use in conjunction with my Nikon 70-200 f2.8 VR1. I will be using it on my D7000. I am just after everyone's thoughts on which one to get. 1.4, 1.7 or 2. Is anyone of these sharper or softer or works better with the 70-200. I'm searching for answers from the wealth of knowledge on this site:)
Cheers Steve

Lance B
23-03-2012, 10:14pm
I have all 3 TC's, the 1.4x TCII, 1.7x TCII and the 2x TCIII and I use them on my 70-200 f2.8 VRII, 300 f2.8 VRII and have only used the 1.4x TCII and 1.7 x TCII on my 500 f4 VR.

Firstly, there is little difference between the 70-200 f2.8 VRII and the 70-200 f2.8 VRI so I am sure that what I say that applies for my 70-200 f2.8 VRII would apply almost equally to your 70-200 f2.8 VRI.

Using the 1.4x TCII on the 70-200 f2.8 VRII The 1.4x TCII has little effect on IQ, AF speed or VR performance. You end up with a 98-280mm f4 with excellent IQ, fast AF and VR. Here are some samples using the 1.4x TCII on my 70-200 f2.8 VRII with either the D700:





Crop of above:

I have never used the 70-200 f2.8 with the 1.7x TCII as I obtained the 1.7x TCII at a much later date, however, having used it on my 300 f2.8 VRII, IQ and AF speed was no better than my 2x TCIII, so, I feel there is no reason to get the 1.7x TCII over the 2x TCIII other than there is a small aperture advantage of f4.8 over f5.6 which is neither here nor there. The thing to remember is that when using TC's it is best to stop down a stop from wide open to achieve best IQ. At close focusing distances the IQ from all of the TC's is exceptional, especially from the 1.4x TC as there is little IQ drop but with the 1.7x TCII and the 2x TCIII does exhibit more of an IQ drop, but it is still marginal. However, IQ will drop off more at longer focus distances, say over 30mts and is more noticeable with the 1.7x and 2x TC's.

Personally, I wouldn't bother with the 1.7x TCII and just get the 2x TCIII (not the 2x TCII). The 2x TCIII is the only TC on the market with an aspherical element! Here are some samples of the 2x TCIII from my D700 or D7000:

This is wide open at f5.6:


Crop of above:






An important factor to consider is correct techinque for getting the best out of the combo of the 70-200 f2.8 + 2x TCIII.

24-03-2012, 7:22am
Thanks Lance, Great input. TC2 III it is :)

24-03-2012, 9:54pm
I have used the 1.7 on my 70-200VR1/D300 combo extensively and it is good but not fantastic. You need to stop down 2/3 stop for acceptable sharpness, AF is less responsive but still good, and it does have an unusual (rough) rendering of backgrounds/bokeh. I would try the TC2 III before you buy just to be on the safe side. Lance's examples look great but from all reports the 70-200VR2 is a noticeable step up in IQ and AF compared to the V1, so I doubt it will match the V2 results.


26-03-2012, 4:55pm
I think you need more than 1.
eg I have a 2x but in the case where I don't need 2x I've lost my f/ and am using the 70mm end.
if I had a 1.4 it woulda been perfect