View Full Version : Townsville Enterprise photo comp T&C

08-03-2012, 2:45pm
Just wanted some thoughts on this one.

Townsville Enterprise are currently running a photo comp.


Terms & conditions, while not as insidious as some competitions we've seen recently where you almost have to sell your soul with the photo, they do include the following;

Townsville Enterprise and its members reserve the right to feature the submitted photographs in the organisations collateral, publications, on its website or in media campaigns for the promotion of the Townsville region. Townsville enterprise and members will include the entrant’s names to acknowledge photographs where possible.

The way I read it, the photographer is not relinquishing any IP rights on the image itself, but one does end up with the image being freely used any TE & members indefinitely.
Their goal is.... We want to see what you see, the ‘real’ Townsville Region .
While I guess you might get some fresher & more natural images than the usual staged tourism photos, they are still obviously getting a pile of images from people they can use indefinitely for the cost of a few grand in prizes.

While it is very tempting for getting my photos more local exposure, I'm not sure I'm fully comfortable with their unrestricted use of the images, especially given you may not even get credit (...acknowledge where possible??....). And if you read their annual report, there are almost 400 'members' that are mostly local businesses that can use your photos indefinitely.
But careful checking sees some of these members are the likes of Stockland, ANZ, Shell, Skilled, Castlemaine Perkins etc....

The more I look into it, the more uncomfortable I become...

What do you think?

Dark Mist
09-03-2012, 12:25am
It's unlikely that your images would be used beyond local promotion since stockland etc would just commission some photos if they want them and gouge the photographer on pricing. Your biggest danger is having your image used without recognition on posters and other promotions.

Of course, the bigger issue is that by entering you are giving tacit support of these unfair conditions and helping the continued spread of these rubbish competitions and the devaluation of photographer's skills and rights. In the end it's a matter for your conscience. Boycott this and everything like it I say.

10-03-2012, 6:46am
Yet another example of a competition organizer trying to gain images for marketing, at no cost. And the fact that they've said that they'll credit you 'where possible' says to me that this will never happen :) and did I read correctly that other businesses in the area can use the images also?? Sounds like a good way to send the local professional flat broke... I wouldn't support this comp if it were me, but that's just me

10-03-2012, 8:04am
I look at it this way... We, who take the time to do some researching and buying good gear for our hobby/profession of photography. Rarely enter such comps (I know I don't)
But how many out there with their point and shoot, or decent cameras in point and shoot mode, would even look at the T&C's. They don't.
As for getting local exposure.... I don't think this is the right medium for it anyway.

You would be better off if you framed half a dozen decent images, and set up a stall at the local market. You might not sell any. But people will stop and talk and ask questions. Walk around local events with your flash camera, and see how many ask if you are taking photo's for the local paper. Both this and the market gives you opportunitynity to show your professionalism (Hobbist or Pro)
and to hand out a few cards to those interested. Far more local exposure than entering some competition.

10-03-2012, 2:32pm
Yep, decided to boycott this one.
I'm tempted to even e-mail them a link to a photo gallery of mine with relevant pics & let them know they are welcome to buy the ones they like!

Geoff, thanks for the ideas. I have the market stall thing on my list to do one day when I have the time to get a good selection of framed prints & canvases done. We get cruise ships through here on occasions - that would be the ideal market - people wanting a pictorial reminder of their trip and happy to pay for the right print.

10-03-2012, 6:26pm
Truly, is there a competition that DOESN'T have this sort of T&C?

Every single one that I've seen has used varying forms of legalese to say "we now own what you submit".

10-03-2012, 7:54pm
I get emails all the time from 'organisations' asking me to either post about their competition, or let them do so. I think I can count on one hand the competitions that I have posted about. Mostly they contain clauses like this. The most recent one was from a Bank. and their clause was worded that the Bank could use any entered photo for advertising or promotional material, and they would attempt to ensure the photo remained true to the photographer's intent, but they would not be acknowledging the photographer in any way.

I think the big thing was not only their right to use the photo, but it could be ANY photo entered to the competition, not just the winners.

Needless to say, I replied asking if seeing as they wanted photos to use for free, would they offer me a free home loan. No reply...hehehe.

Mark L
10-03-2012, 8:18pm
I'm tempted to even e-mail them a link to a photo gallery of mine with relevant pics & let them know they are welcome to buy the ones they like!

Sounds like a plan, and you just never know.

Jeez, I kinda don't get it. Why can't these large companies that do these comps. just pay a decent amount for photos? In the scheme of things the cost to them would be bugger all, or less.
It might be a good promo (and publicity) for them to run a comp., but if they want serious images, don't they have the initiative to employ a pro and say "this is what we want, go and do it for us." No, what advertising agency are we using this week. Nah, lest run a comp. and see what we can come up with ourselves.

10-03-2012, 8:30pm
I guess you could enter the comp and have a bloody big watermark on every photo!

10-03-2012, 11:04pm
That's a great idea Benny.

Heres one I could use !!:D:D:D:D
Watermark, what watermark..???


11-03-2012, 12:25am
oops, double post

11-03-2012, 5:20am
That's a winner fur cher :lol: :wd: