View Full Version : Exhibition: Royal Derwent & Willow Court, abandoned hospital

13-03-2012, 12:41pm
Hi all,

I have an exhibition up at the moment in Rosny that some of you might be interested in.

It's a collection of images I've taken over 6 years since 2006 of the RDH & WC complex in New Norfolk.

Please see the attached image for details.

Any feedback is welcome too. Enjoy! :)


19-03-2012, 2:15pm
Hi Claire,

I took some photos there a few years ago too.
Lovely old buildings, but the relics inside the buildings were quite depressing, when you imagined what it must have been like to have worked - or been a patient there.

where is the exhibition?

Edit: DUH - just saw the location and times of the exhibition on the poster!

Eric G.

20-03-2012, 10:58am
Hi Claire.
Only saw this post a while ago, not much time left to see it, but will try to get there. Have also put my photos of the site up here.
Which building was this photo from?

30-03-2012, 6:15pm
HI Scott, I hope you got to see the show.
The image above is from the ladies Cottage or J Ward. I've heard it has now been bought and is being renovated.
I had a look at some of your photos too - some great shots there :th3:

30-03-2012, 8:21pm
Hi Claire,
I did get to see your exhibition. Skipped over the river on the Friday for a quick look during lunch. I really liked some of your photos too, and must admit, took a couple photos of a couple of yours (with a very poor quality phone cam) for some ideas too.
I'm glad some of the buildings are being redeveloped. Good and bad in that of course though, and more and more are slowly being destroyed by vandals :(
Thanks for your appreciation too :)
This Sunday afternoon I'll be back up there. I believe the Industrial Therapy building will be open this time. I've also organised, as long as it's not too busy, to be let into the women's max building. (Not sure what block/building name that is.)
It's a very emotional and compelling site, definitely worth a visit for those who can make it.