View Full Version : Moving from 5D MKII to 1Ds MKII, worth the move?

12-03-2012, 6:03pm
Hey guys considering a move from the 5D MKII to the 1Ds MKIII but not sure if its worth it. I'd mainly be using it for Landscape with hopefully a bit of Portraiture thrown in. The 1Ds is around 4 years old with low shutter count, so I'd have to sell my beloved 5D and lay out some cash for the upgrade.
What do you guys think?

JM Tran
12-03-2012, 6:09pm
in a nutshell reply from me - if you are a working pro - yes there are much needed features and well worth the swap. For amateurs alike, not really, 5D2 still does a good job with most things.

12-03-2012, 6:38pm
Jackie's got it in a nutshell.

If you're a hobbyist, I cannot see much point in going to all of that trouble and expense to upgrade to a camera which has a featureset you don't really need, and which won't make you a better photographer.

12-03-2012, 7:38pm
Hey guys considering a move from the 5D MKII to the 1Ds MKIII but not sure if its worth it. I'd mainly be using it for Landscape with hopefully a bit of Portraiture thrown in. The 1Ds is around 4 years old with low shutter count, so I'd have to sell my beloved 5D and lay out some cash for the upgrade.
What do you guys think?

Your title says 1ds2 and then you refer to the 1ds3. Which camera are you moving to?


12-03-2012, 7:57pm
Sorry 1Ds MKIII duh my bad!

17-03-2012, 9:10pm
I recently bought a 1Ds3 because Ted's were selling 'remarketed' ones with full Canon warranties at $4,000. Since then, I have hardly touched my 5D2. The 1Ds, while not being much better in the way of IQ, is much better at handling and focus. These are serious advantages for me. The other thing I have noticed is that the 1Ds seems better at driving slow AF lenses such as the 85L and 50L. All in all, I think it has been a terrific move for me, but it depends what you might have to pay.