View Full Version : Beach, Portrait, Picnic, Sunset, Light Painting, Something Different - Sat 31 March - Little Bay

13-03-2012, 7:21pm
Greetings all, the Sydney AP photo meets have been a bit scarce lately so let's go over the top.

The meet is for Saturday 31 March at Little Bay.

I will be putting up more detail later but the idea is to have a late afternoon/twilight/night meet at Little Bay. Little Bay is a quiet beach in the Eastern Suburbs. The location is a little gem but please don't tell anyone about it as we don't want it to be inundated by people - lol.

OK, the plan is for a meet with elements that will satisfy just about everyone and a focus on having fun and experimenting.

The title says much of it - you can shoot the beach & rocks etc including the ones Christo and Jeanne-Claude wrapped up in the 1960s. Let's make this a bit surreal, let your imagination run wild.

If possible, bring along a model, bring along some props, bring along some portable lighting gear, gels, light sticks, whatever.

The meet will start in the afternoon, we will have a picnic on the beach - you will need to bring your own food and drink as there are no shops nearby, and go into the evening. The beach is not lit at night so you will need a minimum of a torch that has a few hours of battery life. If anyone has more powerful, portable general lighting such as spot lamps etc, they may come in handy too.

If you intend coming, please post your details in this thread. Families welcome.

14-03-2012, 7:08am
Bugger, i have a harbour cruise that night.. So we cannot make it

17-03-2012, 12:02am
Attending :cool:

17-03-2012, 3:25pm
I just did a model shoot there yesterday! Lovely spot :) I may or may not be able to come...will have to see if I can get my kids babysat!

18-03-2012, 8:56pm
Count me and Pete in- hopefully will be better by then lol

18-03-2012, 9:11pm
Hope so too Dan, you have been out of action way too long.

19-03-2012, 10:08am
I'm coming - should be well by then.

19-03-2012, 11:38am
I will be putting up more detail later but the idea is to have a late afternoon/twilight/night meet at Little Bay. Little Bay is a quiet beach in the Eastern Suburbs. The location is a little gem but please don't tell anyone about it as we don't want it to be inundated by people - lol..

too late ;)

this location is awesome, for a place which is very readily accessible there is heaps of positions for a whole plethora of photography, I have only ever been there for sunrise and each time came away with something quite different and having the feeling of definitely wanting to revisit.

I know this is a afternoon affair with a models but remember there is heaps of lovely rocks to work with so scope those positions out first!



I may be available that weekend pending work commitments.

19-03-2012, 12:13pm
I want to come but have something else on.

19-03-2012, 4:26pm
So far it looks like I'll be able to make it. I'll bring some strobes and remotes.

19-03-2012, 9:29pm
I have a few ideas for our model shoot and the light painting:

I am thinking with the model that I will bring along my old wedding dress and veil. We could have her standing on some rocks wearing the dress, no shoes and with a bit of a breeze up it should make the train and the veil flow in the wind for a rather dramatic look.

For the Light Painting it would be good to have a collection of lighting implements such as an old bicycle wheel wrapped with some fairy lights that run on batteries. (Unfortunately I don't own either of these so if someone has some lying around that would be great). We can spin the wheel and hopefully come up with some interesting patterns. Another thing I would like to try is some burning steel wool on the end of a rope which can be spun in a few different directions. I can grab these on my next trip to Bunnings. We can also use LED torches with gels, laser lights or luminous light sticks if anybody has any.

As Peter said, it will be a night for experimenting so if you have any ideas please don't hesitate to bring them along for a fun filled night. :action3: :jumping11:

19-03-2012, 9:48pm
Have a great time guys. Mongo will be keen to see your results.

BTW - that is some image Gerry posted !!!

19-03-2012, 10:53pm
It may be nice to have a mongo drop in for a while. Seldom heard but little seen.

20-03-2012, 7:00am
I agree Peter it would be great to see a Mongo - an added bonus for the night. :D

20-03-2012, 7:41am
Count me in for this one. I'll be spending the afternoon scouting for pretty rocks to shoot at sunset :) I'll try to help by organizing a model too.

20-03-2012, 8:15am
For the Light Painting it would be good to have a collection of lighting implements such as an old bicycle wheel wrapped with some fairy lights that run on batteries. :

I made one of these up early last year, needs some refinement but the concept is sound and can provide interesting results, if I do come I will bring the one I made up.


20-03-2012, 8:34am
That looks great Gerry - do come if you can. We are a very friendly bunch and always have a great time at our meets. :)

20-03-2012, 10:17am
I would love to come to this meet!! I would love to meet some Aper's and learn from everyones much greater expertise!Am frantically trying to organise a babysitter as hubby is on a bucks night that night!! Fingers crossed i can get one:th3:

20-03-2012, 2:33pm
Would be great to meet you too Karen. You can always bring the kids along if they are not too young - Ness (Sunset) often brings her daughter along and she has even modelled for us. :D

20-03-2012, 3:04pm
Thanks Narelle I'll keep that in mind. She is seven is that too young? I was thinking she would get bored and start pestering me to pay attention to her! When really I want to pay attention to all things photographical!!He He He:D

20-03-2012, 3:08pm
If we are doing models, starting at 5pm would be a good idea if its still daylight savings, I did this the other day at 6pm and we were really chasing the light.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7185/6842855892_b0bbe166d7_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/32965434@N05/6842855892/)
Lena (http://www.flickr.com/photos/32965434@N05/6842855892/) by ejmacleod (http://www.flickr.com/people/32965434@N05/), on Flickr

20-03-2012, 3:25pm
It may be nice to have a mongo drop in for a while. Seldom heard but little seen.

I agree Peter it would be great to see a Mongo - an added bonus for the night. :D

Sincere thanks to you both Peter and Nellie. Mongo will be OS on that date.
However, he was very humbled by your kind thought to have him there. The time for that is coming soon. In the interim, make sure you have a great time.



20-03-2012, 3:57pm
Ok, it looks like our harbour cruise date is changed, so the boss and i will be coming.
I have been working on some containers to put steel wool in and light them and twirl them ( make orbs) so i will bring those along.

If you need a plan B in case of rain, we can meet at my place and use the studio and other spaces for pics

see every one then

If Ness is coming there should be some beach cricket!!!!!

20-03-2012, 6:41pm
I know what you mean Karen - I'm lucky in that my boys are all grown up and have flown the coop. I think there will be enough happening to keep her interested on the night. Worse comes to worse we will put her to work holding a reflector or something and I wouldn't be surprised if Ness comes along with her daughter Danielle. We all look out for each other at our meets so I don't think safety will be an issue either.

I was going to order some glo sticks (6" ones with a string attached at 60c ea.) and a couple of 430cm battery operated glo sticks at $1.00 ea. online but the cost of postage (over $11) was going to be more than the cost of the items. The supplier suggested I could probably buy them at a novelty store for less so I will see what I can come up with in the next few days. :efelant:

20-03-2012, 8:33pm
I'll also see what I can come up with....still looking for a babysitter but no harm in getting organised early!! Sparklers are always fun for light painting shots! I can't provide a model unless i get stuck and have to bring my daughter!!! but I can do glow sticks and sparklers!

20-03-2012, 10:14pm
I'll hopefully be able to make it pending kids birthday parties!

21-03-2012, 6:07am
Great idea Paul (raccoon), thanks for everyone's feedback. Looks like it could prove an interesting evening.

I think we will go for a 5pm start. That leaves plenty of time for those day time things to get out of the way. I will post more info this weekend.

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21-03-2012, 1:20pm
Alas, I will be on a sail/rail day THAT very day!! Sail out of Circular Quay to Woollongong and then steam train back to Sydney!! But, have fun, and I cant wait to see the results!!

21-03-2012, 8:56pm
Sounfs like fun Bernie - maybe you can make our next meet? :)

24-03-2012, 8:16am
Yay daughter is having a sleepover at a friends house on Sat 31st so count me in for this meet! Looking forward to meeting everyone and learning a few things!!

24-03-2012, 4:04pm
It will be good to have you on board Karen

24-03-2012, 4:29pm
Details for next Saturday,

The starting time is 5pm; there is no car park for the beach at Little Bay so it is street parking only although there may be parking available at the nearby community centre (but don’t use car park for The Chapel). It shouldn’t be much of a problem as few people use the beach. The closest spot is Murra Murra Place, Little Bay, but you can also park in Lister Ave or Pine Ave. Note the beach is only about 500m from Anzac Parade.

We will meet on the beach. There is a path from Murra Murra Pl that heads to the top of the stairs that go down to the beach. The path is less than 100m long and as long as you don’t find yourself on a golf course, you cannot miss it.

There is a toilet/change room and water available part way down the stairs but I don’t know if these get locked at night. There are no other facilities and the beach is not lit so a torch is essential.

Bring your own food and drink and maybe something to sit on.

See you there.

26-03-2012, 9:37pm
Hey guess what!? I'm piking again.
I have a 2 day course on at artarmon this weekend.
It's a portrait and wedding photography thing so I'm a bit excited.
Lol will see u all next time.. I think

27-03-2012, 7:20pm
I've got a load of glow sticks and sparklers to share and I'm putting together some kit for doing those steel wool spinning photos that Narelle mentioned! Looking forward to Sat night, having some photographic fun and meeting everyone!:)

27-03-2012, 8:11pm
Fantastic ktoopi.

29-03-2012, 12:43pm
Looks like the "model" I was brining has fallen through due to a baby sitting failure! :(

Anyway, looking forward to the evening.



29-03-2012, 4:11pm
aw....and I just finished washing my wedding dress. Looking at the waistline, I can't believe I was ever than thin! :eek:

29-03-2012, 4:43pm
aw....and I just finished washing my wedding dress. Looking at the waistline, I can't believe I was ever than thin! :eek:
You are still beautiful to me Narelle

29-03-2012, 6:37pm
Oh..thanks Paul. Great to have you as a friend - you say the nicest things. :D

30-03-2012, 8:49am
Just a thought - it might be a good idea to wear darker clothes for the light painting so we blend into the background a bit more?

30-03-2012, 11:25am
A good idea.

30-03-2012, 11:45am
Also might be good to bring a hat or a jumper with a hoodie for steel wool spinning..... we don't want anyones hair to catch on fire now!! I'll bring a fire extinguisher just in case.....:eek:

30-03-2012, 2:29pm
Another good idea Karen!

I just went and bought a Fairy Wand glow stick. So........which of you guys (meaning the male of the species) wants to dress up as the fairy? :D

30-03-2012, 2:47pm

30-03-2012, 3:37pm
O haven't got any hair!

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30-03-2012, 3:39pm
Another good idea Karen!

I just went and bought a Fairy Wand glow stick. So........which of you guys (meaning the male of the species) wants to dress up as the fairy? :D


If I can fit in your wedding dress I may as well use the wand but I ain't no fairy.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

30-03-2012, 4:49pm
Your safe Pete - you won't fit into my wedding dress!

30-03-2012, 5:14pm
Looks like we're going to have a fun evening without a model. My little model will be at a birthday party so she can't help us :)

30-03-2012, 11:52pm
We could always make things interesting and have one of the blokes pop on the wedding dress :D

I'll be there a bit earlier to scope out possible sunset locations so will see everyone there!

31-03-2012, 8:03am
lay-z - that would be interesting.:eek: I'll bring the dress any way.....you never know.

Here's the line up for who's attending tonight:

Peter (peterb666), Jo (Silkdiver), Greg (Darey), lay-z, Karen (ktoopi), Ness (sunset), Paul and Lyn (Raccoon and partner), Narelle (NikonNellie), ? Emma (triptych), ? Gerry.

It's foggy at my place at the moment - always a good sign that it's going to be a nice sunny day. See you all around 5pm. :)

31-03-2012, 10:38am
aeroguard may be needed,

31-03-2012, 10:11pm
Great catching up with everyone and I had a blast! Hope noone got caught up in traffic on the way home with the footy.

A quick one before I go to bed:


16-35mm at 19mm
ISO 100
4 Seconds at f/16
3 stop nd
3 stop reverse gnd.
Processed in LR3 because photoshop is too fidly at this hour of the night.

31-03-2012, 10:45pm
Hi Alan. Good to see you too. Great photo. No no problem with traffic on way home but I didn't get in until 11pm! Zzzzzzzzzz

01-04-2012, 12:12pm
I had a fantastic time last night guys - I loved that we could do any number of genres and the great company of course! you can see my pics here:
Landscapes - http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?102249-Landscapes-from-little-bay-meet
Portraits - http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?102244-Portraits-from-little-bay-meet
Light Painting - http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?102257-LIGHT-and-STEELWOOL-PAINTING-FROM-LITTLE-BAY-MEET

Alan - I really like your landscape and how you managed to capture some colour in the sky that none of us bothered with. :)

01-04-2012, 10:20pm
Hi Guys, what a shame I missed out on this one. I am relevantly new to AP and have not made a habit of monitoring the meets thread. Sounds like it was a good event with some nice photos. Look forward to seeing more of them and perhaps getting involved with the next meet.

02-04-2012, 6:50am
Shame you couldn't make it Carmine - the more the merrier.:D We try to hold a meet about once a month if we can but that's not always possible. Sometimes we get really organised and plan ahead and post the dtes in the NSW CALENDAR here:
http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/calendar.php?calendarid=1 then go to the CALENDAR PICKER on the top right hand side of the page.
Hope to meet you soon. :)

02-04-2012, 8:22am
Looks like a good arvo and evening, great to see some images from the event.

02-04-2012, 10:56pm
Look forward to it Nellie.

Thanks for the heads up on the calendar.


23-04-2012, 8:36pm
Hey were any of you guys down at Little Bay on the 15th April for sunrise?

23-04-2012, 9:57pm
I know I wasn't there but peterb666 could have been - it's one of his favourite places for shoots.

24-04-2012, 2:26pm
No, having breakfast with a friend in Abbotsford.